A message to Denuvians

In our weakest moment the flame lives on. Beneath the ashes of our DRM a spark survives

You pirates asked for it - get ready for 128 bit denuvo and a constant 20fps loss


minimum game requirements will skyrocket now


Whatever faggot.

Has anyone actually had trouble playing a game with denuvo?

It's like the least intrusive DRM. People getting all high and mighty for cracking it like it killed their parents or something.

It literally comes down to muh shekels I'm poor! And the game gets cracked sooner or later anyway. And the shit from the crack gets patched as well. Just be patient.
On the other hand I love pirating games and then buying them when I like them

Good for you man.
But that didn't really answer my question.

Is there actually any problems running a game with Denuvo to warrant people sperging over every little crack they get?

>no one cracked Warhammer yet

Oh my bad I'm really stoned. Not as far as I know performance wise the games still run really good. Doom is great on Vulcan and Prey ran smooth too

>constant 20fps loss

Doesn't happen?

>Is there actually any problems running a game with Denuvo to warrant people sperging over every little crack they get?

No. It's not like SecuROM which could cause legitimate hardware problems.

>Denuvo don't affect CPU
>developer remove Denuvo and frame rate improves
What did DRM fags mean by this?

It doesn't affect your CPU unless you're using a bottom minimum to run the game in which case any change will be noticeable.

>dat feel when you can't even trust minimal requirements anymore because they're inflated

Besides the obvious Bethesda Quality Assurance related bugs that plague every Bethesda related game.

It'll only cost us twice what we would normally pay for Mr.Denuvo's protection! What a steal!

>Is there actually any problems running a game with Denuvo
Yes. It uses CPU and internet authentication DURING gameplay
Proof? see pic

I hate how Bethesda gets a pass on that for some reason.

Their a triple A developer/publisher. Every other triple A developer/publisher would get some slack for their shit too.

>DRM slowing down games is good as long as I have a high end card
what did stamcucks mean by this?
Also Origin writes a lot of data in your hard drive during gameplay that is related to denuvo encryption

Read the explanation in pic carefully: "Denuvo is not DRM, it PROTECTS DRM services such as Steam..."

This is a lie.
Why? because steam don't use CPU encryption in games they don't publish.

Dragon age inquisition is also a EA Origin game and always online in the first place.

I don't get it, what's with all the hatred for Denuvo? Is it just poorfag third worlders or does it actually affect game performance or something?

If Denuvo only protects "Other DRM services" why both Origin and Steam write data during gameplay if they don't use CPU encryption?

it always boils down to poorfags
>people complained about denuvo in game
>dev removes denuvo
>people still complaine about some bullshit

I dunno. I was only talking about that specific game.
Your proof of "CPU and internet authentication during gameplay" could easily just be Origin's usual shitty client as well a EA's always online Jew magic they put into all their games.

I can't tell you about steam. nobody as really showed anything that points to it being 100% denuvo causing it.

The thing is Denuvo is a obscure company. The servers are located in Austria and Germany, the two most intrusive and abusive countries when it comes to digital data.
If you caught them spying on you the law protects companies and no judge will ever hear you.
If Denuvo protects steam DRM messing with CPU and hdd it's even worse because steam clearly states Steam client is not DRM.

>because steam don't use CPU encryption in games they don't publish
the game developer however, does? how hard was that to think of?

So you don't know. Just making speculation and calling it fact.

Steamcucks accept everything, from early access DLC to 39,99 unfinished indies.

p-please h-help gaben has a gun to my head and is f-forcing me to buy the clearly bad g-games on steam


It's the latest in a long line of very stupid decisions to "combat" piracy.

Almost all of these Denuvo releases have been absolutely DESTROYED sales wise by previous titles in the series, and the only Denuvo game to get any real threads here was Nier, because it was highly anticipated as a non-mainstream title.

No piracy means no word of mouth, so the huge amount of free advertising disappears. Not only that, but plenty of the kids who would have otherwise pirated it wind up just watching a streamer or some guy on Youtube play it, because DRM doesn't apply to recordings.

the baitiest of baits

That's the time period right before the dinosaurs right?

>PC retards justifying Denuvo to feel less guilty about paying 500 bucks for overpriced Nvidia card

>the mental gymnastics poorfags concoct to justify their crimes

No problem here. Only denuvo game that had problems for me was lord of the fallen.

Syberia 3 took over a minute to load and the menus ran at like 5 FPS. The cracked version loaded instantly and the menus ran at 60FPS

>Prey is so damn irrelevant it doesn't even get threads once it's cracked
Good god, I can't remember the last time any AAA release was this low key. I wouldn't even know if I didn't check because of this thread. Now to confirm this board has never played a LGS game and just name drops them for gaymur cred.

>n-not a problem!
even Xbots didn't want Steam-like policies in 2013. You PC gamers eat every crap, that's why Gaben treats you like a filthy animal.

It's a basic fact that all these Denuvo releases have massively underperformed with the exception of Nier.

Stopping piracy is just an easy way to ensure nobody is talking about your game in 2 days. The gain in sales from would-be pirates is nothing compared to the loss of sales from normies who don't see anything about a new game online, so they don't bother picking it up.


but do you have any proof? you sound like a poor fag with a shit card to be quite honest.

Who cares I pirate my shit anyway

Find proof yourself. I don't give a shit if you believe me.

>b-but i-it's not m-my c-config

well no one gives a fuck about sci-fi after andromeda....and no one gives a fuck about horror after Res Evil 7

both themes exhausted

Has anyone benchmarked a game with denuvo enabled and with denuvo disabled? I'd be interested to see that.

no, never. not in the years its been out, with the litany of multiple games that have been cracked. this 5 minute test with completely free software has never once been done, despite this being an incredibly hot topic and this simple test blowing the fuck out of denuvo once and for all

for some reason