"I fight for the men I've held in my arms, dying on foreign soil! I fight for their wives and children...

>"I fight for the men I've held in my arms, dying on foreign soil! I fight for their wives and children, whose names I heard whispered in their last breath. I fight for we few who did come home, only to find our country full of strangers wearing familiar faces. I fight for my people impoverished to pay the debts of an Empire too weak to rule them, yet brands them criminals for wanting to rule themselves! I fight so that all the fighting I've already done hasn't been for nothing! I fight... because I must."
Why Ulfric Stormcloak is so fucking Kino?

Other urls found in this thread:


Skyrim is a shit game.

But ulfric is an ugly retard?
Cast latsbrah instead

This. Oh I cant wait to walk to another snow covered mountain and go down the same looking dungeon with the same 2 enemy types again damn look at these dope graphics

Just like every Bethesda rpg you need mods to make it enjoyable and to prevent crashes.

>(((Talmor's agent)))

I modded the fuck out of Skyrim and it was awesome.
I added multiple weapons and armor packs. People would wear cloaks. Added more monsters and creatures. Random battles would break out in various parts of town. Werebears. I made the lighting not come from random things, it was actually dark as fuck in a cave. Improved magic with new spells. Swearing mudcrabs which was amusing. For some reason a laugh track whenever you break a lockpick that actually starts to enrage you.

The world would be a better place if you were skinned alive. Go back to Sup Forums you fucking child.

shitty casting in your pic, should be someone older with dark hair

>Swearing mudcrabs which was amusing
Tourette's Guy mod? Had a lot of fun with that one.

The one's I use are the Knightly Armory, some lightsaber one, WH40k weapons and armor, a mod that let's you wear a ring on your left hand because why was that removed from Oblivion, Midas Magic, Sounds of Skyrim, Towns and Villages Enhanced and a whole grab bag of anti-crash, unofficial patches, and performance tweaks.

Real sick of Bethesda's ''Modders will fix it" attitude though.

He's literally a Thalmor plant.

Just cast the guy who voiced Ulfric Stormcloak. He was the main dude (not Antonio Banderas) from 13th Warrior.

>I was permitted to work for many years of my life under the greatest son whom my people has brought forth in its thousand year history. Even if I could, I would not want to erase this period of time from my existence. I am happy to know that I have done my duty, to my people, my duty as a Nord, as a Stormcloak, as a loyal follower of my King. I do not regret anything. If I were to begin all over again, I would act just as I have acted, even if I knew that in the end I should meet a fiery death at the stake. No matter what human beings may do, I shall some day stand before the judgment seat of the Eternal. I shall answer to Him, and I know He will judge me innocent.

I tear up every time.

>Childhood is idolizing the rebellious Ulfric.
>Adulthood is realizing that the Empire cannot survive against the Thalmor without Skyrim.

>What if I surrender?
>The empire I remember, never surrenders
10/10 Kino, Tulius is a surrender monkey faggot just like the whole empire.

>Ascendance is realizing the weak Empire must be done away with to defeat the Thalmor

It's a great photography simulator though!

>have the game since launch
>200+ hours in
>still haven't beat the main storyline because I get too distracted by modding and adding shit
Why am I like this

>spend your entire life modding a game
>don't even play it, just mash print screen button

That's how photography simulators are played, user

He was also in Vikings youtube.com/watch?v=iqB5m2rGjqw

Death to the stormcloaks

Guild quests are shit too. Especially when you compare them to their Oblivion counterparts. Literally have to mod every single aspect of the game to enjoy it. Soundtrack is good at least.

Skyrim is just overall a weaker more casualized TES experience. It's sad that Oblivion actually seems good compared to Skyrim because of how much I hated Oblivion compared to Morrowind.

>Skyrim doesn't belong to you Ulfric!
>No, but I belong to her.

the mod where they expand the civil war using a lot of the files and scripts that were cut from the final game is pretty kino

bethesda should have scrapped the shitty dragons story line which only succeeded in making the dragons completely unmemorable and meaningless (dragons should have been a late game once in a blue moon encounter) and focused entirely on the civil war/thalmor resistance subplot

I turn dragons off if I play now.

