Improved textures

>Improved textures
>all around constant patching and balancing
>devs are constantly adding more updates
>low amount of skill needed to play at lowest level, extreme amount of skill needed to play at the top level
>actually free to play
Memes aside, why haven't you played LoL yet? It's fast paced and fun

I'm literally playing it right now

Been playing it for years, by its merits it should be the game Sup Forums praises the most however its been shitcanned because it's so popular

This is what Sup Forums has come to?

Fucking MOBAs?

I prefer multiplayer games where my success depends only on me.
I don't find it fun when I have to rely on 4 brainless monkeys.

>actually playing ASSFAGGOTS

Season 2 > Rest


I played a few years ago and dropped it, why should I pick it back up?

yeah guess i could reinstall, i cant keep playing quake live and cs 1.6. forever

dubs decide my new username, 1-6 decides main champ to grind to 30 with

Heroes are locked behind a pay wall.

If I want a casual MOBA I just play HOTS instead for slut elves and heroes that I've actually heard about.

literally jewy dumbed down dota


for the game to be fun you need at least 5 good players in the same match. anything less and the game feels dogshit and like a chore

Dota just had an update, so the corporate shills push out the "viral" order to get some talk generated about their game in the meantime.

Well depends on why you dropped it. I think it's easier to get into now than it was 3 years ago.


>extreme amount of skill needed...

sorry but no

league of losers is literally the easiest moba on the market. even heroes of the storm is harder at high levels of play.

LOL is designed to be picked up and played by any chucklefuck who has no clue what they are doing. thats why there are so many players of it.

not to mention that the people who play it are the most retarded niggers of a community that i have ever laid eyes on and thats coming from someone who has played wow for a decade

>BRs, Chinese, multiple other shit communities flock to it
>muted/banned for saying gg ez
>scripting/cheating is rampant at the lower levels
>Constantly playing with people who make new accounts just to shit on newbies

Gee, why would I play this shithole of a game?????

Because they stopped making waifu characters and haven't in years because they wanted to pander to the tumblr audience

Jinx was the last good waifu and she was released 3 years ago


Just fuck off.

>shit graphics
>shit client
>shit developers
>shit community

yeah nah

Because i'm already playing a way better game that is actualy free and not free(tm)*

(*if you play for 3000 hours)

>Constant balancing

Is that what you call it?

I've tried them but MOBAs aren't my thing.

I did, then I tried Dota 2 in 2013 and never looked back. LoL is garbage

>what is birdslut

Played since pre Season 1, I think Maokai was the newest champion and Jarvan was next? Anyway, stopped playing less and less became the game gradually became less and less fun, then started palying once Team Builder was in and then stopped, again, when they removed Team builder

>Improved Textures

The problem with singed is that he's too linear and predictable.


It's that fucking grind for me
>Really like playing as ___
>want to play ___ more
>70-140 ip per win
>60-130 ip per loss
>matches take around 30minutes to an hour
>___ cost 6300 ip
>Going to take roughly 50-100 matches just to get one character depending on ip earned

>even heroes of the storm is harder at high levels of play.
>no last hitting
>no jungling
>no warding


>Shit graphics
Compared to what? AAA titles that are single player? I prefer the art style over Dota2 and HoTS

>Shit client
I'll give you that one, the old ones superior

>Shit developers
Every game dev that work on online games are considered "shit", but they at least listen to the playerbase

>Shit community
Every online game has a shit community, their is not a single good one

Trailer trash garbage

i hope they havent gone full retard with nerfing her again
she used to be fucking OP with AP builds if you wanted to dick around instead of healing full time

besides giving all farm to carries is BS they dont need all that shit
fucking in the pussy doesnt have to be rocket science why should games be absolute challenge? its okay to play dumb stupid simple stuff like Nintendo or Riot

oh are you in for a suprise...

same as jinx then

Jinx doesn't have a Le ironic personality with shit tumblr quotes.

yeah and he doesnt even get that much extra HP from his passive

You've never played either if you think that.
>Shared xp
>no items
>only level skills every 3 levels
>no wards
>fewer actives even less than league
>silly tower agro

I like more than 4 moves in a multiplayer game

They reworked her into a heal turret, but she was way too strong still so they kept nerfing her to the ground.

