
With the insecure beta manlet dropped from the team, this might end up being a good game after all.

Other urls found in this thread:


He has never made a bad game. Prove me wrong...


>He has never made a bad game.
That's your shit opinion. Now, here's an actual fact: he has never made a game that sold well.

>Posts good game
No, he said a bad game

Arthur to Astaroth no Nazomakaimura: Incredible Toons

>Resident Evil 2

343 making scalebound now or something?

It's still not his original vision of a loli with dinosaurs, I can't take it

I hope it comes. I have nothing to play besides Halo 5 and multiplats on my Bone. Still over 100 unplayed games thanks to GwG, though.

Nah, just renewing the trademark so no one else can touch it.

Like Capcom with Deep Down and Rockstar with Agent.

pretty good gonna buy this now Platinum Games sucks dick anyways.



Oh boy, because we know how good western hack n slash games are.

>hire gooks for the idea
>steal their idea after you trick them


>Close to Microsoft
>Probably western developer

It's already dead. Those two things killed it.

Could this be the little something 343 has to show at E3? Let's hope not.


I'd eat my left shoe.

No platinum no buy.
It was only due to Kamiya i had any interest to begin with

ops. This was for you

>tfw they make the game run much better without Kamiya

They can make the game run as good as they want, it won't be designed as well without him.



>tfw they make the game a Skyrim clone with God of War combat

Why are Microsoft so retarded?

They'll make it run so well they'll chip off any ounce of complexity to do it.

Goddamn westerners.

Don't get excited, the game is still cancelled and always will be. they're only renewing it so that Kamiya/Platinum can't do it on their own. It was Kamiya's dream game and if Microsoft lets the rights lapse, Kamiya would just do it on his own with Platinum, without Microsoft. msoft isn't gonna let that happen

Ahahaha, if this is true it's going to be a fucking disaster. 10k sales and it'll get Lionhead shut down again.

>Bone + win 10
>10k sales
>with all the weebs on pc

delusional sonybros

>Buying a trashy western game that is based off of Kamiyas work

Look at how well that worked out for DMC.

Can games this big even sell this badly? I think 500k would be assured at minimum. Let alone with all the discounts and freemiums on both platforms.

This game has a good amount of hype behind it.

Lionhead didn't even sell enough copies of Fable to survive, the weebs were only interested because of Kamiya.

>Why are Microsoft so retarded?
Why do you think they are retarded? Do you think they threw Kamiya out because he was doing a little too well for their liking, LMAO? If the project was cancelled, it means it didn't meet budget requirements and timelines and/or didn't do well with focus testing groups, which basically means that Kamiya is an incompetent hack.

>They show new trailer at E3
>They show DMC5 at e3 during Sony conference
>Scalebound has been cancelled

But if the game has a western developer no weebs are going to buy it

Look at games like Sunset Overdrive and Quantum Break. They sold like shit despite the huge budgets and hype.

Look at all the games Microsoft have been directly involved in this generation. They've been cancelled or sold like shit unless it was a Halo game.

Microsoft literally have no idea what the average person wants out of a game. Scalebound was made by the Japanese to attract a market that likes Japanese games (which Microsoft have wanted for well over a decade now). So they cancelled it and now rumors are they're giving it to a western developer.

>Let me spout baseless assumptions because i'm obviously an industry veteran!
Fuck off shill. I can't comprehend why you'd go out of your way to defend Microsoft.

Yeah but not 10k levels of shit. And looking at the numbers of those games, I think 500k is also way too low of a estimation for a game like Scalebound (unless it sucked major dick like Quantum Break and ReCore)
Also Forza has been selling well. It's a franchise that surprises me considering it manages to sell better in Europe despite the handicap that console has in that continent.

>Quantum Break
How is Remedy even alive after that cockup?

It was running like shit on the xbox: youtube.com/watch?v=MHGwsufc_Vw
The frame rate is fukin awful.

Thats what he posted

>all of this went to trash
what a waste. How much money went into it?

Why would people even want this shitty game? Did nobody watch the horrid gameplay of this pile of shit? It's a mess.

No, these are things that are guaranteed to have happened, otherwise no one would have canceled the project. Maybe you should suck less weeb celebrity idol cock in the future?

Enough that they're bringing it back from the dead with a C-grade studio.

He trademark renew was granted on May 3rd. It doesn't mean anything besides that Nintendo or whatever won't be able to buy it.

I'd rather have them work on a real Fable 4.

Because Quantum Break actually didn't sell like shit, these anons have no idea what they are talking about. Remedy herself said that they were satisfied with the sales and now they are already working on a new game.

