Betta all dead than al bhed ya?

>betta all dead than al bhed ya?
What the fuck square?!

>That scene where they but they drop the Al Bhed into the Blitzball arena and they drown

Jesus Square

Wa "Make the Al Bhed all dead" kka

Lulu: "Don't tell Wakka about Yuna's lineage"
Tidus: "I gotta tell Wakka"

So stupid but it makes me laugh so hard every time

"Better all dead than Alabed"

referring to bana alabed

>brudda, what if we had these rooms ya? and we fill them up with al-bhed and poison gas ya? like a happy sauna!

Holy shit Square...

Wa "Hold my ball, bomb them all" kka

You mean Wa-KKK-a.

>All of Rikku's friends and people die in a fiery explosion
>"Boom! Like happy festival fireworks, ya?"

"It's like telling the victims of Hurricane Katrina that it was like a giant fun whirlpool!"

Ye I made a Spoony reference.

Wa "see an Al Bhed? kill it dead" kka

>those god damn dirty al bheds be sneakin across the border and takin' all the jobs, ya?

>all zis merchants gaining profit and not helping the government, ja?

Is he /ourguy/

>tfw little to no lulu doujins

Too hard to draw all those belts.

What are you talking about, the amount of Lulu doujins is uncountable at this point

>tfw almost no Fuu art/doujins
wtf i hate sunflowers now

I thought I told you NOT to tell wakka!

>tfw FFX gave me all my early fetishes and boners

Fap to Paine then, they're basically the same characters anyway.