>Memes aside, why haven't you played LoL yet? It's fast paced and fun
nobody on this board hasn't played LoL, fuck off with your replybait

>fast paced and fun

Fuck you for reminding me dominion used to exist. The only mode worth playing because once you make it to the higher hidden elo of it you were basically playing with the same people and actually had a good community

what about that 24/7 general that was so active they had to create /vg/

The only reason to play LoL over Dota2 is being a normie

You know he was picked in competitive right?

He's fine, the 3 dark seal start fixes his bad early game

You might want to read that again

Yeah right,competitive play? show me
we all know the darkseals are gonna get nerfed though
you can literally feel it coming

>wanting to play with 4x russians on ur team while they blame u for every mistake yelling at you in voice chat in a foreign langauge
yeah no

Because you forgot the things that really make it sick
> takes forever for devs to fix imbalances
> more of one-guy-carrying-the-team instead of actual teamwork
> have to farm for 15-20 minutes before any real action happens and even thend most games are boring with few team fights and last 40 minutes
> if someone leaves it's nearly impossible to win and you are heavily penalized for it
And let's not forget the worst thing about this game:
> fucking shit community
Leaving league was the best thing I've ever done.

I installed the game, played one round where my team promptly surrendered as soon as possible, then uninstalled the game.

Do I count as having played LoL?

>still clinging to the idea that a single map in the whole game is a good thing
>40 minutes long matches
>gear shop
>years into it; still no semblance of balance between heroes


>extreme amount of skill needed to play at the top level

>fast paced

no its not

>I prefer the artstyle

That has nothing to do with actual graphics or performance you fucking sperg.

I hate the characters and art style, prefer dota. Dotas got better gameplay and mechanics, too.

>fast paced
>fast paced

>extreme amount of skill needed to play at the top level
ayy lmao

How long is 1-30?


>flash still broken.

Fucking worst developers in the fucking industry.

>Stale gameplay involving same team comp every single time

>Solo top
>Carry with Support

>Games are decided by minute 15 due to massive snowballing mechanics and no general comeback options

>Community is so blindfolded about their game they refuse to change how its played, so basically anyone trying to do something different from the stablished meta gets reported and kicked out of the game.

>shit tier graphics
>cuz the game is broken and unbalanced
>which is more skin cash grab
>skill? skill?

because it's boring as fuck. i don't gain pleasure from playing moba's. they're just straight up boring.

they amount of exp needed by half I think recently

No she predates it by being LOL SO RANDUM XD

>actually free to play
I'd fucking kill myself if I had to start playing League as a new player right now. When I started there were still like 50 champions in the game so at least the "free to play" grind was sort of bearable.

8 year old incredibly repetitive game.

I'm playing the superior MOBA HotS

>free to play
Top kek. Enjoy paying thousands of dollars to get all the characters.

Its not free to play, its pay to win. All of the best heroes are behind a huge paywall. Extreme skill cap? I take it youve never played any other games.

Don't need to play the game to masturbate to the fanart.

because the only part of the game i enjoy is laning

i found it weird that HOTS went with a design philosophy of 'fuck laning, teamfighting is fun!' wheras having a 1v1 lane vs somebody, and trying to edge them out via favourable trades, avoiding ganks, controlling minion waves is way more exciting

Also i've tried every moba out there and whilst all do different things best, LoL without a doubt does hero 'kits' better than any other. They just synergise with each other really nicely a lot of the time. Obviously some of the individual abilities are far less dramatic than in DoTA for example, but i find the kits in LoL to be more consistent and synergous

the new rift looks like fucking shit compared to the old one. the improvements are minimal because they were dead scared of it no longer running on toasters. If it stopped running on toasters they would loose like half their playerbase

Heroes having to be unlocked breaks the hero comps since you can't accurately pick to counter enemy teams. This causes faggots to play 1 hero only and never fully learn the game.