What Civil war overhaul mod is that? The one that you can actually siege imperial/stormcloak controlled holds instead of taking over shitty forts?

>bethesda should have scrapped the shitty dragons story line which only succeeded in making the dragons completely unmemorable and meaningless (dragons should have been a late game once in a blue moon encounter) and focused entirely on the civil war/thalmor resistance subplot
Agreed, would have made the dragon fights seem more epic

>I turn dragons off if I play now.
I use a few mods to make them tougher/smarter, drop better loot, and dragon blood can be used to give yourself a perk point. Makes the fights actually interesting and dire for me with a proper incentive to go for them as well.

you mean stock character with no depth?

Yeah all of the battles are actually in holds and the jarl will surrender at the end. The enemy variety is increased as well as the number in each battle. The stormcloaks recruit giants to their cause and the Imperial forces have a lot of new units as well. It's also possible to lose battles and be forced to retake holds and your margin of victory or defeat in previous battles is taken into account.

Isn't that mod buggy shit and got deleted on nexus?

What exactly do you expect in a RPG?

It's buggy if you have a lot of other mods which affect scripts. I've had very few problems with it and all of them were solved by disabling something else.

>Waa waa this 6 year old game is garbage

You enjoyed it on your first playthrough and you fucking know it

I played through vanilla Oblivion many times and have yet to finish vanilla Skyrim or the main quest line at all and I've put many hours into modded Skyrim as well. As soulless as Oblivion could feel at times Skyrim was infinitely worse in this regard. But that's just my opinion.

Fuck off back to Sup Forums.

>focused on thalmor resistance
now that's a game I would play

all hail the empire

>plays the age card
>all out grimdark hyperbolic dehumanization that only perpetually angry teenagers spout

Define me some fucking irony.

Your opinion is 100% correct. For as heavily flawed as oblivion was, at least the dungeons and guild quests had depth to them and the world seemed varied instead of a bunch of snowy mountains.

says the guy who logged 300 hrs onto it

Ulfric was cringe as fuck

superior vidyashit coming through
>"What is your purpose here, Arisen? If you sought to live you had naught but run and hide yourself away. But then, tell me, child of man... what does it mean to live in truth? To wage war against the passing days? To pray to the unseen for a few breaths more? To raise grand cities from stone, and spawn new life in turn? Mankind has done this, yes, and more. But is the tapestry you weave truly of your own design?"

Is it wrong that I read it in ME Reaper voice?

Yeah. Grigori's voice is more that of a wise old man, while Soverign has a metalic and sinister voice.

what game is this anyway?

dragons dogma

Stormcloaks are SNP

will I like it if I don't generally appreciate weeb shit?

the pawn system pshes a lot of people away I've heard

how is the story and characterization?

both are good, but going into details would spoil it
get dark arisen too if you plan on buying, bitterblack isle is arguably better than the main game

Shit game, fantastic porn simulator

actually was thinking about pirating atm
I long for a decent rpg, but I'm not very rich atm and would rather not buy something I end up disliking

>porn simulator

skyrim has produced innumerable amounts of porn m8
either way make you get a dark arisen version

The Witcher 3 proved pretty emphatically that a modern RPG doesn't need to feel as weightless, auto-generated and repetitive as Skyrim

>skyrim has produced innumerable amounts of porn m8

how does it even work gameplay-wise?

Elder Scrolls lore is garbage by the way

not really
the problem is mostly bethesda's inability to create a compelling story and memorable characters

Yes really
the second part of your post is true however

There are tons of NPC face replacers, body replacers, etc.
Then there's Sexlab

>how does it even work gameplay-wise?
1. Add custom animations to let your character and NPCs perform lewd actions
2. Add a spell, dialog option, whatever to initiate those actions. Some mods integrate it into gameplay so you have to seduce, overpower someone or enslave them. Some are just "cast this spell for porn".

ok, but how do you "play" it? or it nothing like skyrim gameplay-wise and it's just the skyrim engine used to set up porn scenes?

