Game has breast physics

>game has breast physics

>Fat asshole STILL hasn't kicked the bucket

>game has squirrel physics

>someone makes over $1000 a month from doing Youtube videos and streaming on Twitch
>that someone still eats unhealthy
>that someone still isn't fit

>tell someone to get cancer and die
>game has spell reflect

imagine being such an autistic manchild that you actually wanted someone with an opinion you don't like to die

If I had mantits I'd suck on them at least once


>physics can't keep up with the breasts
This ruins all of my Critical Art KOs.


leasnt le have le cancer. how leasnt le leidyet???????????????????????????

>over $1000 a month
That's nothing

Where does most of TotalTitcow's revenue stream come from? Ad revenue?


It takes around 5 years to die from the cancer he got after being diagnosed. With good health care and considering he is younger than 99% of people who get that type of cancer he could last 10+ years. But this is definitely one of those types of cancer you DO NOT live from. Best he can hope is to live long enough for some kind of technological advancement to save him.

Boogie is a kind soul that needs our help.

>somebody will have to pay

Not me anymore ;)

>jap game
>tits are actual perpetual motion machines that never stop jiggling

He is a decent guy but he has to stop making excuses

He's been saying he's gonna lose weight for over 7 years and all he lost was 7 pounds, and whatever criticism he gets his fans keep defending him. Dude's probably gonna die in half a decade

>game lets you adjust your character's bulge size

If the human body loses more than 5 pounds in a year your lifespan will be shortened by decades.

>Thinks 1k a month is a lot of money

Kids are funny.

depends where you live, thats a lot of money if you live on a trailer park or in eastern europe

get off your fat ass boogie

>feminists get breast physics removed from game
>mod them back in

It is a lot of money for playing games all day.

akabur gets $6000 a month to NOT make content and he lives in RUSSIA

I imagine that's like making 120k a year in the US

welp there goes any sort of confidence I thought I had

nigger source pls

But then why would you suggest he should be eating better? 1k is fuck all. He wouldn't have the money to eat well if that's all he's making.

It's almost comical how long he was pulling his pants down before it finally popped out.

>make over $1000 by playing games on Twitch
>have a a regular minimum wage job

It's like working 2 jobs :)

>He wouldn't have the money to eat well if that's all he's making.
true, we all know how expensive vegetables, fruit, rice, eggs, chicken and beans are

>being that limply flaccid
>possibly has injections based on the squeeze
>most likely needs drugs to get a full erection
whats the point of a dick if it cant even achieve a real erection?

>tfw you will never get to suck a cock that big

My confidence is hurt too.

Saints Row 4 let you do this

Having a dick that big would be awful. It hurts the girl, and you will never know how it feels to be all the way inside. The average size is perfect.

>games you didn't know had breast physics

it's just for acting, they might not even enjoy sex anymore since they have to do it as a job

Why does it keep happening?

Who cares about breasts when they are just evolutionary imitations of Butts?

Breasts are literally the cuck, and the ass is the bull

The ideal penis size is between 6.5 inches and 7 inches long and 5 inches and 5.25 inches thick. You will be able to please any woman with this size without harming them while also being able to bottom out

Also, do the words "pushing rope" mean anything to you?

I had a girl who liked it when I pierced her cervix

Have a (You)

Are anime girls naturally compatible with nigger seed?

all girls are

thank you kind sir

fuck i just want mine to be slightly thicker

That dick looks almost glued on. I get worried every time I see that one like it's about to fall off or something.


>look mommy i said a bad bad and you can't stop me anymore

I don't know why you fags are so obsessed with this. Everyone on this board has said something similar. Calling someone cancer is a meme here.

There's a difference between calling someone cancer in the context of how they affect a community and telling someone to get cancer.

You're right. Sup Forums never tells anyone to drink bleach or kill themselves. I'm sure a good boy like you would never do that.

That's not what I said, though.

The poster said:
>Calling someone cancer is a meme here

All I'm saying is that particular instance is completely different from telling someone to get cancer.

>comparing an internet personality/celebrity publicly telling someone to get cancer and die and "Sup Forums" telling someone that

There's a difference between doing it anonymously and doing it as a famed person of some significance. The latter is more ungrateful and pretty sad.

*with a lisp
>you can't make me! Youre the fatass!
>tries to stand up
Lol boog should just cut carbs. He doesnt even have to be ripped. Just at a manageable weight.