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No, really, I fucking love that series. Bought a PS3 back in the day solely for MGS4 and Yakuza 3 but still enjoyed everything else. Only thing still keeping the PS4 in my 'to get list' are Yakuza games and the new Spiderman (if it's good).

What happened?

I'll apologize when these fucking hacks make a House of the Dead 5 and Collection for the PS4 with PS Move compatibility.

Sure thing, pal. I heard it's even going to be bundled with Uncharted 4 and The Last of Us 2 for their PC release!

Let's see how they handle the Vanquish port, then I'll apologize. With my wallet. And my penis.

ill apologize when they have super monkey ball and JSRF, Shemues on Steam

The Bayonetta port was great so this might be too

>PS Move

>Wanting the hipster's Yakuza

Fuck right off. Quit being salty that you donated to the Shenmu 3 kickstarter and got ripped off.

Yakuza was made/published by Sony? Didn't know that.

Epic meme bro.

>TB dropped his boycott of SEGA

He smelled all that dosh from upcoming releases, did he now?

>And my penis.
W-what do you mean?

You can create your own Sonic character in Forces

I'll apologize when they publicly exicute and burn Sonic.

Sonic OC's are now canon


>Wisp shit
More like Sega Forces a new turd out of their assholes

Surprised this cancerous faggot is still around, would have expected him to fade out when he called his girlfriend retarded for not voting in the american election, even though he doesn't live in the US

Well shit, I can't wait for Coldsteel.

I'm going to burn it to blu-ray and fuck the hole in the middle.

I'm sorry I didn't pick up Binary Domain when it was first released

I'm sorry I didn't get into the Yakuza series until recently because I thought it was a shitty zombie shooter franchise

I'm sorry that I pirated Sonic R for the SEGA Saturn all those years ago

I'm sorry Phantasy Star is dead

I'm sorry I haven't bought that Space Harrier cabinet yet

I'm sorry I called Sonic All-Star Racing a Mario Kart knock-off

Not voting is pretty retarded.


You can make characters in Sonic Forces, which it was already spoiled last year.
Some anons are happy, while ignoring the fact that gameplay seems boring as hell

Did they unJUST Sonic? Did they stop raping their old franchises? Are they going to release Shining Force III scenario 2 and 3 in the west? Did they rewind the time and unfuck the Dreamcast?

If no, then Sega can die in a fire.

For what? I like Sega.

bring this and then I will apologize

Sonic Team has always been trash, which is why SEGA is outsourcing the good Sonic game to other people.

For what? I love Sega.

Perhaps, but he phrased it saying not voting is the same as voting Trump, then tried to discredit his gf for it because he was jealous of her double citizenship.

TB is literally cancer and his "unbiased opinions" are as biased as they come.

I mean, in general terms, not voting is retarded regardless of sexual preference. Hating someone because he didn't support daddy is super dumb, though. Maybe you should re-examine your life.

>sexual preference
What the fuck are you on about?
>Hating someone because he didn't support daddy is super dumb, though
Nice assumption, are you autistic?
>Maybe you should re-examine your life.
Maybe you should take your own advice you retard.

But muh Sony paid for localization, that totally gives them 100% control over the game