Then we have the problem of popularity which is a real problem. Too many people blindly following "the meta" because their ultra popular streamer or YouTube personality said so. The game is so popular with these casuals and the matchmaking is so poor you get trapped with players who don't understand common sense with team comps and team work.

Mobas have alot of problems but league is truly one of the worst. The company is a literal Chinese copy cat company but people eat their shit and willingly throw 20 bucks for their crappy skins.

sure play a 5v5 game and enjoy the 1v1 action

>actually free to play
are you from tencent go shill your chinese game elsewhere

>Improved textures
still a toaster game meant for third worlders without good computers
>all around constant patching and balancing
usually for the worse, mechanics are dumbed down and power creep rampant, every season they break something and ruins champs with extreme nerfs or buffs
>devs are constantly adding more updates
they have to to make money its f2p
>low amount of skill needed to play at lowest level, extreme amount of skill needed to play at the top level
dont care
>actually free to play
i played for over 3k hours to unlock every champ for free, its fucking bull shit to lock out champs

>Constantly teamed with 4 angry autists
>You need to rely on said 4 autists to win
>Not a fan of MOBAs
>Playerbase is fucking awful in general
>One fucking map(nobody but bots play 3v3 and ARAM), gets stale real quick.

this is my main problem with mobas

How come Hots can make 10 maps, but dota and LoL can't even make a reskin of the same map

HotS requires more team coordination. Something that is literally impossible for the average ASSFAGGOTS player.

Only 1% of ranked players are diamond or higher. And half the players don't even play ranked. If you, person laughing, devoted three months to playing this game you wouldn't even be close to diamond.

>every hero is identical
>old unique heroes are "streamlined" to be the same
>all of dota's mechanical depth removed, only kept the grind
>abilities are just copied from dota and watered down
>safe, boring, dumbed down, no-risk design and gameplay, discourages aggressive play
>enforced meta
>generic korean barbie and ken dolls everywhere, old designs also ruined
>horrid p2w/p2notgrind elements, the worst player grind in the genre and possibly in online games
>fascist safespace moderation bans over every little thing

It's utter shit. Anyone still playing it has stockholm syndrome.

>>Improved textures
Graphics are still outdated.

When was the last time you've looked at DotA? There's tons of reskins

synergetic? you mean fucking gap closer, 3 hit passive, attack steroid, cc, and aoe nuke ult on every character?

dota2 made a resking of the map
lol has made diferent maps but are lock by events
host has diferent maps cuz the gameplay is diferent on each map while in dota/lol the gamplay is the same

lol no

dota has all their heroes unlocked, better gameplay, and no retarded meta shit like runes.

So, no.

Ahri is my leaguefu

I like Poppy.

>graphics != art you retarded cunt
>shit game on general
>no way if they listen the playerbase feel conectec with their developers and buy their shit
>not shitier that that comunnity

btw which game are you commenting about?

>You need to play a gorrilion hours to unlock some champions
Yeah nah

thats if you play alone
you have to play with friends to get x5 exp
or just buy the hero cuz time is more expensibe tham money

Have you ever wondered whats on the side of her head with those ears poping out the top?

>extreme amount of skill needed to play at the top level

>120+ champs, barely any are actually used at top play
>fake gameplay centred around champs designed to be at the top because the fat pimple-faced gook 'pros' play them
>owned by a chinese company
>any 12 year old spic could play it

Only big assfaggot worse than this one is HoTS.

Because they keep changing the characters I enjoy playing or changing other factors like items to make them unplayable.

Yes, I miss season 2. Especially it's jungle. Season 4 wasn't bad either. This year the jungle is boring, slow and tedious. I rarely do it now.