Is that what you Sup Forums guys do?

Is that what you Sup Forums guys do?

>tfw it's actually a real baby

>Streaming for 4 hrs
Who the hell watches this?

Is this what it feels like when you take Salvia?

>all those views
>all those subs
>4 hours long live stream
>of a guy playing Minecraft and overlaying hes hands
>while women give birth and piss themselves and it has actual real babyes
btw, did she give birth to a fully clothed infant? I don't think that's how it works

I guarantee this guy is a pedophile.

Literally children

Children watch a grown ass man pretending to give birth to a game character and real baby?

Wew kids these days, I can't imagine how Sup Forums is going to be in 10 years.

I had a brick wall change color and then felt like I was riding in a cloud like Mario or some shit

what the flying fuck is this shit?

Fucking clickbait, that never happens in the video.

Notice that anything that has to do with love, sex, or over all romance has millions of views, this is a new trend on YouTube because now all kids have access to the internet which was not a thing couple years ago, all these kids in elementary school or middle school all own cellphones and browse youtube, especially in middle school when they are going through puberty they are easily moved to these videos. These youtubers know this and they use sexual shit plus popular trend like minecraft or things kids are into to bait them into the vids.

Seriously though why are these types of videos being made?

Why aren't you guys making shitloads of money clickbaiting shitty game videos?


I'd hate myself for it.

Thank God, the cancer making such videos should be eradicated. Sometimes it sucks that Nazis didn't win WW2.

Oh hey, I saw your previous thread slowly die in the catalog. I guess you had to get more views.

I highly doupt even middle schoolers have low enough standards to fap to this.

I'm OP, I actually saw that thread and went to check it out, after I saw that they used a real fucking baby I made this thread because fuck this shit, it's fucking scary.

I'm nowhere related to that retard. Pls no bully.

242.000 people according to the ticker

>I'm nowhere related to that retard
If you say so., previous OP.

Just go watch one of those Minecraft convention videos, Minecraft has made a killing tapping into the disturbingly large pool of dumb fuck autistic children.
Hell as someone who's worked as a camp counselor, there was easily 1 out of every 10 kids who was a Minecraft autist that literally could not stop talking about it for longer than 10 minutes.

This made me fucking laugh. I feel bad.

My sisters kids love Minecraft, should I be worried?

I dont why, but you dont realize you all have syndrome
>hur dur, kids these days are retarded, we were much better
It really doesnt matter what dumb kids do to pass their free time. They will simply grow up with a bit different opinions than you thanks to it.

Just try to remember what stupid things you were doing when you were dumb kid. Thing is the older you are, the less you remember so you get this feelings that you werent as retarded as kids these days. But chances are very high that you were.

I loved lego. And bionicle. Should i or my parents be worried?

Seriously guys, stop giving fuck how pew de pie or minecraft is popular. You simply have didferent taste than newest generation.

Didn't I say I feel bad? I saw no ill in the post except for the way he said it. What's up your butt?