Nintendo tops April sales in US

>Switch First 2 Months: 1186K

>3DS First 2 months: 592K
>Wii U First 2 Months: 885K
>Wii First 2 Months: 1080K
>DS First 2 Months: 1225K

I thought you guys said it would flop?

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I don't know if you noticed but Sup Forums is full of complete morons, except me of course.

>second month already only 550k
That's really low. It begins.

Switch is doing very well but that chart really does not mean anything since those numbers show the WiiU dominating the PS4 yet we know how that turned out seing as how the WiiU is officially dead and is a mere 20% of the total sales of the PS4 worldwide.

>Switch is doing very well
For now, as you said it WILL be another WiiU.

It launched with the biggest game normies wanted, long term remains to be seen.

Yes, any day now
Any day Nintendo will go bankrupt

Huh, I thought it sold a million the first month in the US. I guess not.

It will be very hard for them to fuck up enough to be another WiiU, but I doubt it'll become a seller on the scale of Wii. I imagine it'd do a comfortable 60-80m or so lifetime sales.

Switch is a handheld with an HDMI port, nobody will buy that long-term. Parents are the number one reason for Gameboys selling.

Why would a parent buy this for their kid when they could get them an iPhone or tablet? Kids want the new COD and Madden, Mario who?

Manchildren can't sustain themselves long-term, much less this.

>Wii U First 2 Months: 885K

and it was a colossal shitfest.
It needs to keep pace to not fall off into flops

If they actually support with software and KEEP third parties releasing for them, they will do well with Switch.

top kek

Just like WiiU will kill sony...wait a sec...

>b-but sony
?? I thought we were talking about Nintendo here

>60-80m or so lifetime sales.
Hahaha. 3DS is already outsold by PS4 with 3 years headstart.

It's dying down, thankfully.

Statistically it cannot outsell the 3DS as the handheld market is on a declining trend due to the obvious increasing trend in mobile gaming market.

>3DS is already outsold by PS4 with 3 years headstart.

I did. I'm glad it didn't. Well, kind of glad. Means I still have to pay the nintendo tax, but at least nintendo games won't be limited to Sony hardware.

I'm showing you how wrong you will be as you were before.

>Why would a parent buy this for their kid when they could get them an iPhone or tablet? Kids want the new COD and Madden
COD and Madden on an iPhone?
I want some of that mad kush you smokin, my nigga.



Mind telling me 3DS sales and PS4 sales numbers?

What's this? No boys allowed?

Console market was also supposed to be on a decline but PS4 is absolutely wrecking previous console generation pacing.

3DS: 67M sold
PS4: 60M shipped

>Japan sales
It would be a problem if something like this happened in the US

Because, in my personal opinion, it doesn't deserve good sales.

It's kind of funny to see how equal the pc and console shares are.

The 3DS is still selling and being supported. Just because it is not the DS does not mean it will suddenly ship 0 more units from now on. I imagine it will also end up around 80m lifetime units. You guys are as dumb as that one guy who said the PS4 will not sell anymore than 78m units because Sony won't support it anymore after this new fiscal year.

Well the Wii U was doing better than PS4 in Japan for a while.
It wasn't until 2015/16 where Nintendo dropped the Wii U and it's sales really started tanking in Japan while PS4 finally started getting some games nips actually cared about and selling better.

Nope console market has always been on the uptrend.

It sells much better in JP. If its momentum is dying in JP then US drop must be even bigger.

Of course it's a waste of time to discuss this without solid numbers.

Nintendo products either flop or are a homerun. There's no middle ground and it's kind of hard to predict which one will it be before release.

Nice fake number, its also 60.

post the release dates

Jesus Christ Japan.

>Statistically it cannot outsell the 3DS
.. user, statistically the Switch could outsell the Ps2. It's just very very unlikely.

You're right, they'll get the PS4, not a switch.

>before release
Or after for that matter

Actually nevermind, I was wrong too. 3DS sits at 65M
>The 3DS sold 6.45 million units compared to the year before, which saw 3.6 million hardware sales. This growth brings the 3DS’s lifetime sales to 65.3 million units

Why? I thought '3DS is already outsold by PS4 with 3 years headstart'?

That's probability. You mean it has a very low probability.

Why not?

No, you're right. COD and Madden will never be on a Switch because it will never meet the sells numbers to allow them to downport those games to it.

what exactly do you think statistics are? The whole subject basically revolves around analyzing various probability distributions.

Yeah but "statistically speaking" means the odds are in my favor. Also the real application of statistics here is to predict the sales of Switch, not the probability of Switch outselling the PS2. Here the data says the handheld market is declining 24.1% YoY. Therefore next year you can say with high confidence that the handheld market next year would be 24.1% lesser than this year's.

The Switch is beaten out by tablet sales, which are beaten out by phone sales. It's niche with an X1 and zero third party support. I mean third party support that sales consoles, not I am Setsuna and Meat Boy.

