Anyone miss X-Play?

Anyone miss X-Play?

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What went wrong? Is there any hope for him?


I still find it funny how people called Morgan the fake gamer.

not really. i do miss going to sleep with that Cinematech show playing though. I guess I can do the same thing with youtube but its not as comfy.

iCuck pussy.

This Morgan was better than Adam

if you believe there are differences between races then you are racist.

>America sucks!
>But if you want to be a good American you should punch people who disagree with you

People who yearn for X-play are just as bad as the faggots who spam LP/streamer e-celebs.

Go play a vidya game you whiny faggot.

So is illegal immigration good or bad? I'm getting mixed messages here.

>Immigrants are good!
>But when yuropeans came over, they killed millions!

Are liberals as stupid as their political knowledge?

I bet you love giant bomb.

>it is your sacred duty as an American to
I wonder if they realize how nationalistic that statement is.

Giantbomb are glorified streamers.

Really activates my almonds that this is what the group wearing full black with hoods and masks believes.

No. Liberals are just fueled by doublethink.

That is dumbest shit I've read in a long time and I'm not even murrican.

>native americans let people invade and genocide them, so we should do the same

>That is dumbest shit I've read in a long time and I'm not even murrican.

>shit tier headset
>wireless controller
>wearing a dress

This is a ruse, right?

It was given to a reporter, Tim Pool by a masked person when he was covering the protest by ANTIFA in Boston a few days ago.

>killed 120 million native americans
Not true.
>justifying violence against whites for being white while complaining about racism.
Oh the irony.

It will never not be funny that the right has been so blown out by the left ideologically for so many years that they now accuse the left of all their own faults. It's the ultimate case of projection, and continues to be a hallmark of their total inability to reason.

I don't even...

Adam "Cokes Sniffs" Sessler

>justifying violence against whites for being white while complaining about racist
But he didn't. You just can't formulate an argument without re-framing other people's statements. Focus on not getting so easily upset and you'll do better.

>Watch the left collectively lose their shit after losing an election they thought they had in the bag
>Retards like you somehow trying to project the whole party's failure onto the right, even though the right holds the majority of power

Damn son, put the kool aid down

Yeah but Drumpf lost the popular vote, he doesn't speak for the people of America.

i never can tell if leftists are truly this stupid or are just disingenuous

>they believe in white identity
Sure white identity isnt a thing. There's German, Scottish etc identity but no uniform white identity. I can agree with that.

BUT how come black identity is a thing then? How come african americans identify themselves with the a country they've never been to, and no one bats an eye? Isn't not calling out the fallacy here, expecially racist, due to having the mental state "oh theyre black so they naturally identify themselves with other blacks"?

>mfw impeachment soon
>mfw he's alienated most of his dumbfuck voterbase so he's not going to get a second term regardless

>nazis are everyone who believes in white identity
>they deserved to be punched

what's got you triggered? that statement seems pretty straightforward and unextreme, especially compared to what it could have said. I'm genuinely curious as to what you're reacting to.

>he's alienated most of his dumbfuck voterbasd
dumbfuck is the key word there user, they're to vote for him regardless
of course, if the electoral college does their job it shouldn't be an issue.

you cannot argue rationally or logically with these people

>Get out of our town
>No borders no nations

hmmm interesting, my google must be broken then


On what grounds my dude. It's been thrown around since day 1 and no one has anything solid. It's just as pathetic as the republicucks crying for Obama to be impeached from day 1.

I'm not even American, but it's pretty difficult to argue that America isn't number one in a geopolitical sense.
>Largest economy
>Best military
>Uncontested control of the Atlantic and most of the Pacific
>Allied with all the bits of Yurop that matter
>Has two landing strips on China's doorstep
>Has Russia by the balls from pretty much every direction in the case of escalation
No matter which way you look at it, the USA is the uncontested world superpower. Arguing anything otherwise is just dumb.

Alternatively, if he's saying that China is a nicer country to live in than the states, he's even more retarded.


>we support our muslim neighbours
Those are the same people demonstrating against christianity.
>we support "undocumentated immigrants"
They support crime.

I cry about illegal immigration, and technically whites and blacks are illegal too. They could all leave
>t. Native

>the USA is the uncontested world superpower
britbong here, that's never been true. Russia has always been a contender and now China is too. USA has always been a shit country.

You sold your country for shiny pearls and firewater.

You're really good at this sweeping generalization thing my man.

Prove wrong :^)



You being hilariously assblasted isn't grounds for impeachment, no matter how much you want it to be.

Oy vey!
Shut up, goy.

>he accused me of being unable to reason
>better respond using as little reason as possible
>oh, I almost forgot my picture
I'm smiling IRL over here

On the xplay boards
I don't wanna hear it
On the xplay boards
Don't even take me near it

What do you typically wear whilst gaming, user?