I was interested about this game because Platinum games, It could be the drakengard 4 but microsoft fucked it up. They have to die

They didnt even say what developer. If they said they are bringing the game back with a japanese developer you would be praisibg the game to the heavens

>i have no info about the team, i know it's not Platinum but a team near MS (maybe a 2nd party)
A team near MS that can devellop RPG? Who could that beN


If it was Tecmo Koei or some shit it'd still be "throw this game in the goddamn garbage".

Each time Scalebound was shown to the public it looked worse and worse. Why are people hyped for this game again?

What a clusterfuck of development hell.

The Coalition

Because muh kamiya muh platinum

Literally only because of Kamiya.

But yeah I swear it was starting to remind me of Kameo: Elements of Power or some shit. Not to mention that Kamiya or no, the concept just didn't look that fun.

For the best that it's dead.

I bet my left nut that is mostly sony ggers mad that they won't get to shit on it's certain 65-70 metacritic score.

Because weebs are idolizing hacks, that's pretty much it.

Bullshit3. This is the nintendo tranny dude level of bullshit.

Alright guys, enough fight between xbots and sonyfags. Let's talk about the GAME ok?

So, obviously they will keep the idea of it being an massive open world action rpg with multiplayer, that is what MS wanted from the start, do you think they will keep the ideas of it having giant dragons and creatures or they will rewrite even that? And if the Lionhead rumor is right, are they up for this challenge?

Imagine the butthurt when if they announce that another studio besides Platinum games is develloping this again.

The most hilarious thing that can happen is the game being released and outselling recent Platinum games. There would be no end to the anal anguish of butt-blasted Platinumcucks.


It sold so fucking bad they've announced they aren't making bone exclusives and are working on a multiplatform console release which they haven't done since fucking 2003


Is Scalebound the new "Last Guardian"?

how to kill any chances that your system would redeem itself in japan in two easy steps

Microsoft didn't even officially announced anything yet and the butthurt already started? Damn, why weebs can't take japanese dicks out of their mouths for like, five minutes?

Last Guardian was actually released

Phantom Dust's team can handle this.

They'll probably keep all the assets.

Honestly I have no idea, it really depends on how much of the game they're gonna keep. Lionhead has 0 faith from me as a developer, the action in the Fable games felt like clunky shit, but they're working off a pretty fucking substantial basis here so who knows.

But then Scalebound didn't really look that good in trailers. And I've never seen Lionhead without them being jacked around on Molyneux's autist leash.

So who fucking knows?

This whole business is shady. Reeks of what Bethesda pulled with Mikami. Entice them in with a chance to work on a game they wanted, strongarm into doing the game the publisher wanted and then kicking them to the curb.

Okami and W101 of the games I've played

Okami has amazing art design but fucking dreadful game design.

Microsoft doesn't give a fuck about selling games in Japan, since Xbox doesn't even sell there in the first place. What Microsoft wants is to get the Japanese devs on board to develop stuff for the Scorpio so that WESTERN weebs would buy their shit.

W101 was great, though.

Okami I didn't finish. Dragged on and fucking on. Goddamn Zelda clone.


lmao this is hilariously made up


>That damage control from @XRays_insiders

>Isn't working on a game called Scalebound

How would they even go about announcing this? "We're bringing back Scalebound, without acclaimed director Kamiya and without Platinum Games. We passed the project on to someone else, because games always come out good when they get tossed around developers"

honestly, lionhead might be the best pairing for a game like this. i have actual faith in it now.

Microsoft closed Lionhead Studio last year. They are dead.


>Kamiya with his team, enthusiastically working on their dream project
>most of the game already done
>Miscrosoft cancels it
>then brings it back and gives the game to some western team who previously had nothing to do with the game to do the finishing touches
>All credit goes to them

It's because it's a big name, and Microsoft ain't gonna let some rando swoop in and take away the brand name they put years of advertising behind.

>"MS isn't working on a game called Scalebound"

So... they already changed the title of the project? Interesting.

>renew the game without platinum
I really can't tell if MS burned the bridge or platinum, probably both

Who fucking cares? I play games for the game itself, not the developer.

that's some shit taste there

>some western team
So there wouldnt be a problem if some other jap team got the credit?

talk about a massive bullshit

if they did, they wouldn't renew a trademark called Scalebound.

the guys who uptill now only made racing games?
who havnt made a good game after the millenium started?
>The Coalition
pic related

It's going to be renamed into Fable IV

No you retard, the problem heres is that nobody cares about the fucking game now, the only reason the game was creation hype was because platinium games was involved there is no other reason and thats why people are just saying shit like that. So fuck of nigger enjoy your shit 3rd person western rpg thats is probably going to be an skyrim clone with a dragon followers. Kek

Yes, all the former Lionhead employees were on unemployment and just waiting for M$ to rehire them

Maybe he should've done a better job.

>not knowing mistwalker
They made the best Jrpg of last gen, lost odyssey