Games that respect the players intelligence


But does it feature Dante from the Devil May Cry series?


>smt players

more like "games that over estimates the playerbase's intelligence"

right now im on the highway and that fucking biker dude rekt my shit 2 times in a row

doesnt help that he get's 2 turns that literally demolish all my team's hp, preventing any chance at recovery
what was that item that reflects all physical damage again?
also i like it better when i figure out a strategy in the midst of a battle not after i've died a mirrion times

Try to do the pyro jack puzzle being a brainlet

I dare you, only the chosen elites can finish it

Yeah, everyone knows putting INT into the player character is a waste.

>turn-based combat
>durr heal when low on hp, use weakness

It's literally Pokemon for pretentious hipsters

You can eat up his turns by maxing out your evasion using Sukunda because he doesn't have any way of getting rid of your buffs, he can only get rid of his debuffs. Bringing something that nullifies fire and something that nulls force also helps.

>Puzzle Boy

Was it really necessary to have 20 stages of this?

you know not every enemy has weaknesses.

oh shit, i meant use Sukukaja to buff yourself. Sukunda was the debuff version.



maybe because they're both rpg games?


Silent Hill 2 and 3 with puzzles set on hard.

Fuck you Shakespeare, not reading your shit ever

bad bait

worse bait

>It's literally Pokemon for pretentious hipsters

except Pokemon doesn't put people to sleep because of how boring it is


don't make me laugh

I love SMT but Nocturne fags are as cancerous as Persona 4 babies and need to be bullied whenever you see them.

Fuck off Sleepy Journey fag, your game is not even fucking mainline and has shit gameplay.

Nocturne puts shit like the witcher and morrowind quests and dungeons in the fucking trash. There's not even a journal.

die degenerate Journey fag

>Plebs still think Nocturne isn't complete dogshit

Let's compare Nocturne to what most people say is the best RPG ever made: Deus Ex.

Nocturne requires you to fight very single damn thing including the shitty bosses. Deus Ex doesn't requires any violence, allowing you to play the game at your own pace.

Deus Ex gives you freedom of choice in every regard, ranging from story choices to how you navigate the levels. Nocturne gives you the former, but not the latter since you have to follow a predetermined path.

Expanding on this, Deus Ex also has multiple solutions to every problem, meaning that no two playthroughs are the same. Nocturne may allow for more freedom than most JRPGs (i.e talking to demons), but it still has the potential to be as linear as it's contemporaries.

Let's look at obtaining the pass from the collector in the sewers just before the Matador fight for example. In order to obtain the pass you need so the guard at the gate will let you through, you need to get it from the collector. He'll give you it if you help him find a 1 Yen bill. Obtaining this bill requires you to break into the back room of a bar and steal it.

The problem with this is that this is the only method to get past the gate. I'm the fucking Demi-Fiend, so why can't I just beat the shit out of the gate guard or collector so I can get what I want? Why can't I buy the one yen bill from the bar owner for a reasonable price? Why can't I find a fake bill to give the collector?

Deus Ex, and most other RPGs, would let you do these things because an RPG is about player expression. Nocturne's single approach however, is just this: linear, contrived bullshit.

Awwww, i liked persona 4

>Deus EX
>QTE Takedowns

Reminder SC will always be better than Deus Trash

You seem to be mistaken, it's not the games that need to be disrespected, it's the faggots that came and stayed thanks to them.

Comparing entirely different games that have no right to be compared is obviously gonna highlight some key differences.

>Comparing two different types of games

Deus Ex has shit gameplay, Nocturne has good gameplay.

Deus Ex has shitty handholding and is easy as fuck, Nocturne drops you in the world without a journal so you can't even look up quests and is hard as fuck.

Deus Ex has terrible and generic sci-fi pulp story, visual and voice acting, Nocturne has beautiful aesthetics and a very surreal and original story, free of genre fiction.

Deus Ex has fake choice where nothing you do matters, Nocturne has real choice with hard decisions and consequences.

He can purge buffs with the AOE force spell even if it's nulled ot absorbed


This is ancient bait, motherfuckers. Are you all hungry or just retarded?


Oh shit, my bad. Having demons that nullify one or the other is the best option then.

Not him but
>Deus Ex has handholding
>Is generic

Deus Ex is generic sci-fi genreshit and anyone who ever read a book knows that, and compared to Nocturne Deus Ex handholds you the whole game.

Should I play Nocturne or DDS first, I bought both.

>Let's compare Nocturne to what most people say is the best RPG ever made: Deus Ex.
stopped reading there.

DDS so you know how skills and the mechanics work. Nocturne's description is pretty shit

>the players intelligence


That's patently false.

It may be generic in terms of literature but it still does fine as a video game, two different types of entertainment. Also, how the fuck does it handhold you?

The way the levels are designed for you to never miss a altenative way of doing something. This also makes the game very easy, as you have to balance it for every character and also the AI being just trash. And the clear goals compared to nocturne.

That's not what handholding is.