What does Sup Forums think of LobosJR?
What does Sup Forums think of LobosJR?
Genuinely entertaining and cool dude. Him and epicnamebro are toptier for sure. I know i'm gonna get shit on for this post but idgaf.
stop shilling lobos
I don't know that guy.
I've never heard of him until now.
I don't care for him, nor will I ever seek him out.
I understand kids like Letsplayers, so kids on this board will want to talk about him.
crazy-good at games
dumped pic related but she's batshit crazy so i kinda dont blame him
no real reason to shit on him
I don't know how he has the patience to do the same bossfight for 2 hours.
He's not a letsplayer. He's a streamer
liked his challenge streams for dark souls great vids also he looks like the lead from andrew jackson jihad. Like does the dude stream in his spare time?
this channel was recommended to me on youtube. but i guess he's primarily a twitch channel, because all he does is respond to people in the chat. which is really annoying and gets rid of any kind of entertainment the videos could potentially have.
>who the fuck is pewdiepie
>no one is allowed to be popular because i never was!
that's how you sound
>mfw DSP couldn't do this overlevelled
overrated faggot
his streams are fucking shit because he is uncharismatic dweeb with nothing interesting to say
his weird dark souls runs sound like great viewings on paper but he plays the game the exact same way every time so once you have seen one, you have seen them all
I don't understand the boner so many people on this board have for him
Lobos "Should got rid of that bitch sooner" JR
Every fucking run he does unless it involves being forced to wear armor is just him naked rolling everything
Gets very boring fast
Kill yourself eceleb worshiper
His head is fucking huge.
I just recently found out about him since I just recently started playing Souls games. He is very knowledgeable and skilled at most games he chooses to play, but then again if i focused on only a few games for years I'd probably be good at them time. His streams are fun, the only problem I have with him is how when he's in a game, if his character gets hit he'll say "Oww!" or some shit like that .
Step aside and let the true autist take the stage.
Outside of competitive games, I don't understand the need to watch other people play games. I don't think I'm lonely enough.
Dogs are shit tier animals and pets
Bitter loser.
>Playing DaS3
>Buys Artorias set
>Drops the set and throws shit at it
>Gets asked by chat why
"He is poop. He left Sif to die and abandoned her"
>Someone points out that he protected Sif
"Well you must have played a different game because I saw different. If you keep saying that I'll mute you"
He's from Texas, so he's gay. No wonder he left his "girlfriend".
underage cancer supporting e-celebrity culture. should be banned from this board
reminds me of anthony burch
Lobos is cool but ENB is a fucking joke.
Cringeworthy unfunny faggot autist
The only streamer I can watch that doesn't make me want to kill myself is Aris
this 2bh.
>watching competitive games
Hey Ahmed, how's was the wife's first day of kindergarten?
as far as im aware sifs gender has never been mentioned, where are people getting sif being a female from?
Triggered, old-fart retard.
>No personality.
>Not /fit/.
>Plays autistic self-handicaps.
sums him up.
whos your asmr waifu you autistic fucking retard
Not him but you're probably autistic IRL, that sperg rage kek
It's a female name.
>that sperg rage kek
Be quiet, triggered retard, or I'll take away your walking stick again.
>im mad but nobody will realize it if i call everyone triggered
>should be banned
kill yourself
Hes alright
Exactly, skips everything and only fights bosses, no matter what the 'challenge' or weird quirk is, it's a speedrun and it's just boring as fuck to watch
ciaran is a male name
his last run was 1hp 1endurance no levelling
so no rolling
stop being a little bitch i be you're the type of guy who would say he's a god if he was asian
He's OK but he has a bad habit of approaching every game like Dark Souls. I remember watching his Nioh play through and he would spend forever fighting shit like it was dark souls and when people said he should change up his play style or actually try and play the game he would just say "well it's working".
i bet*
Damn you're triggered, posting in a thread you hate, fucking owned you, lmao
I only watched the randomizer run, in which everything but him was funny. He also cried like a little bitch every time he got fat or even medium roll; don't cry over two fucking i-frames when you're a "professional" Souls player.
>who the fuck is pewdiepie
I know who he is, I just don't keep up with the billions of people that make videos of themselves on the internet.
I don't really understand the difference
>call everyone triggered
>hes only replying to you
ITT bunch of useless shitters crap on a guy who can beat all the games ng+7 barefists like they are even half as good
kill yourselves, i mean it from the bottom of my heart
Kill yourself eceleb worshiper
Why did he and Fieldy split? Bad move for him, he'll never get a bitch that hot ever again.
