What do you think this one will be about?

What do you think this one will be about?

Generic shit like the 4 others. Give the IP back to Crytek.

killing racist white people in montana as a black cop

Would buy

An island.

Far cry 1 sucked ass

You face sucks ass.

reskin of FC3-4

Far Cry 3 but in Montana

No vaas no buy


you literally killed him user

It doesn't suck, it just starts out good and gets progressively worse.

Play Instincts faggots, its like FC1 but 50x better

In a hallucination kind of and his corpse is missing when you come to again. Please don't kill my hope user, I'm still waiting for the biggest ruse of all time

>console exclusive
>50x better

you fucking nigger i'll kill you

Its literally improved in every way

It will be like FC3 and 4, but in a different setting... a desert perhaps.

It's set in modern day Montana, you're playing as a cop. The logo with the blue and red colors emphasize that.

This is the most boring way to reveal a game

Hey guys far cry 5 is announced but no details and here is a bland logo