
tell me about furi

the game completely passed me (while i was busy playing hollow knight)
literally haven't heard a single thing about this until today for the first time and suddenly it's everywhere and everyone is talking about how good it was

so, is it worth it?

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People who complain about it usually suck at

It's a boss rush game, a mix of direct combat action with bullet hell, the art design is made by the guy who created Afro Samurai, the soundtrack is kinda good, and there's a ultra hard mode "Furier" that hardcorefags masturbate after.

It's a good game for what it's worth, nothing great though.

>the game completely passed me (while i was busy playing hollow knight)
Furi came out nearly a year ago, Hollow Knight came out a couple of months ago. how does this paradox occur?

It's got a pretty good sound track

Best thing about the game desu

It's good. I didn't finish it but it's good.

You casual go finish it

it's pretty engaging and gets your blood pumping. the soundtrack definitely adds to the experience. i recommend you play it

really good game

only takes about 3-4 hours to beat the first time (proof that is a huge casual), but your first playthrough is basically a tutorial for your second playthrough on hard mode, which changes a lot of the fights completely, it's not just health/damage modifiers, attack patterns and such change a lot too.

Definitely worth picking up, especially if it's still on sale

goty 2016

get the DLC that just came out

that Bernard fight is the culmination of all your skills throughout the whole game, as it's pretyt much a boss rush of every boss' major mechanic stuffed into one boss with no breaks and no easy mode

>buying video games in 2017
torrents are a thing you know

I want to play it but don't have a controller at the moment, so fuck that.

I didn't really like the combat for the most part, but the soundtrack and art design is pretty good.

It's a game, also it's good.

Really? It was FOTM, and it was a long month.

S'okay. Can't say it's really my bag, the bullet-hell crap is annoying and the melee combat is hyper-streamlined.

Looks kind of like that guy from the cover of dead cells
Same dev/spin off or beta version or something?


it was free on psn for a month, but it's worth the (10 buck?) tag it's at now.


No relation.

kb+m isnt bad, only thing is that you may need to switch between the dashing modes for a couple of boss patterns

It's really good. My own GOTY of 2016.

My complains are the unskipable intermission cutscenes (which are getting longer each bosses) and how short the whole game is.

Wow really?
I don't know I just never saw anything about it.
I think someone told me it picked up in interest around the time nier/HK came out when people jumped on gushing about it but was pretty dead on start.

Like seriously, it was a dead hit. absolutely no exposure for that much of its lifespan is incredible.

is she right?

It really does look similar.
I guess they stole the design.



I didn't like the game, but no, every death in Furi is your own fault and it telegraphs all the attacks and patterns predictably enough without being all that punishing, either.

>bullet hell crap is annoying
The entire game is a bullet hell, dunno what to say to you.

That said, if you like
>Slow paced atmospheric style
>Adrenaline Junkie bullet hells and maybe some light hack n' slashing

You'll like it a lot.

One of the only people I know that hated it hated it because of the cutscenes (which are two minutes long at a MAX and can be skipped in speedrun mode on consecutive playthroughs) and it triggered the fuck out of me. Some people just throw a fit when they have to sit through ten seconds of story to get to gameplay, and the cutscenes are super well paced for what they are, brief breather sessions with exposition because you're never going to get an opportunity for important dialogue during gameplay proper.

If a game doesn't respect your time then why should you give it respect?
Seems reasonable to me, unskippable cutscenes in 2017 is just mental disability at its finest, there's no going round about it.

Wrong as hell. Furi isn't easy but every attacks are clear and dodgeable. If you get hit, it's your own fault.

They're good intermissions just to calm you down after fights, but they should gave the option to skip it from the first playthrough.

How about he plays it first, faggot?

Ten seconds of garbage will stick out in 2 hours of gold, and that's not something you want to leave anyone with.

ADD retard

I'm using a Thinkpad T420 and am left handed.

I was annoyed at the walking sections at first but then I found out I can press a button and it walks me through it automatically so I could just take in the scenery and sit back.

