Black ops 3 zombies chronicles hype thread?

Black ops 3 zombies chronicles hype thread?
Favourite map, character, weapon?

>waiting for the PC version
>it's not cheap
wouldnt mind getting it, but will probably end up skipping


Noooooooo they were so close!

i skip every cod game maybe if this one is actually good i will buy it (but its cod so prob not)


Zombies has been shit since after World at War. Der Riese was the last good map but the beginning of the end. I'll play Killing Floor 2 if I want a co-op zombie killing experience since it's not filled with needless bullshit.

>STILL not standalone
Shill-kun if you convince the suits to make a stand-alone version I promise to buy 2.

>No Five
>No Tranzit
I'm probably the only one who wanted it but still

I never liked zombies or multiplayer.

pls no


>no Buried

I'd buy it if it were standalone, but I'm not shilling 40 for BO3 and even more for the DLC.

Come on Treyarc, you have to realize some people don't care about your shitty games but think Zombies is great.

>thinks multiplayer and campaign is shitty
>thinks zombies is great

hearty kek

Correct and correct.

After Black Ops CoD became less and less arcade-y, and to some extent Zombies too, but even then the whole point of this map pack is to enjoy the old but gold maps from the BO/BO2 era, which were indeed pretty arcade-y.

zombies is the only game mode I play. I played the campaign but COD campaigns have been shit for years, and multiplayer is just "Get Shot from Behind: The Game".

I spent hours upon hours on zombies with friends tho

advanced warfare had a pretty nice campaign
BO3 was really boring i don't know how they fuck it it but something doesn't work

>comes out on the 16th goys!

>oh that was just the PlayStation release, you get to wait another month because you have the foresight wait to play on a superior platform instead of fall for this gay timed exclusive shit

God I fucking hate sonyfags so fucking much

>after Black Ops CoD became less and less arcadey.

Have you even played any of the recent games? I'll agree with you on this point about Ghosts, but BLOPS2, BLOPS3, Advanced Warfare and Infinite Warfare are all way more arcadey than BLOPS1. Zombies has been shit for longer than multiplayer has.

>get shot behind: the game

t. scrub with shit map awareness.

Anyway I'm convinced the only people who still play zombies regularly are people who rarely play other co-op games. Zombies is fun for a match or two but it's the same shit every time with little variation.

I'll give you Infinite Warfare and Advanced. But BO2 and BO3 rely too much on the shitty point system in my opinion, it's like a mash between the BO and MW games and I always prefered BO.

>BO3 campaign

complete shit. I tried playing that campaign and got to the part where I dive into some guys mind and got completely disinterested from that point forward. Not a fan of BO2 but at least I played the whole way through on that game. the original draw of BLACK OPS was cold war secret operations, and damn did I like the atmosphere and the campaign in BO1

Are you talking about the pick 10 system or whatever it's called?

If anything that makes it more arcadey in my opinion cause you can have retarded loadouts with like 5 perks and a suped up primary with a lot of attachments. Regardless the gameplay in BO2 and BO3 is way faster paced than BO1 which is another thing that makes it feel more arcadey to me.

Why not just play killing floor 2?

>use p2w gobbelgum
>get all perks
>use p2w gobble gum
>get PaP Lv2 Deadwire AAT
>run around in circles and win because blundell has effectively turned the game mode into snore

Jimmy Z or bust

They should have just made zombies a standalone game and ditched the other garbage. The awful netcode ruins any competitive gameplay and now that CoD games have a cash shop in which you can unlock guns there's no reason to ever bother playing this shit in favour of all that p2w/f2p garbage on the market.

I fucking hate that gobblegum shit. I was doing the moon easter egg with some bros and one pretty much refused since they already had all the perks from a gum and the easter egg gives you all the perks. I mean we could have done it with 2 people but shit, what's the point of doing the easter egg now? Why work together and get to the pack a punch when you could just chew some gum and do it there