*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
Can't say I've had that problem interrupting my gaming.
Plus the drivers just keep getting faster.
Do you also tell ever living being on the planet to use linux?
Would you rather I post benchmarks from another distribution?
Here's some showing off the performance of the GNU/Linux-exclusive Vulkan version of Mad Max.
based linux user
Was anyone here actually hit by this
I have the lastest Windows 10 update like a good goy, so i don't have to worry.
*teleports back in time to march*
heh... thisll be easy...
*installs windows security updates*
heh nothin personnel kid....
Considering the large population of people here who have regularly bragged about using pirated versions with updates turned off I'm going to guess that answer is yes.
>tfw haven't updated win10 since technical previews
>torrent on a daily basis
>still not him
I think it has something to do with not being tech illiterate
only if you were retarded and didn't update, back in March
>implying anyone on Sup Forums has important files
My friend got that shit. Downloaded some tv show. He wiped the HDD and reinstalled OS. He downloaded some tv show.
Those 2TB of Rule 34 took a while to get man
why would i update my windows, everyone knows updates are designed to slow down your computer so youre forced to buy newer products.
Did he download some TV show?
not me
This wasn't something that was included in downloads. It actively attacked systems remotely using Windows SMB implementation.
I think he downloaded some TV show
Didn't it get stopped due to someone being able to register the domain ahead of the ruskies that started it?
How are you enjoying all those games that are Windows only?
The march update only stops it spreading over a network. You can still get from an email attachment or something.
There's now updated versions using different command and control systems.
I though this was CIA fuckary.
I wouldn't even care I got this.The only thing I care about is my anime I dl And most of them are in hdd and I only use them when I wanna watch something
The hospital I work for did. The staff were forced to do everything by pen and paper for 48 hours. It was a disaster.
tldr on this shit? I haven't updated my windows 7 since maybe early last year I think. What makes this one so special compared to the kajillion other viruses out there though?
It uses an exploit that allows it to spread over a network to any unpatched pc.
Lucky I had to reset my pc to factory settings because I 'upgraded' I dodged a bullet there.
It can actually hit you directly because it scans IP worldwide for computers that are exploitable.
It was a worm that spread through networks using one of the NSA/CIA's built-in Windows vulnerabilities. Antivirus wouldn't do shit, it wasn't something you got by opening totallylegitfile.exe (4kb)
Well its really only the DX11 and DX12 only games from a few AAA vendors that are really only playable on Windows. Most other games have native versions, unofficial native binaries, or run through compatibility layers now even on Windows.
Its possible in the not too distant future that all Win32 games will be run on compatibility layers originally developed to run those games on GNU/linux even on Windows for much the same reason that DOSbox took over for older legacy titles.
Though whether a generic version of the compatibility layer, or games packaged using the compatibility layers would be allowed in the Windows Store would be a question the answer to which could be very problematic for Windows gaming.
Shit that's pretty fucking spooky if I'm being honest. I think I'll go update my pc...
Did they end up paying for it?
Apparently there's even a dogecoins miner worm that does that too. Not to mention it block utcp 445 to block the cryptolocker worm.
You don't update your pc?
Are you idiot?
I doubt it. We had people from the gubment come down and fix it for us
Yeah I'm pretty dumb. I just can't be arsed restarting my pc most of the time so I just forget it.
I beat UFO once I am not doing it again.
>he doesn't know
>unzips offline backups
On Win7, is updating the only way to prevent this?
dont reply to me
I didn't
Well, you should have an antivirus, a firewall and let your windows (or linux or mac) to make automatic updates
There are other methods that block the ports it uses or something. But that still won't stop you getting it from an attachment or torrent.
The KGB obtained a lot of CIA/NSA details from the Trump administration (no fans of the US intelligence community), cooked up this plot to exploit the bug so Microsoft would take that tool away, and then released it while leaking it on the internet for plausible deniability.
and common sense
it would be easer just to block fucking port
>tfw i left my computer on for over a year straight and it backed up so many updates that i literally can't update it any more because it freezes / takes over a day and actually fails whenever it tries to update
but i just can't get over the convenience of having it on immediately as soon as i wake up
>computer hasnt been working since february
>ive been using my works notebook since
>afraid of getting this when i fix it
I shouldnt be illiterate about this.
