Early game armor is sleek with simple designs that flow together nicely

>early game armor is sleek with simple designs that flow together nicely
>end game armor is over-designed and clunky looking

Can they stop doing this already?

>Playing games that don't allow you to wear early game gear as cosmetics over end game gear

Who? Who's these who? That's what you should be asking

Holy fucking shit Xenoblade

>Early game armor is actual, functional armor
>You get to the jungle area, you get appropriate jungle armor
>You get to the hoity-toity not-quite-elves-but-still-basically-elves-but-in-THE-FUTURE area, you get phantasy star-style armor
>You get to mechonis
>what the fuck is this
>what the fuck is that

Look at this fucking nonsense

That wouldn't be so bad if there was a face-plate or mask. If they wanted to go for the robot/android look they should have went all in. Having the character's human faces peeking out just looks dumb.

shut up whispy nobody even likes you
get back to feeding dynablades children you whore

I should show you Dunban's knees of doom then


>those knees on the right

I don't know. If it's a single player game I don't mind too much because by the end when there's not much content left I feel like I "deserve" the silly high end armor with the spikes and the glow

Oh man, I hope you're not a super autist about armor if you play Xenoblade

>Multiple sets of armor are just recolored versions of other sets of armor
>Some of the last end game buyable stuff is just better versions of their original outfits
>The absolute best gear in the game is just a mishmash of bullshit from each set

Fucking Dragon's Dogma
>literally PERFECT equipment system
>shitton of simple clothes and armors to look however you wish
>upgrading system that makes it possible to use pretty much anything till endgame
>all the end-tier equipment is suddenly overdesigned edgy satanic garbage of blood chaos
I mean considering 3rd points id shouldn't really matter but still. I was so fucking annoyed when 95% of the game is tasteful and then your reward for reaching the top is this fucking trash

The armour and masks you get from the ur dragon are still my favourite.

>Starting armor is unique in its design and identifies you as part of your order
>Every other armor in the game is the same chunky chest plate with palette swapped sleeves

>get to robot land
>armor is weird and robotic

Wow no shit. Actual end game armor looks totally fine and is a reskin of early armor.

Dude there is a legitimate difference between "kind of robotic armor" and "OI GUV I'VE GOT GEARS IN ME ARSEHOLE" shit that Mechonis throws at you

I love that game and fucking shit a brick when Shulk got into smash but that Mechonis gear is at least 57 different kinds of fucking retarded

The armor is the least of your worries.

>forges cool armor
>has shit skill tree
>waste a talisman to keep certain skill inactive

>and people still complain that keyblades have ridiculous designs

>Everytime Xenoblade is mentioned.

Has there been any progress on the HD texture pack? Not checked in years.

I lost my shit so bad when I saw that, Jesus Christ

>Entire game defies every single stupid anime trope in rpgs
>Dunban is perfectly okay with you getting revenge, Melia gets her heart absolutely ravaged by the Shulkbowl, people constantly calling out Shulk for being a little bitch and keeping to himself, Reyn accepting his place as second banana and telling Sharla how fucked up it is she's using him as a scapegoat for her dead bf, etc
>Game ends with a keyblade fight against god with da powah of fwenship

I still love that fucking game though

>HD texture pack



i just need 1 more buzzword for a bingo

>Not just running naked dodge builds on everyone
It's your own fault really

Because I'll be playing at 1440p?

And the game looks fucking shit at anything above 720p

I remember keeping certain tops that let me break the dumb underwear Melia had so I could actually put her in panties

>not just running unbeatable builds on everyone

I want to stick my dick I'm between those vines and her soft brown tummy