I want a new armored core

Call me a cocksucker but I can't be the only one who loves armored core!!! Any info on future ines or what we would like to see in it ,
Pic unrelated

fucking kill yourself. make a garbage thread then post a giant bag of piss as the image.

It goes in every field.

What's the problem? Not an armored core fan?

>Call me a cocksucker


i like armored core a lot but what an obnoxious and idiotic way to make a thread. Go back to where you came from

>armored core thread
>that pic
spot on

Guys move on from the unrelated pic. Let's talk armored core

From soft? Armorered core ?

If you think V / VD is the best armored core game , Then you have shit taste, you do not deserve to get new armored core


I liked them all except most recent 360 one where they fucked it all up ! I liked for answer though

Why would you wrap a bag around a urinal then fill it with apple juice?

>yfw you are the guy tasked to deal with the pissbag

>Desperate for a piss
>Go to the public bathroom
>This is all that's in there
Would you risk pissing in it, Sup Forums?

Is this meant to be a "game" where everytime someone pisses in that bag they are taking a risk of it either filling up even more an becoming more streched and volatile for the next person or exploding in a huge burst of piss?

Pop it and mop it, not that hard. Looks like these motherfuckers are drinking way too much sugar for the piss to be that yellow, although more than likely the picture is fake and it's just food dye in water.

>Real life Mario Party

No, we're going to get another stupid souls faggot fucking fantasy game.

>Pop it

Is getting soaked from head to toe in rancid piss a hobby of yours?

easy to clean, get a pump and drain the piss with the pump. After that, remove plastic and proceed to clean urinal.

I don't know why people think this is hard.

"pop it and mop it"

quality fucking thread