Four year old Sony and M$ hardware do what Nintendn't

The WiiU, worldwide, was doing 150k at this point

Only thing that chart shows me is that the 3DS wins everything forever.

The Switch is doing over double, even triple, what the WiiU/PS4 managed in the same timeframe. More consistent

Kill yourself sonyfag

And considering Splatoon 2 isnt even out yet, the numbers can only go much higher.

No, why the fuck would a kid want a tablet? Hmm roll the ball around game 103498 vs. the literal best portable game ever made. Hmmm...

You must assume all kids are faggots like yourself.

WiiU and PS4 are not handhelds.

>This thread again

It's been 12 years. Can we have one day where consolewars are banned?

>literal best portable game ever made

This thing is so much fun.

Desktop botw is GOAT

>the literal best portable game ever made.
Dragon Quest V isn't on it.

>Why would a parent buy this for their kid when they could get them an iPhone or tablet



why not both???

This is a rerun episode of "Can Nintendo survive only with Nintendo fanboys?"

I have no interest on the PS4, Xbox One, or Switch.

Shit backwards compatibility
Pay to play online
Shitty tablet processor

Xbox One
Least shitty than the PS4 in the long run but
Pay to play online kills the appeal

4GB RAM in 2017
Weaker than the PS4 and X1, both of which are running on a tablet processor, somehow worse
32GB internal is a really good idea, do it again
Shit battery life as a handheld, shit hardware as a console

Christ, last generation was the last proper generation. Thankfully the 3DS isn't hot garbage like 8th consoles are, so there's a silver lining.

t. Masked Man El Shillio

It's the post-Golden Week dip. Retailers are still out of stock like five minutes after the shipment comes in.

>I have no interest on the PS4, Xbox One, or Switch.

good for you

>complain about the switch specs
>praise the 3ds of all things

>vs. the literal best portable game ever made

Exactly. Portable. They don't want portable, they want FIFA, GTA O, COD, BF1, and every other game your coworker plays, who are also the other half of the market it needs to appeal to.

No one will be as hype for Mario as the new BF1 or Overwatch. Nintendo need new IPS and better third party support, which will come when they get better hardware.

>Retailers are still out of stock like five minutes after the shipment comes in.
Then why the dip you droning nigger?

Why is nobody pointing out the 70% drop from the first month?


nah dude i just fr*ckin love it !

Ì honestly have no idea of how this thing can actually sell. Not only is the hardware complete garbage, it also barely has any worthwhile game to own that isn't a port.

About switch sales: several retailers and famitsu have said the shipments have been abysmally low that's why sales dropped, but it's sold out.

Welcome to NintendoGAF.

Because that's normal?

true story dudes, totally not a shill or anything

They probably allocated more to the West after Golden Week.

It's still out of stock on every online retailer.

Ok, and if we apply that to the WiiU situation, it'd have to do 5 times as well as the WiiU to match the PS4. Switch is doing fantastic in Japan but Japan does not dictate worldwide success. If you want the Japanese games translated and localized, it has to do well everywhere.

Wow that picture is looking too multicultural for my taste. It's disgusting.

>It's still out of stock on every online retailer.
I hope you mean Japanese retailer because I'm working at European one and we can't get rid of this thing.

It's a Japanese site, user, what do you think?

Sup Forums said the Switch would crash and burn.

I think that your sentence concerning online retailers wasn't necessarily connected to the link you've posted.

Yeah, all the stores and famitsu are total shills.

Don't act like a little bitch now, look at the cool Nintenkiddos.

Sup Forums says everything will crash and burn, so everything is actually very successful. Everyone wins and no one is a loser!

But Sup Forums also said the same about ps4...

No it wasn't you fucking retard


ever since tortanic Sup Forums has been hoping for another one

>Switch will sell 20 million without third party support

Splatoon and Mario Kart killed the WiiU. I want a Switch but you're deluded if you think it will sell on first party alone. No one's going to buy it to play a downgraded Battlefront 2 game.

>stalking on php forum

R u ok, user?

>what is the DS and 3DS
>what is the Wii

It was very entertaining but the feverish need for another shitstorm like that has made this place almost unbearable. I just hide most topics because they're just so fucking boring and predictable.

Have one for Sup Forums and PS4?

>What are parents and the age before phones were more powerful than a 2017 handheld

I can't believe the stock is STILL low.

No. I would create more but Sup Forums uses a lot of images and images takes too much space. Text only is kinda boring.

its really been a combination of things, from tortanic and the need for another one, to the furry/gay/consolewars shitposting going into overdrive to personally what i think has been the biggest issue, the influx of users who subscribe to the idea of "Sup Forums is for shitposting lol" and just shit up the board because they think its what they are meant to do

fuck off

Why don't I see your post here ?