I guess this answers my question

>game lets you choose between empire and rebels
>empire immediately characterized as insane and completely stupid
>hey this guys not on the head chopping list
>fuck that kill him anyway lol
>oh fuck a dragon
>rebels are freed
>hey man help me out
>oh hey thanks man, you should come with us since we didn't try to fucking kill you
>empire guy shows up
>don't go with them man it was just a misunderstanding I mean we were gonna cut your head off for no reason.l and you are a wanted man but show up at our garrison I promise I'll vouche for you even though I didn't when they were gonna cut off your fucking head

Thalmor faggot detected. Ulfric is an Altmer asset. Only by unifying the Empire and all its subjects can we purge the Mer filth from our land.

Also, friendly reminder that Talos is divine and no Mer has ever ascended to godhood

>I support a worthless civil war which weakens all of Tamriel against the oppressive Thalmor because my feelings were hurt
>and I have secret homolust for Ulfric who is just a vain warmongerer who doesn't care about the lives of Skyrim citizens being destroyed by the constant fighting

>Dungeons had depth and the world seemed varied

What a dumb fucking faggot. How can you possibly say this when Oblivion was 50 hours of trudging through copy and paste volcano lands? Utterly and completely retarded

Like you'd know any of that as a fucking nobody literally wearing a sack for pants.

As an outside observer yes you'd know the garrison would not cut your head off when you showed up but no person in context would think that. It was a retarded way to try and introduce the empire as a faction. No reasonable person would side with the empire in context after that.

If the Empire guy had at least objected more than "c-come on guys" and actually prevented your execution rather than go along with it more people would've been receptive to the empire but no casual observer would know any of that.

It's okay, pretty much everyone chose Stormcloaks on their first playthru

>Like you'd know any of that as a fucking nobody literally wearing a sack for pants.
As shitty as bethesda is, it was pretty well explained before you make the choice. Unless you rush it to muh stormcloaks right away, obviously.
>It was a retarded way to try and introduce the empire as a faction.
This is indeed true, the opening is fucking stupid. I guess they meant it to be """dramatic""".
>No reasonable person would side with the empire in context after that.
The empire is fucking huge. One outpost and its commanding officer acting retarded is not really indicative.

The fanfic where Ulfric was actually Elenwen's lover and personal pet during his time as a prisoner was pretty good

Why are you on foreign soil

Let's say you go to a foreign country, well say Germany. When you get there, a German soldier pulls you aside and tells you he's gonna cut your head off because you were in line with another guy whose head they were gonna cut off.

When you object he holds you down and prepares to cut your head off, and you are saved only by the timely intervention of an American attack helicopter.

Now, Germany sends you a letter later on asking you to come to Germany alone and show up at their military base to get an apology. The letter says " Not all of our soldiers are like that man."

Would you go?

Serana is the only good thing

>Nirvana is achieved when you realize you never should of come here

I didn't, but Skyrim wasn't my first TES game.

Witcher 3 cuck detected
what's it like living in the shadow of your better?

>an arbitrary list without a source
you sure showed him

>diablo 2 above bg2
>wow on the list with singleplayer games

this should be enough to tell how legit this is

>Skyrim belongs to the nords, so we'll build a wall to keep the thalmor out and make Tamriel great again

What did they mean by this?

fine, I guess I'll post source

For some reason I read this in Orson Welles' voice.

mods = cucks


Holy fuck they brought back dubs

This thread was moved from fa/tv/irgins

Controlled opposition

Fucking (((THALMOR)))

Oh damn, I'm sad now.

it is another "skyrim is very bad" episode

Ayyylmao mods from Sup Forums only move it to Sup Forums after several ours.
No wonder why it's the designating shitting board of the worst shitposters on Sup Forums.

>he wishes he had a mod like swaglord
instead you have no dubs

But he's a Thalmor agent. He's a traitor of the highest order and deserves to be killed and then enslaved as an undead thrall.

Read the dossier user.
They no longer have him under control.

The more you know.

If the country us on war, they probably shots you on sigh.