Absolutely great game but I've got a weird thing for these 'too tough for you' games with hard bosses so this really bagged my groceries.

Because they're less than two minutes each at a max, can be set to autowalk by pressing a button, and you only have to experience it for the first playthrough. They could have put in a skip option for the first playthrough, but it's not unheard of for developers to want you to experience games a certain way, and that's just how they wanted you to experience FURI, I guess. They didn't bring on the fucking Afro Samurai designer and have famous electronic composers compose music for those (again, two minute) sections just for you to go "tl;dr lol"

I get not liking it, but it's such an absolutely minor nitpick considering it's not a negative to everyone or even most players that even comprehend changing your entire opinion of the game based on it.

It's like getting to a part in an action movie that's slow and atmospheric and standing up, screeching "WHY AREN'T YOU RESPECTING MY TIME" and sprinting out of the fire exit to write a terrible review.

First song best song


>He doesn't support good games

I can't just decide on one, they're all just so good.

I have a good memory of playing You are the end during a particularly good round of Overwatch, though.

>And then complain about the state of video games

Comparing apples to oranges, my man.
If the devs don't give you an option to skip their "DEEP ATMOSPHERE cutscenes" then I could care less about how much they want to blow and wank over themselves.
It's just dumb, if you want to watch it then do it, if not let people skip it like every other game.

It's not a question at this point.
Going "REEEEEEEEEE DO I LIKE I DO OR GO AWAY REEEE" is just pathetic, no one's gonna take away your cinematic walks but some of us just value our time.

Read her article and no, she isn't right in any way. Her complaints basically boil down to:
>The game is heavily dependent on reflexes and should provide alternate ways for people who aren't good at twitch gameplay to fight and progress
>The game hurt my feelings by mocking me for dying or playing on a lower difficulty. I'm just as much of a gamer as people who play difficult games and I deserve to be treated as such

my goty for 2016, soundtrack is baller as hell too

Because they're two minutes, user. Two. Minutes. If you can't put down your pretentious "i'm too GOOD for story, 'atmosphere' is a buzzword, gameplay is the only thing that matters" bullshit for two seconds you either have ADD, aspergers, or both.

Game design 101: the less options you present your player, the worse your game (not necessarily making it bad.) I loved the game play of Furi but those parts were completely lost on me. The dialogue delivery/writing was pretty trash, even looking at it from a campy POV. The environments were cool but why not work them into the boss fight instead of literally making me not play the game while exposition happens? Furi is a great GAME when you're allowed to PLAY it.


>If the devs don't give you an option.
They do. Speedrun mode.

It's just an insane thing to complain about. The intermission sequences are really short and you only have to go through them on your first playthrough. I can't imagine someone placing that much value on their time unless they were a major executive that were playing the game between multi-million dollar business meetings.

I don't know user it seems like you might actually have aspergers of some sort or fashion.
What's so hard to comprehend about it?
If you want to play video games then you want to play video games.
Not have someone tell you "nuh-uh-uh no playing yet, look at the atmosphere!"
It's simple stuff, people figured it out in the NES days, press the start button and bam the opening credits are done and you're playing stage 1, ingenious.

normal mode only, doesnt unlock cheevos, cant be done on a fresh save file. Practice mode lets you play on furier but the rest still applies.

>you only have to go through them on your first playthrough
No, you have to go through them at least twice if you want to play furier and something like 5 times if you want all the cheevos. They are an annoyance.

If you valued your time that much you wouldn't care about the "cheevos"

>If you want to play video games then you want to play video games.
Gameplay is what sets apart games from other mediums, it is not what defines a good game. Take all the atmosphere away from Silent Hill and you lose a lot, put it in and you've got an absolutely fantastic game.
Don't limit the scope of the medium.

It's good but not great. Fights are fun, even though I don't really like the charge mechanic affecting dodge distance. Music is great, it's got good style and the story is intriguing up until the final boss and then it shits the bed.

