That's it, we have won, Xbox friends. We finally get a Bloodborne-like experience in our consoles

That's it, we have won, Xbox friends. We finally get a Bloodborne-like experience in our consoles.

Five bosses.

The gameplay is styled more towards Bloodborne's pace, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's near the quality


the official website

>but that doesn't necessarily mean it's near the quality
true. It's by the Lords of the Fallen devs

>MORE fucking clones of Dark Souls/Bloodborne

So tired of this meme.

name 5

Putting exclusive content in NG+ sucks. I'd rather do a lot of other things in my life than play the same game over after I beat it.

how is it more like bloodborne than dark souls if the color palette is more than gray?

Still no online though. So no buy for me

Sword and Sanctuary
Lords of the Fallen
The Surge
Death's Gambit

> Says its like Bloodborne
> its actually some ugly ass dude in a powersuit fighting robots in a day glow sci fi world.

Ok can the Lords of the Fallen lot just catch aids already. Seriously they keep trying to say their games are like From games and they are nothing alike.

The Surge is very close to a From Software game. Lords of the Fallen was shit, but if you watched a single gameplay video of The Surge you'd see it's VERY different in many ways.


Are people actually gonna shill this shit like the 10 Lords of The Fallen fans on this board?

>metroidvanias are soulslikes

and Sanctuary

>but if you watched a single gameplay video of The Surge you'd see it's VERY different in many ways.

and still not good

I think so considering

I don't like Dark Souls and I don't understand what the appeal is. The fact that it's basically becoming it's own genre is even more confusing.

CodeVein is another one apparently?
Lots of those have Souls combat
pic related

None of the combat footage I've seen looks nearly as fast as Bloodborne's.

What it's like having an IQ of 85?

>Lots of those have Souls combat
"Lots of Those" means that he didn't name 5.

It's too late. It's going to keep happening. I've only recently got into the series and what caught me immediately is how the combat is really the first logical evolution of turn-based combat ever conceived that actually does what it sets out to do. Many have tried, and honestly I can say Souls is the only one I've seen where the game actually enforces basic turn-based RPG principles due to how stamina works and how animations have to end before you can move.

It's probably going to copied well into the forseeable future. I really don't know what else to say.

>another Souls-like

Please. No more.

Sorry, user

It's just slow melee combat with dodging. I really don't get it. I can't be the only person on Sup Forums who doesn't like it.