Anyone play an evil chaotic character whenever playing a RPG the first time?

Anyone play an evil chaotic character whenever playing a RPG the first time?
Nowadays it feels like everyone just defaults to
>people pleasing, even nice to characters they hate
>pick whatever dialogue sounds the safest
and almost always followed by
>stealthy pacifist to a fault
>avoid guns like plague (bow) even if it means looking like a dumbass during a fight

Are they just afraid of being judged by virtual people? It's okay to be rude in a video game, you know?

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Nowadays? When was it not like that?

I was an asshole in Horizon Zero Dawn. It amounted to nothing but I still enjoyed being a bitch.

First playthrough good, second playtrhough bad. EZ PZ.

Because I desperately want people to like me in-game, since nobody does in real life.

>Tfw your scary all NPCs with your presence alone.
I wish more games would have perks like terrifying presence in Fallout New Vegas


I default to neutral and my second play is always 'fuck off' evil mode.

normies default to good.

In my first playthrough of any game I just do my first initial instinct, which usually leads to be slightly evil most of the time, especially in the Mass Effect series

Because being a good stealth pacifist means you get all the nice bonuses, whereas being an asshole run-and-gun often yields no benefits whatsoever, and often is the most unfinished side of the game.

That and while good is always good, evil alternates being evil, practical, cruel, insane, lazy, not seeing the bigger picture, only seeing the bigger picture etc which means it's rarely even a consistent character.


This. If I got rewarded for being a cunt maybe I would be a cunt.

i stopped watching gamegrumps when i saw arin using non-lethals
like what you cant even kill virtual pixels, is your dick really that small?

first playthrough i do what i actually think is the right thing in any given situation which is usually like 70% good
evil runs are almost always shit though, nothing all that entertaining about them. ME was an exception because renegade was just a hardline asshole soldier, rather than a puppy kicking moustache twirler

Well in some games it's funnier to do quests instead of killing anything that move

Mass Effect is definitely one of the better games for "evil" runs, your a rude prick but it makes sense within the character because being a brash, intimidating, asshole is what got shit done.

Compare that to Fallout 3 where you leave the vault and enter a new world and the first thing you do is bomb a town.

>play as an evil asshole
>get locked out of quests, loot and xp

>implying you even have the choice in DA3, FO4 or MEA

I don't like to be mean to people regardless whether they're real or not. :3

Very few games do evil right and I'd rather not take the chance on my first playthrough. Mass Effect and Kotor 2 are probably the only games where I enjoyed the evil run.
I'll still steal anything I want. That doesn't count.

>they didn't make a raider or enclave FO4 main
sucks to be you

>game gives you an amazing assortment of lethal abilities/weapons/whatever

>the game gives out far higher rewards for non-lethal play

Sometimes. My first and only Fable character was a dick. Most RPGs that I played I played as a good guy, but replayed them a 2nd time as a complete bastard and had more fun. Kotor is especially fun to play as complete douche as you get to rule the galaxy in the end. Spoiler warning btw.

what are you even talking about?

When the game makes you an unkillable god of combat you tend to see everyone else as not even remotely being a threat.

As such it's very easy to be nice to them in hopes of adding them to your list of canon fodder.

That and nice guys in video games tend to get more loot and xp where as bad guys lose everything.

well in mass effect you're never "evil" you're just a little bit more pragmatic
in fallout 3 it's really just good and bad
"evil" Shepard isn't evil by fallout 3 standard

First run of any RPG that IS an rpg, is usually a stealthy/rogue type of run.
Second is usually the "im a hero" run
Last is usually the "burn it all" run.

Though i hate games where the choices dont matter(so 90 percent of the shit out currently). Whats the point of roleplaying a smarmy sarcastic asshole if you still get beloved greetings from everyone and no change in behavior.

yeah also evil often means just saying "no"

In Mass Effect, you are never really evil indeed.
You are mostly just ANGRY about everything.

It made Angry Tyrone runs fucking fantastic back in the day. Console command in the super armor that is insane bananna yellow and just shit talk your way across the galaxy.
Fuck the first game was fun, shame that level of dialogue didnt keep up through the games.

Could be worse though, we could be Fallout 4.

It's because moral choices aren't morality-based anymore. Everyone is conditioned to choose the goodie path, since it comes with better, even immediate rewards, which completely defeats the point of any evil / self-interested choice.

>third playthrough new vegas now
>go deal with the boomers
>fuck their quests just gonna kill them

More I play new vegas the less and less I want to do the necessary bullshit to start the final battle. When I do yes man next I'm probably just gonna kill everyone straight up.

being renegade in me2-3 is still fun and you can even go for the terminator look
the me1 renegade was still a good boy compared to the other two if i remember correctly

>>people pleasing, even nice to characters they hate
>>pick whatever dialogue sounds the safest
The only reason behind this is the fact that it usually allows to experience the most amount of content.

>ME: A
>Fuck you! (emotional)
>Fuck you! (logical)
>Fuck you! (casual)
>Fuck you! (professional)

thanks Bewario

>play evil chaotic
>game remembers and screw up the good true ending

My default character is huge cunt that only barely qualified as "good" that is overly attached and protective of the few people that actually like him/her.

My problem is that games don't ever really let the player have satisfaction against a fucking annoying character. I always have to sit there and just take the stupid shit they say when I go evil route. Imagine there was a "bully" button that could skip lame dialogue.

i didn't play it to the end
but that's sound way too ballsy for ME A

you can bully your squad in the kotor games
they won't like you after though

post evil choices after which you actually feel terrible

>No option when you go Dark Side to be confused when your party expects you to kill them
>Can't tell them that even if you're a Sith they're still your companions and you care about them

Playing evil is boring if you are not swarmed by bounty hunters wanting your head.