More like just this one autistic guy:
Like anyone who gets over 500 viewers, i haven't watched him in years, but i'll give credit where it's due and not be a whiny bitch.
>omg he rolled in ng+7 barefist Ludwig
He's so mad, KEK
I still don't understand the difference between a Letsplayer and a Streamer
probably because she's batshit
also marriage is scary and they were engaged for about a year or more
My bad qt user
He is the best Soulsborne player I have ever seen.
please report and sage e-celeb threads
take this shit to /soc/
she's only hot with makeup, awesome chick though
but yeah, twitter pics where she chooses 1 out of 100 every time aren't how to find out who is hot.
She has said herself she is a freak with makeup and uses shadows etc to give herself the appearence of higher cheekbones etc and you can see when she doesnt have makeup she's a chubby little next door girl.
How is she batshit? I mean, all women are fucking crazy but what makes her special.
You haven't seen many challenge runners at all then
He played shadow tower and the king's field games on his twitch which makes him cool enough in my book
pretty sure she said she's on SSRIs, her tweets get manic as fuck sometimes, i mean we're all a bit crazy but i feel that's where Lobos made the decision.
I'm pretty old and have seen a lot of bitches and she's a bit of a loony. As cool as she is. She's unstable. Lobos is stable as an iron desk.
>crazy-good at games
No he autistically replays the same game over and over like a speedrunner (who all have autism as well) and does challenge runs to give himself more reasons to play the same game over and over again.
got a video sauce for that?
>autistic streamer gets in argument with autistic chat
Wow riveting stuff.
Worked on KOTOR and left bioware is all I know
He's just a natural born talented as fuck gamer and to say otherwise is stupid and i have no time or need to argue it.
>one game
And even if it was one game, shit translates to other games. He would destroy you in any game you play if he wanted to. Me too, i'm happy to admit it. Sorry.
Fieldy is so fucking hot.
Sauce pls?
I don't like how he calls his stupid ass Dark Souls runs doing some tedious shit no one else attempts like fists only "world records".
I enjoy watching him and his brother but when his fat gf shows up on cam begging for attention from chat it annoys the piss out of me. I get the feeling she's only with him because he has a supply of betas that are ready to get down on their hands and knees and worship her.
Lets discuss Lirik instead. Is he /our guy/
he hasn't done that shit since like 2013...
>it's ok when people do arbitrary shit in megaman etc though
thank fuck he got rid of that, his old runs really are unwatchable with that shit
you've been in a coma, welcome back
Fuck off nigger do your own research.
>he hasn't done that shit since like 2013...
Sounds about right, that's pretty much when I was still watching DS streams.
I didn't say one game, learn to read dumbass.
He is obsessed with souls games though because that's what he's known for.
I would fuck him up in the few multiplayer games I decided to "git gud" at which doesn't include souls games.
I watched him play Final Fantasy 2 just 2 weeks ago and he fatass was there. Did he break up with Fieldy in between then and now?
>same game
learn to read your own shit, dumbass.
did he get rid of the tor tattoo?
That's not one game, stop being retarded.
Nah, he's naturally good. At the For Honor tournament he was maybe one of two people that weren't dogshit at the game.
they were engaged for like a year
they are now split as of like a month ago
He looks like the kind of guy who when met at a gathering would not stop shutting up about some arbitrary nonsense.
Cancerous ecelebing
you said same game... twice. 'like a speedrunner'
Go to bed.
Ok listen.
If all you played was Dark Souls, and it was your -job- to stream, you'd get insanely good at it.
More so doing challenge runs.
>He did a NG+7 Fist Only Bloodborne
You're confusing difficulty with tedium.
Anyone can do Fist Only playthroughs. No one does because they aren't fun. It's an exercise in being forced to do things perfectly for a long period of time.
It's completely autistic. The Literal definition.
I agree he is genuinely a good at games but to imply he would beat someone at games they've dedicated themselves to because of that is silly.
For example I would completely obliterate him in street fighter.
And Ciaran has a dick
Never happened. How low does your life have to be to post lies about people you'll never meet? :^)
He has a cycle he latches onto a game and replays the same game repeatedly then moves onto the next, like speedrunners, because he's autistic.
>Anyone can do NG+7 fist only run
Nigga 99% of the fuckers who played Bloodborne couldn't even kill the first werewolf barehanded on NG
Rules of Sup Forums when giving credit to gaming skill
>have to be asian
>not allowed to be a speedrunner
>not allowed to make money from it
>have to be fat and not have a gf