Well I dont mind wasting time replaying a game to grab some better ranks. What I do mind is wasting time watching cutscenes Ive already seen. Its a problem any way you slice it, they should have been skippable.

>the less options you present your player, the worse the game
That's not game design 101 at all. You can provide thousands of options to a player, but if you don't provide them anything to do with those options, the game will be flat and boring. Not much to do with Furi, though.

Look at it from the developer point of view. They put effort into these scenes, they're incredibly brief, and they're pretty clearly part of anime-esque style the game is trying to evoke. If you set it to auto walk, the cutscene will be done by the time you take a piss. "You can't skip them on furier" is a legitimate complaint, but it's still so minor that I can't imagine saying it defiles the rest of the experience.
I know you're a rusemeister but
>some people actually believe this
Games are just as much about the challenge as they are immersing the player in a world, because they can do both better than any other medium. To be someone who sneers at the concept of atmosphere period in a game is someone who will be perpetually playing retro and small indie games, who largely aren't excluding atmosphere as a deliberate choice, but because they can't afford it or couldn't with old technology.

Not to say that there's no merit in a game that goes pure gameplay without letting story interfere but that's just not the kind of game Furi is.

No ones talking about taking anything away, just making it skippable

you tryina tell me furi has atmosphere that would have without it made the game shit?
are you tryin to meme or something

we played the same game right?
The one where you just fight enemies for the sake of fighting mechanics, the one with shitty writing and 3d cg thrown together in A E S T H E T I C S fashion by a college student?

I mean jesus fucking christ dude, sure atmosphere matters in some games, but most of them let you skip right to gameplay anyway
and this pretentious wank surely doesn't fucking need it

it's about as video game as it gets, it's advertised as "you just fight bosses and that's it" why make such a dumbfuck decision like not letting you skip past the fodder to the action?

Excellent boss rush game, pretty good soundtrack, fun gameplay.

>the game completely passed me (while i was busy playing hollow knight)
Are you from a different timeline or something?

I see how it is

How the fuck do you cope with any game made after the SNES?

>game is advertised as having the fucking afro samurai artist on-board
>expects complete gameplay with literally no build-up whatsoever

not the other guy but it didn't really feel pretentious to me, it was just trying to be cool by the developers' standards. It felt like a throwback to old anime like Casshan.

Being stylish is part of what they were trying to do, they wouldn't have brought on international artists and composers if they were trying to make a game solely about gameplays.

"you should have been able to skip it" is a fine thing to say, acting like it's a sin that tarnishes the game is ridiculous. It's part of the game they wanted to make and such a small part of it that I can't fathom throwing such a fit about it.

Most of it actually kinda sucks but the section at 0:58 - 1:31 singlehandedly makes it the best one in the game

They all let you skip to gameplay in my experience.

Last time I saw an unskippable anything was the unskippable cuscenece in the re-release of FFX which was just square going full retard.

Other than that, that's it.
So just fine, my many.

I think the whole thing is pretty tight, but you're right that the section you pointed out is just a cut above.

The part used for his last attack is better, too.

Neither can I understand people throwing such a fit about it being a good decision.
Just look at this thread, someone pointed out a flaw and everyone spazzed out including you.

Not the guy you're talking to but plenty of games don't let you skip certain cutscenes and there are a LOT of games with non-combat narrative parts that are essentially cutscenes you can't skip. I can understand being a little cross at the part in a modern shooter where you have to walk around the military base for an hour listening to partner man talk about stuff every run, but two minute cutscenes giving the game actual pacing between fights that you only have to experience during your first run is such a small thing to complain about. I take issue with it being a big enough problem to ruin the game, not disliking it period.

Not allowing skips for Furier is needless, I'll give you that.

Could also be a response for this guy.

By everyone you mean Dunkey?

Who's Dunkey?


>game was literally just on sale
>but there's no way anyone would have possibly noticed that

Oh, Don't know then.

great fucking game. was tied for my GOTY last year with the new hitman.

>Opening credits
WTF is that shit, I just want to play the game