After watching the latest playerunknown battleground stream. is Ben the biggest manchild on the planet?

after watching the latest playerunknown battleground stream. is Ben the biggest manchild on the planet?

Other urls found in this thread:,4000,.mp4.csmil/index_0_av.m3u8

Fuck off faggot this is EZA territory

Haven't seen that video but based on quick looks and the podcast, he does say some cringe shit.


first ten minutes of today's bombcast

the quick looks are not so bad, but when he was the face of the pubg stream he was definatly the goofiest and wackiest ive ever seen.

what is the context, what dropped

Partner implies homosexual.

He's saying it popped up unexpectedly, or that he's dropping him because of it.

>You will never teach Abby what a video game is

I hate Ben's ugly rapist mustache



Does anyone even listen to the Bombcast over the Beastcast at this point?

It really shows how hopeless and uninteresting alex, ben, and lankey kong are

They should require jeff of vinny to run the feature

the beastcast is million times better i wish Jeff Bakalar was more involved with GB videos outside beastcast, even Alex is tolerable.

I dropped west coast for best coast a year ago.
Jason was actually the reason. I tried watching one a few weeks back. Jason and brad were being deadzones during it. Rorie surprisingly was fun to listen to.

To all the Dan haters out there

Rorie may be socially tone deaf, but he has enthusiasm for things and enjoys talking.

Why do we hate Ben? He seems like Dan without the cringe autism

more like dan with extra cringe autism

i don't see it.

Though I haven't seen the stream in question, so

East is either amazing or fucking terrible because they ad lib so fucking much.

I actually quite like that the Bombcast keeps it pretty structured, it feels like a video game podcast. Beastcast will often just completely lose track because they're just fucking around so much. Sometimes its hilarious, sometimes its downright annoying.

I love Ben.

He plays off Jeff extremely well.

Agreed. Take the most recent Beastcast for example: They spend 10 minutes discussing whether cake qualifies as bread, which is fucking stupid, and Vinny says, "Let's get back to video games," only to read yet another nonsense email.

I feel like the Beastcast has become worse with emails this past few months because they spend more and more time on these tangential conversations. And it doesn't help that they continue to take emails like:
>Is a hot dog a sandwich?
>Is it min-max or mid-max? (Literally why would they answer this shit)
>Hey guys, here's my life story, god bless you all, what do I do in NYC?

took you all this time to figure that out?

>jeff never answers any of my tumblr questions



>bumping yourself


All of mine have been answered; I assumed he responded to most of them.

Jeff answered one of my tumblr messages

it was about FNAF. I'm sorry, he chastised me for not explaining what FNAF stood for

>East plays 2 hours of Yakuza a week
>Random runs too

>West does nothing at all

People pay for premium?

He's like some kind of human charisma vacuum
Whenever he walks into a room, he somehow makes everyone's heart rate go down to sleep levels


he does it for free

You can't bump your own threads.

If something actually happens worth covering, they do things. 2 days (26 hours) of VR streaming, for instance.

Absurdly that wasn't worth covering and VR is dead now.

True, but at the time I was the only person I knew who understood exactly WHY it was going to be shit.
GB is where gamers go to know, after all.

>D-Does he have a kidney stone?


I don't hate Ben.
Honestly, the only member of the crew that I actively dislike at this point is Jason, and that's only because he has always come across as store-brand Drew.


Apparently Dan drinks about 14 sodas a day.

That and during the last beast in the east

>Guy rushed to makeshift hospital to receive dialysis
>Story is explaining why he needs it
>Dan asks is it because he has kidney stones

Ben forces cringe jokes and then just looks at the camera and makes faces

Plus he has the body of a large sloth

The joke ben made on the saturn stream about carlos mencia was funny as fuck. Otherwise I can't stand him.

I like Ben because he actually knows how to play video games.

Did you even watch the pubg stream?

yeah vinny should of shaved his head a long time ago.
Look at that mop on his heard. Fuck that looks awful. He looks much sexier now.

Approximately how many plain black shirts does Vinny own?

Anyone have a link to the stream?

Abby is cute!

