What was he thinking ?

What was he thinking ?

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How is this related to Sup Forums? Kiwifarms might be right up your alley.

>how is dobson Sup Forums related

newfag detected

>that voice
>that fps

>Someone once played a videogames
>As such, anything related to them is Sup Forums related
You're retarded

FUck that guy, I thought it was because Zelda came to Sup Forums.

He wasn't, that's the problem.



Dobson does without thinking

lol please tell me this is bait

take your cancer elsewhere, nigger


newfag cancer

That skyrim slideshow was wonderful

He sure wasn't thinking about video games.


If I'm not mistaken, those comments are from before Robin William's suicide. Dobson's still an idiot though.

As someone with no social tract or meaningful, positive human interaction, he may have taken the image somewhat literally, telling her to relax and calm herself.

Of course, anyone else would immediately realize that "Calm your tits" is a pretty mean thing to say to someone whose father just committed suicide but Dobby ain't anyone else

I thought playing prepatch PS3 Skyrim was bad

if all you gonna do is vomit buzzwords,let's crash this thread.

>defending other M with retarded false equivalencies
Jesus christ what a fucking moron

I quit because I couldn't find any heat resistant armor.

>stop doing sexist crap you idiots
>calm thine tits

Other M is great though, user.

>trash this thread
ooo i'm so scared
anyone else terrified of what this buzzword hater might do?

I am pretty sure he made a series of posts complaining about people harassing Zelda after that so it's all good

How is buying a PC arbitrary but a Mac is not? It's not like you need a computer to eat and breath. They're both based on personal preference. The stupid fat fuck just has no idea what words even mean.

Dobson is kinda fascinating since he is hated on every site: Sup Forums, tumblr, twitter, DA etc. When other hated creators have fans like Assigned Male, Dobson don't have anyone who likes him.

>Dobson doesn't even like himself

i have literally never seen skyrim run more slowly

So Dobson is God's gift to the world, huh?

So how is he still around? He must have some kind of fan(s), otherwise he's just completely working against the grain. Actually, that defines him pretty well. Never mind.

Can we all agree to work together to never write a post this gay ever again?

*shakes fist at sky*

>says it's superior
>skyrim runs like shit

Unlike the creator of assigned male Dobson isn't really a bad person but he's much more fun to ridicule.
I honestly think he comes right after CWC in terms of being entertainingly stupid and he doesn't even have crippling autism as an excuse.

He's got that know-it-all holier-than-thou I'm-always-right-you're-always-wrong attitude going strong with him. So he's easy to hate.

The guy is just an idiot. I'm sure he got Skyrim during a crazy steam sale so that he wouldn't have to "upgrade" his Mac or buy a console for it, but at that point you're better off cutting your losses. Just emulate some games you've never played before. The guy is fucking delusional.

It's a mystery. He makes like 50 dollars per month on Patreon. He probably smuggles inflation porn in Cuba or something.

What the FUCK @ that framerate!

Is this the goddamn PS3 version!?

post the edit

Worse than that is how hard he pushes his opinions coupled with how shitty his opinions are, and he just doesn't seem to want to go away. It's crazy.

>internet harassment is usually not done for altruistic reasons, but more for entertainment
I hope I heard that wrong, because otherwise, no fucking shit
How would anyone go about being a cunt to people for altruistic reasons?

Is that Cag?


Mac version
Not even kidding

It's our Sup Forums culture. Just like any other e-celeb

>That twitter conversation where it's revealed Dobson is using Power PC when he can't run Undertale

You can buy potions before you go into any hot environment.

He comes off as a Latza. He tries so hard to be like his heroes, but fucking fails at it. Only instead of e-celebs, its SJWs and journalist shills with all the vile narcissism that comes with it.

It's Skyrim running on an older Mac. Not even a Mac running Bootcamp or Parallels or some shit, which might help out a bit but no it's just the straight up Mac version of Skyrim with severally underpowered hardware.

Who would win between Dobson and Bob "moviebob" Chipman in an autism fight?

At least bob has fucking Anita under his belt.

Doesn't count, sexist.