Whats the oldest vidya you played on original hardware?

whats the oldest vidya you played on original hardware?

whats the oldest game you completed on an emulator?

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dude I can't remember

I did play some nes games when I was younger and I've finished some snes games emulated

Computer Space

I played it on original hardware.
That color
Doesn't get much older than that for hardware or emulation, save SpaceWar!

it was like a tv with rectangular controllers attached by curly phone cables, the controllers had a silver joystick on them and maybe 2-3 buttons

the first game I remember playing on it was some kind of spaceships game, it was multiplayer and flying off one edge made you come back in from the other side, and you could shoot little parts of the other players' spaceship, it was kind of like asteroids but older

I don't remember what any of that shit was called, I played it when I was like 3

electronic footbal

I've still got my NES with about 20 games. Never owned Atari or any other gen 2 machines. Gen 3 is about as old as I can enjoy vidja.

Robotron 2084. Just go to a fucking arcade.

Asteroids on an arcade cabinet

Also where the fuck are my arcades, america?

Pong on a dedicated pong console.

Does this count

Spacewar! on a PDP8e (1970)

Was apart of an acquaintance's private collection. The PDP8e setup he had took 2 racks.

Wasn't too far off from the setup in this photo

>original hardware

I think the first video game I ever played was metroid, the first one for the nes.
I didn't understand it.

I'd say so.
The intricate workings of mechanical shooting gallerys are really neat.

is this bc?

I think I've been there

Defender on an arcade cabinet my friend's father had.

Emulated some NES games I don't have carts for.

There's a really old pong machine at Funspot, NH. They have that game there as well. Good old vector graphics.

It truly is a work of art. I had no idea how expensive these things were. Like $80,000+.

Idk, they're pretty common all over North America. There's "kits" of them that arcade owners can buy and install.

Dedicated Pong Consoles

Space Invaders

They replaced regular shooting galleries in the US where they gave you a .22 short gallery round , they were mostly gone by the 40s


Pretty cool stuff. I know the air gun stuff I posted has been around since the 60s. Very old but still fun to play. Too bad all the galleries near my home are gone.