Tfw you spent years defending the Final Fantasy games but now have realized the all the modern FF games after 10 are...

>Tfw you spent years defending the Final Fantasy games but now have realized the all the modern FF games after 10 are shit and indefensible and finally accept the truth.
>That sense of relief when you can finally move onto to far superior series like Dragon Quest, SMT,Atelier and Neptunia and not look back.

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But that's wrong.

it's best this way

>tfw you like both modern FF and several lesser known JRPGs


Being serious, are you shitposting or just stupid?

You almost had credibility

but THOSE games are the bad ones? whaaaaa-

oh i see, i've been shitposted on

>tfw make up a bs op and lie my ass off just to say that fatlus shit is good in any way

its a shitty jrpg but can be fun with some itself parody dialogues; and that is the purpose of that low budget meme-rpgs. What i cannot acept is that retards like op claims that neptunia is something more than condensed shit

>tfw loved all the FF games from 4 to 10
>looking back only final fantasy tactics had good battle system

nigger, ff 3 is one of the best ff. Please do yourself a favor and play it

>X better than XII
>superior series like Neptunia and Atelier
Kys yourself senpai

I have even more bad news. 10 is shit. So is 9 kind of. 8 is fucking horrible. 7 is literally lego me on top of a jpg background. 4 is garbage. I've never really played 1-3 but I'm gonna take a wild guess and say they are shit to.

>baby's first self aware ironic "lol I play animu girl games, I'm such a weeb rite guyz XD" trash

No he is right the decline started with 10 after that its all downhill even 10 itself was the first sign of decline.



>Best combat
>Best summons
>Best story
>Best end game content

How was it a failure?


Good for you ts. next step is to realize that the ps1 titles really aren't that great either.



final fantasy games are fun and i like them
except 2, which i'm comfortable calling the worst one

It's more like 10 was shit, 12 was back on right track but needed more time in the oven, 13 was what happens if you remove everything that is good about FF games, and 15 was a trashfire that didn't even resemble an FF game in any way.

>Final fantasy is shit so I'm going to move to dragon quest
That's like moving from a swamp into a ghetto. Modern dq is garbage.

was this supposed to be funny?

>Best combat
>Best summons
>Best story
>Best end game content

It's funny because the next game in the series did all of this way better than X

Unless you're talking about the MMO, even I will admit XII summons are dogshit. The battles to get them are hype af tho.

Last time I checked, XI comes after X and X-2 doesn't exist.

>Tfw you spent years defending the Final Fantasy games but now have realized the all the modern FF games after 10 are shit

This is where I stopped reading.

if any part of you liked ffx your brain is broken

>all the modern FF games after 10 are shit and indefensible and finally accept the truth

Well yeah, even most FF fans realised this for years. When Sakaguchi left it was all over for this franchise.

And lmaoing @ neptunia. Get better standards than bottom of the barrel weebshit.

Say what you will about FF10 but it the battle system was good.

All Final Fantasy games after 6 are shit! SHIT!

DQ, Atelier, and Neptunia are all shit when compared to Final Fantasy.

You can't really compare a MMO with a singleplayer game. The former is far more expensive to keep new content coming.

Ooh! I want to be cool too!

Boy Final Fantasy sucks. I sure am glad I realize that now. Please pay attention to me so I feel I'm validated for hating a video game. My life is so pathetic that I am entirely dictated by a horrible taste in video games. It really is about ethics!

I don't care how much attention it gets. FFXI has better combat, story, endgame and summons than X and that's the bottom line.

6 was shit too. People always bitch about Cloud and Squall being "emo" but Terra was a thousand times worse. At least Cloud and Squall actually develop as characters and grow out of their emo phase, Terra on the other hand stays the exact same mopey piece of shit from beginning to end.

Oops sorry, I forgot I mustn't go against the internet hivemind and criticize the sacred cow that is FFVI.

>Implying FF was ever good
The only good FF was FFI, all the rest is trash save II which despite being plagued by a lot of balancing issues and oversights spawned an actually amazing series.

1's decent, but not spectacular. 2 was originally busted, but the PSP remake made it a pretty solid SaGa spinoff. 3 is the blandest RPG ever created.

The series is about half hit, half miss.

if you blur your vision and look at the thumb, that image looks like a really thicc anime

>Modern DQ is garbage
There's only been one modern DQ game, and it's an MMO we can't play.

9 sucked, but the rest of the games (sans 2 and 6) are fine.

>best ff
>great ff
>eh ff
>wait until its fully done ff

>this post