So you think they'll make a mainline Pokemon game for the Switch?
So you think they'll make a mainline Pokemon game for the Switch?
I like gay pokeporn just as much as the next guy, but you should try to be subtle with your furry shitposting.
no sorry tyler you're being euthanized
>killing your only chance at sex
we're renaming you to something not-stupid
like rex or spot
my dad already fucked me loser, what now?
>not bubba
Nah. Don't feel like posting more.
If that's my only chance I won't take it
if stars is real i doubt itll be switch
nice thread op
>tfw no gay Pokemon bf
>big buff overly masculine creature has a dick shorter than my own
For what purpose?
so you can remind him he's inferior to you and fuck his brain out
I thought that only happened to twink sissyboys?
>gay furfag has the same name as you
I dont like this
it can happen to big buff men, they like being humiliated too.
>being named tyler
>created 46 minutes ago
>thread is still up
Same here man
I'll be sure to tell my parents they fucked up big time with my name, just for you user
Sup Forums has no mods
I know what you mean
eat a cock
mods are asleep
iktf T-T
>tfw you will never go on a pokemon journey to catch a team of bara pokemon
>tfw you will never reward them for doing a good job by letting them ravage your boipuss