>Trying to be smug
>Still the minority in the house/senate

Im always smiling sweetie.

Fuck you. Kain only wants the best for Nosgoth. Sure, he had a rough start, but he isn't deified for nothing, you Sarafan shitter.
The circle was fucked anyway, okay

>everyone who believes in white identity
>all white people
I have some bad news for you, and it's going to make you feel lonely and vulnerable. Try not to react to the news by getting angry and voting for an even dumber asshole next time around.

And even then, that's only one half of one line item in a giant laundry list of identification. I love how hard you had to cherry pick that - the image of you reaching for it is pure comedy.

Thigh high socks, a chastity and some make-up.


quads tell the truth

i came here just too watch him chew his mouth out on 90mg of adderall as his interviewee looks awkwardly on
I am dissappoint


Hurt feelings aren't grounds for impeachment, but being a russian puppet is.

And don't get me wrong here, I can't say for sure one way or another if the man is guilty of being Putin's cock sleeve, but there is an ongoing investigation against him and his administration. If that turns out to be nothing then fine, whatever. But if it does turn up that Trump and his administration was in collusion with the Russian government then I expect him to be removed as our president as soon as possible. And if you have any love for the USA you should want that too.

Neither of them do considering only a third of the nation voted.

>muh impeachment
Being impeached doesn't mean he stops being president.

>black pride = good
>brown pride = good
>white pride = racist
Funny amirite?


>be latino
>voted trump
>support strong military
>hate illegals
So do they punch me or what?

>120 million
>like 20% of the world population in 1700s

You don't exist to them

>white pride

What exactly does white pride entail?

Show me a white pride rally.

I wasn't talking about gerrymandering you mongoloid. I was talking about how you can't say that any president can truly speak for the people of America when talking about vote percentages when only a third of your third world nation goes to the polls.

No, but attack of the show was good. Kevin is such a charismatic guy. Maybe I'm mixing up shows though... The walking dead guy was cool, but he's kind of annoying now

I don't understand pride in your race whatsoever. Why would you be proud to be something you had no control over? If you want to take pride in something, be proud of working hard and achieving, not being born with a certain skin color.

Well they called Zimmermann white too and he's from Peru.

Also Britbong. That's just so fucking wrong on every level, particularly since 1991. Granted, pre-WW1 the USA wasn't exactly anything special, and nobody quite realised how powerful it was until the 40s, but it's still by far and away the only true superpower at the moment.

>Military spending barely above Saudi Arabia's, only a tiny fraction of the US spending
>11th largest economy by GDP, 72nd by GDP per capita
>No significant naval power
>No significant allies
>Bordered by countries which hate them
>Those countries are bordered by NATO, which is a web of alliances specifically targeting Russia
>Poland and the Baltics have joined NATO, relations with Ukraine worsening
>No significant sphere of influence
>All warm water ports are in waters completely controlled by NATO (Baltic, Black Sea and Sea of Japan)

>Better military spending than Russia, but still not as high as the US
>Larger economy than Russia, but still substantially smaller than the US
>Insubstantial naval power
>No significant allies
>Very close to SK and Japan, which are pretty much oversized American military bases (politikally speaking)
>No significant sphere of influence beyond China

Meanwhile, America:
>Pretty much rules over the American Empire (aka NATO)
>Japan is a vassal state
>Has the Middle East in its pocket

Get with the times user. Russia is shit and on the decline, China is growing rapidly but still isn't at the same superpower status that the US is. Despite a relatively small population, the US is OP as balls.

Still, it definitely is a shit country.

looks like this. notice the statue of robert e. lee. theyre literally traitors and we should have let the south secede and bury themselves in their own ignorance when we had the chance

Goddamn the next levels of trump derangement syndrome are going to be wild

meant to comment that people don't vote because their vote doesn't matter

fuck I voted Bernie for the primaries in my state, and in my state Bernie won the popular vote for Democrat but our delegates voted Clinton instead so why the fuck did I waste my time going out to vote?

Other states have a major gerrymandering problem where if the districts vote the way the establishment doesnt like they just redraw the districts again so that they'll win. And they win every time. Gee whiz why the fuck are people voting at all when their vote doesn't matter because they'll just be cheated out of it anyway.

I also did not vote Trump and Trumps opposition (can't say the nasty C word in Sup Forums(Sup Forums)) won the popular vote but hey guess what my vote didn't fucking matter then either.

Why did I waste my time?

>Antifa sees guy open carrying
>Antifa punches him
>5 seconds later filled with around 15 bullet holes
But then again they only try this shit in places with shit gun laws like California and are too pussy to try it in a state with decent gun laws like Arizona.

>Anyone miss X-Play?
Only because I haven't found another mouthpiece for game reviews that I've generally agreed with as much as I did with X-Play.

Not sure how but I generally agreed with most of their reviews. No idea what Adam or Morgans' opinions or reviews have been since G4 exploded.