It's installing what i'm i in for?

It's installing what i'm i in for?
Best God for newbies?
Hows the community?
Played DOTA WWWAAYYYY back in the day
and LoL for a couple years and stopped about 2 years ago.

It's basically LoL with a different camera and control scheme, so if you remember the general pacing and playstyle of LoL you shouldn't have much trouble.

Fafnir for tanking

Loki if you wanna be a stealth bitch

Hercules if you wanna be frontline fighter

Ra is cute! CUTE!

Thx guys
How important are items? Like do i need a very specific build to even be worth a damn?

Fun game at the low levels baset and loki are going to dominate the scrubs. The community is the least toxic but with all mobas its there. The smite devs reward you with gems after logging in for 7 days. Easy gods for newbies ymir,cernunos,Artemis,loki,baset, anubis, ganesh, odin, Hercules=ez, cupid, sun wukong.

it's fun but hirez has made it clear that they are slowly phasing it out for their overwatch-clone paladins instead

power creep for newer released gods is very real and has been a big issue since 2015 that hasn't been addressed

Honestly it's probably the best retirement Moba. It's got nice balance and chill games.

play baraka, artemis, or the lion dude and its ez gg wins.

having any knowledge of the basic flow of moba games will put you years ahead of most of the playerbase whom are trash.

There are multiple builds per god that are viable.

not important at all, since the game is made for consoles all items are passive except for your relic shit.

Stick with boots, one of those cape things for basic defense, then decide between more tankiness or more damage.

thats all im looking for really. I got tired of dealing with the scum on LoL but really like the game play of mobas

I've been playing for quite a while

Its fun and has less bullshit than LoL IMO, I mean you dont need to buy rune pages or shit like that

Neith is prett noob friendly

Rarely I see people shitting on others for playing like a retard, but I dont tend to play the "normal" game, so that that as you will, but definetly less cancerous than lol

just try to have some fun

I played over 10k matches of LoL when it launched and over 2500 hours in Dota 2. SMITE is where I stay nowadays.

Items are very important look for different builds test them change them depending on the situation or to your liking. Also there is no shame to build 1 defense item. If you feel ill prevent you from feeding, also dont be the autismo that builds no defense on a warrior.


Yes but if you haven't played in a long time they changed Ao Kuang. Old Ao Kuang's set has been transferred to Kukulkan. New Ao Kuang is like a melee assassin mage.

They that bad? Jesus... (is it cross play with xbone and ps4?)
sweet was i was kinda shit at using the actives in LoL

New question:
whats the meta like? Tanks top, Mages mid and ADC and Support bot with a Jungle?
is there even a map like dota's or Summoners Rift?

I'm talking about Ao Kuang the Dragon of Many Executes

Hes balanced now but can still carry if you know how to play the ins and outs of him.

I've got no clue on Meta, I just play Arena or Joust

Items are basically the same as LoL. They're passive statsticks with an emphasis on damage scale stats, the other stats on them are the same as LoL for the most part.

Main MOBA map is Conquest.

The meta last time was played was Warrior Solo, Mage Mid, Hunter and Guardian Duo lane, and Assassin Jungle.

Of course there are exceptions to the rule, like Ao Kuang who is a Mage but functions better as a jungler, and certain Hunters can do well in the solo lane, outside of their ADC role

There's no top or bottom due to the camera angle; instead there's long lane (duo lane) or short lane (solo).

The meta right now is in a way where you need anti heal if the enemy team has a change or herc. Also transcendence[item] is usually bought on every hunter. Mid are usually a posiden or change.

yes that is still a thing

Thanks guys!