Let's settle this
Let's settle this
Breen literally did nothing wrong. Humanity probably would've wiped out right after the Seven Hours War if it wasn't for him. His actions gave the G-Man and Gordon Freeman enough time to act and save humanity. Wallace is the hero humans don't deserve.
Nothing wrong with that list
Who the hell is the Elder God tier guy?
That """"high""""" tier is a joke
>Hannibal Lecter
>not in Retaliating tier
Step it the fuck up
Ozymandias, primary antagonist of The Watchmen. Averts nuclear war by destroying major cities in a falseflag operation as an alien menace, uniting world powers against a foe that doesn't exist.
That list makes me feel old.
It's suddenly fucking 2007 again.
Mid tier is my favorite
Adrian Veidt from Watchmen.
There's an entire sub-story that parallels him that serves the sole purpose of pointing out Ozy wasn't justified at all. I wish movie fags would leave, that movie is trash.
I think you meant "Tips Fedora Tier"
>an elder god tier villain either requires a shit protagonist or just shit writing in general
I liked the atom bomb and blaming it on Manhattan over the original personally
> Not appreciating campy evil villains who are evil because they are evil.
Super serious SO DEEP motives are boring if they're the only archetypes around. There's nothing wrong with an over the top evil villain.
dragon in dragon's age should be at your mid tier since they are just obeying their nature
also the joker should be in your high tier.
Read a book kids.
That shit is retarded, people would think the fucking US do it.
Joker sucks, get over it
they are usually lazy excuses for a badly written adventure.
Was this list created by some pretentious fag?
Lust for power is much better justification for doing evil deeds than "Well, this guy did something bad to me therefore I'm justified to do something bad to him!"
It just requires the protagonist to not know everything. None of the Watchmen in the comic acted stupidly or illogically, and figured things out pretty well.
I think characters in any tier can be 5/10 or 10/10, depending on how well written they are as well as how charismatic they are. For example the COMPLEX MOTIVES in VLR was terrible, despite fitting in the top tier. Whereas Joker is often 10/10.
Who's the person in "elder god tier"
The Joker can fit into pretty much every tier on that list other than Elder God Tier, it just depends on the writer.
I hate the Joker, he's a prime example of campy evil villain done wrong in most instances. Because they always try to add some sort of substance to him that just comes off as tacked on.
tfw Mr. Business was elder god tier
>just trying to keep worlds coherent and apart from each other, homogeneous, keeping the peace
>cultural marxists try to destroy this for some reason, by turning the lego universe into a hedonistic shithole cloud cuckold land
>by the end of the movie they unleash a complete chaos and terror that not even the "protagonists" can defend
Delivery has always mattered more than concept.
Not to mention novelty is inherent to entertainment. If every IP gunned for Elder God, you'd get burned out on it fast. Just do what fits for the general narrative and do it well.
>All of the Persona 5 antagonists fall under shit tier
Really makes me think
This list is WAY better.
Come on. Joker is an enigma because writers have been given freedom to portray him however they want see:
Is there a genuinely Sup Forums version without Sup Forums imports?
>absolute worst tier
>implying that you don't get more entertainment out of watching the writers fall flat on their stupid faces than you do out of everything on that list that isn't high or higher.