The newest murder island?,4000,.mp4.csmil/index_0_av.m3u8

Was Brad ever good or has he always been the most disinterested, milquetoast motherfucker on the planet

The key is not to have many of the same shirt, but to have a good rotation system going. He might just have two of them but wash them very often.

I think it's kind of impressive that Ben looks exactly as melancholy as his voice sounds

what is it with fat guys and polo shirts

my dads fat and exclusively wears polo shirts

She literally looks like a female Alex Navarro, bags under the eyes and all.

If that's your jam I won't judge.

>Plus he has the body of a large sloth

Brad has always secretly been the worst member of Giant Bomb.

Yea that's the one! Thanks!


He's by far the laziest one.

>22 years old


she's a qt

>Dan has fun with his waifu and Vinny in his off time and you don't

>she's a qt

There really is someone for everyone

seriously? im the same age and she looks 10 years older than me.

Some people like girls with flower eyeballs, others like dykes.

Two bad feels at once. Dan's wife sounds cute, she makes me miss playing games with my ex.

>Abby doesn't remember 9-11
What the fuck.

>as he posts a meme anime girl from a meme series

>>Abby doesn't remember 9-11

I'm 23 and I remember 9/11 perfectly fine.

Am I an outlier in thinking that Brad does absolutely nothing anymore? Does he just save all his conversations for the podcast now? It is really troubling that no one is ever raising any questions like this about him in these threads.

Atleast pretend that you read some of the posts in this thread.

>is Ben the biggest manchild on the planet?

No, that would be the underaged faggot that makes e-celeb threads on Sup Forums.

You're not the only one but you're absolutely right. His job consists of hosting the podcast and picking a game for upf on Friday (oh no wait he'll just open loot boxes or play Hitman or doom for the 18253th time). He doesn't need to edit the podcast he reports no news, he writes 1 review per year, he runs no premium shows, and he'll bumble his way through a quick look once every couple weeks

And he tries to make himself seem busy by saying he has "meetings all day."

>meetings with dota
>meetings with food

>Ben has the gayest lisp in the world and lives in San Francisco
>"Wow I can't believe he's gay!"

Post links.

>It's an e-celeb thread

Check this 8

It was a dead e-celeb thread before you posted in it.

Every week I have to leave at the last second because the Bombcast just keeps on being uploaded later and later.

I'm 21 and I remember 9/11 pretty vividly.

Don't forget about spending months getting ready for/unwinding from E3 and settling into the office :)

dont forget about preparing for GOTY discussions

The lack of Vinny and Jeff really make it apparent how bad Ben truly is. Dan, Alex, and Brad carried that stream.

While I don't doubt that doing the E3 stuff or GOTY takes more work than usual it amuses me to no end how much they use this excuse for months in advance.

GB West really fucked up with the new guy. He's not awful but they needed someone much much better.
The East girl is alright.

Ah yes, can't discount the amount of work it takes to speak over press conferences

Why don't you go and discuss all the cancerous shit you watch on Sup Forums?

Don't forget it took a FUCKING YEAR to hire this guy

"Oh but all the CBS red tape they have to go through to hire someone!"
Then how come Gamespot has new employees every week?

I'm listening to the latest podcast.
It's really weird. Definitely am liking Been less and less.
They have an HR department.

I genuinely wonder what the thought process was behind getting Ben after a time where it seemed that GB West was bleeding staff all over the place
Who's idea was it to try and fill the hole left by Drew and Dan with a guy who sounds like he's on the verge of falling asleep all the time

I'm losing interest in gaming podcasts. They almost never talk about games I care about, if they do they don't talk in-depth.
I can still listen to the Beastcast most of the week because they're pretty funny so the games don't matter as much but the Bombcast is almost completely a black hole for fun.

I was hoping Jeff would make a better choice but I guess he's mentally checked out long time ago and doesn't give a fuck.

I just can't watch him play cause he was bad at it.

Don' forget Brad Sho-ZZZZZZZZZZZ.

Him, Brad and Jason can put you into a coma, or at the very least cure insomnia.
West is dead. Jeff should pack up and move to NY.