I got all those but the auto updates basically. Weren't you guys just saying that antivirus won't so squat though?
welcome to the standard care home ways of handling filework.
I haven't updated my pirated W7 in ages, can I just update to the latest version and block the one update which contains the crack check?
How can you even get the virus in the first place.
How does it look?
Is it some obvious GameOfThrones.SE9.EP01.mov.exe that you have to click to get fucked?
Weird I haven't updated Win7 in my laptop since December of 2016 and I didn't got anything.
Maybe because I just use it for games and porn but still. Did this only affected americans or what?
Read the thread
Read the thread you fucktard.
Or you could grow up and buy a legit key. They're usually very cheap for windows 7 nowadays. Don't tell me your mommy won't let you have 10 bux to get a legit w7 key?
No you faggot you don't even have to open anything, it's automatically loaded into your computer through a loophole.
>torrent shitloads of games and music
>no antivirus software
it still didnt get me
DUDE ME TOO. I haven't turned it off since a blackout in July last year.
No. Any unpatched Windows machine connected to the internet is vulnerable.
The only real way to keep an older version of Windows safe is to run it virtualized on top of a secure (preferably non-Windows) OS.
Pretty much same. Standing on W8 with a lot of updates and i cant update the thing because it gets in a infinity loop. But whocares. Works just fine
So is using an Antivirus pretty much something of the past decade?
It seems keeping your shit updated and not being a retard are the only things to worry about these days.
I could buy a Windows 7 key or I could buy ten chocolate bars
>falling for propoganda
antivirus are almost useless, but they work with the virus that symantec creates
It affected the whole world, including my country's government shitty network.
So get a SSD and put your OS on it. Literally takes 2-3 seconds from shutdown.
Damn that's scary. I have the Windows 10 Creator update there ready to get installed but i always console my way out of it to avoid doing it. Don't really know if i could be vulnerable or not.
Yeah, windows default antivirus is more or less sufficient now unless you're a corporation.
>buying windows
You are one manchild here
>update windows because I don't really care and have nothing to hide
>this shit happens
Can someone give me a quick rundown
Running Malwarebytes, am I solid or do I still need to update?
>tfw you don't have $300 worth of files on your pc
God forbid they encrypted my pepes and old school work.
>pirate games for almost 12 years
>never got a virus
its just impossible to get a virus via torrents
>tfw my cracked win10 have blocked every single hole
can't even open win10 store
Antivirus won't do fucking shit to stop this
Did you score 200mil on lunatic though?
>pirate retard calling people "manchildren"
Anyone who got this shit and hasn't updated windows or doesnt keep a backup deserves it. Stop being a fucking retard and back your shit up and update windows.
Why do i feel this is a old fearmongering meme?
i think the only way to get a virus these days is by not keeping windows updated or clicking and downloading things from email attachments
>if you update, you gotta deal with Microsoft's bullshit telemetry
>if you don't update, you risk losing your files
not being an idiot is also an option
I'm like 20% sure that this is just a widespread shill operation to get people to update their Windows installs to:
1. implement another vulnerability
2. trick people into installing windows 10
but whatever i update my computer like a good body daddy m$ loves me
W-wait, what is this?
Should I download the 170 updates I can download?
This is literally based on an NSA exploit that doesn't need to go through any of that bullshit. Just breaks through Windows straight through your network connection. If you are connected to the internet, it can get you.
You keep your computer updated. well fucking done, have a medal.
You're pretty good lil bro.
Windows 7 I presume? KB3138612 my dude, download the offline installer for that, run "net stop wuauserv" from an elevated command prompt and immediately install the update you just downloaded before the update service recovers and cockblocks update installs again. Reboot and watch the updates suddenly start working again, as a bonus it frees up 100+ MB of memory and stops the update check from hogging an entire core 24/7.
>Family desktop is still some old shitty Windows XP clunker
>Read this thread about how this virus works
Y-Yeah I think I'll just leave it turned off for a while.
It's pajeets trying to make you update to the latest windows version
Don't listen to them.
I haven't updated windows in probably like 2 years. I imagine it would take that long to update it now if I let it