You have to drag them down with you.

That's one really neat feature of KotOR 2.

yeah fucking this so much
you guys are on point
i quick load this shit so fast

This is the one thing DA2 did right. Holy shit could you bully your companions. Relentlessly picking on the dumbfuck elf was the highlight of the game.

I love to play as reckless Chaotic Good Mage

>Taking out the evil with fireballs
>Once in a while have civillian casualties at the process
>Reputation: Disliked
>Save the world

>Baldur's Gate 2
>Evil Run
>Still have Imoen in your party

Evil playthroughs doesn't really work in some games. It makes no sense plot wise.

The rivalry shit was pretty great, no idea why they dropped it

It doesn't help that old games like Baldur's Gate gave little to no reason for the player to go evil.
It would have only worked well if they tried to make the evil side really tempting, with great unique bonuses, items, options, etc.
The downside would be that you would feel like a piece of shit and ingame everyone would hate you.

In reality, only the last part is true, but there are no benefits only downsides. In this case, it isn't really a dilemma for the player.

>think of a mindset your character has without trying to resort to lawful stupid or cheesy bad guy
>think really hard how he views life
>start playing the game
>dialogue options don't represent what your character thinks at all
>game won't let you do actions you want to do
>game forces you to do stuff that is completely out of character
>tfw you're too autistic to enjoy a roleplaying game

Yeah that happens, but I think BG2 is actually one of the examples where it works.

Because getting your murder god soul back would be the literally highest priority even for evil characters.

Also as far as I remember several good characters will try to kill you when your reputation drops far enough.

I would but nowadays morality systems pretty much come down to:

>I will save your town from the goblins and walk away with no reward

>I will save your town from the goblins and take the reward

>I will save your town from the goblins, take the reward and steal 10 apples from your pantry.

>>evil chaotic character
>yeah, I'm still gonna save the world
>I'm just going to be a jackass and make sarcastic jokes all the time
I can't think of a single game that does evil routes well, it always ends up just being some stupid end choice, like 'kill everyone lol'.

In reality you would have to have the game branch off into something completely different from the good route, and that would pretty much double dev time so nobody is going to do that.

Depends on what "evil" means. In Mass Effect you can't actually be evil, you can just be an asshole. Evil means walking around taking anything you want and killing anyone you want to, which only a few games let you do.

In games that do let you do that, like New Vegas, Fable, or Dark Souls, then yeah I usually play as an evil guy on my first playthrough because it's pretty fun to just go on rampages slaughtering friendly NPCs. By the end of my first playthrough of New Vegas and Dark Souls I think every named NPC in my game was dead.

Evil is letting the goblins destroy the town

A good way to do it is becoming the goblin king and personally leading the attack on the town

evil is just "no" now

I think you missed the point entirely, games don't let you do any of that.

It's abuse to deny a request

Go play Fallout 1, 2 or New Vegas, you clearly haven't

What are some games that actually reward you for being evil? As in, the benefits of evil actually outweigh the benefits of being good? Fuck devs that make it equal to appeal to everyone. Evil playthroughs generally get shafted anyway by ruining relationships with people.


Is english not your first language or something?

protip: words usually have meanings attached to them

First play through:
I self-insert, making decisions according to my irl morals.

Subsequent playthroughs:
Come up with OC's and roleplay as them.

I try to but the game never lets me be truly evil.
so limited . x
industry's idea of evil is pic related.

>implying games with alignment/moral systems get made nowadays

Go play Fallout you bellend

killing those cunts is way more satisfying. I mean if you want to meta game you can always do their quests and THEN murder them.
Fuck that, bunch of savage retards nuts for explosives to the point that they shelled me on approach and killed how many countless others?
With dreams to do even more in the wasteland?
NOPE, not on my watch. Fucking insult the prick at the door, then let them take me to their leader. Blood bath everyone on the way out.

Houses response is always good "huh, while political assasination is not the first option, it does have a storied and fruitful history. I will consider them taken care of"

evil dialogue options are often poorly thought out and executed, so no.

Most of the devs who have talked about how to balance good paths and bad paths have said they tend to make good paths more beneficial in the long term and bad paths more beneficial in the long term as that best reflects the reality of such choices.

>and bad paths more beneficial in the long term

Meant to say short term.

Fallout 3.

You are literally gimping yourself if you don't disregard the karma system in that game.

Now that I think about that yes, you're right, you are pretty special user!

You mean like Fallout 4, the game whose dialogue choices are even worse than the ones he provided.

>Of course i will help you
>I will help you
>I mean, i suppose ill help you
>Ill help but it better be worth it

Fucking trash.
His point still stands, the more modern games have fucking ruined this shit. No one is disputing that the old games are good for that, but in recent times...fucking awful

A true free thinker even.

Fallout 4 is the only game in the franchise like that.

All the others allow you to fuck people over to your heart's content.

the way it should be then

>being good
>poor farmer asking for help
>help him
>get sword of mystic fury +5 that is the second best sword in the entire game as reward

>being evil
>poor farmer asks for help
>can't kill him
>can't steal from him
>refuse to help him
>"Oh... okay user, I'll just sit here on this bench until you decide to come help me"
>Quest in quest log says "Go speak with farmer"