Repeat after me: GAME OF THE YEAR
Game has input lag at launch. Developers fix the input lag by downgrading the frame rate
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how could they have even released the game like that? how did no one notice the performance, or did they just think people wont really mind and release it/
Why do people ever buy multiplats on console?
Is prey even online? I thought it was singleplayer
I'm not a developer but if the game has input lag and this is not fixed during alpha you can't basically fix it 100% after the game is released.
In other words: western developers.
Who cares
latency in the Prey PS4 context is the input lag issue. Fucking 15 year old steam users.
Good thing that the PC port is great and I don't have to deal with this console kiddy bullshit
Who cares about the ps4. Prey is obviously made for the pc.
Why can't people tell the difference between those two and input delay?
PC players also have it bad. The sound is all over the fucking place, drowning voices, music that spergs out over nothing, effects that are heard a mile away. Refunded after 75 mins.
> let's support western devs because it can run perfectly in my GTX Titan X
because the devs themselves called controller input lag as "latency".
>western devs
>capcom does the same shit
incompetence is a global thing
Yeah, you really need a super computer
More like lets support devs who say fuck you to people who play FPS on consoles.
You underage faggots are the reason the FPS genre died.
i got it yesterday and it suffers from none of this.
This so what you get for having shit hardware, consolefags.
Well played Arkane.
Why can't you tell the difference between input latency and network latency?
You start whatever movement or boycott you want buddy, I'll just keep playing my video games :^)
>Playing a first person shooter with a controller
How about you kill yourself?
>playing on consoles
My Phenom II x4 970 + Radeon R9 380 4gb runs this game FLAWLESSLY.
I'm actually pretty impressed at how well optimized it is.
All games have latency.
what capcom game suffers from input lag at launch?
Prey on Ultra using a GTX 1080 is not much better than the PS4 version. The fact that you need a GTX 1060 to play it with better performance than PS4 is laughable.
>GTX 1080
>not much better than the PS4 version
>193 FPS on 1080p
>caring about the controls in a sneaky sp shooter.
>I'm actually pretty impressed at how well optimized it is.
Considering the game on high setting is PS4 tier it's very easy to understand how a poorfag AMD can run it in 60fps.
We're talking about a game in which they didn't even notice a fucking item duplication glitch, here.
I've picked up dozens of items that have just magically been doubled, including quest items. You can mess with the recycler to give you 999 of everything, not that you'd need to with how easy it all is.
The game is fairly easy to start, gets easier when you find a pistol, slowly ramps up until you find the goggles, and then becomes an absolute cakewalk for the next 10-20 hours.
I remember seeing the threads on launch, and the shills were clamoring aobut how spooky the "Nightmare" was.
I walked through a doorway and shot it in the head 10 times. One of the abilities you get COMPLETE NEGATES PSY POWERS from enemies, and you can unlock it extremely early. The game needs a harder difficulty, because as it is, "hard" is very easy mode, and "nightmare" is easy mode.
The human eye can't see past cinematic 24fps, idiot.
The lag was terrible in some areas more than in others, I got motion sickness so hard, that I only could play 1 hour max.
Then I read about the duplication cheat and made neuromods like a motherfucker and rushed through the rest of the game.
>Games must be hard to they're shit
I bet you hated Deus Ex and SS2 faggot.
For real. I was expecting an experience with poor frame-pacing, FPS drops when big physics events happen, things like that, but no, I popped it up to high, put a couple of settings a little lower, and it hits 60fps without even struggling, and looks damn good doing it.
I know I can leave the texture detail at maximum, as i'm running the game at 1080p and have a 4GB graphics card but certain things are CPU bound and putting the game on ultra does make it drop frames pretty hard, but High is just fine.
Console players everyone.
you steam users are very, very stupid. I wouldn't be surprised if you are a brazilian. I'm talking about the assets.
if the graphics are on the same level of PS4, It's UNDERSTANDABLE it runs at 200fps using a GTX 1080ti
Sound design and mixing is beyond horrific in Prey. Not enough for me to refund a good game but yeah.
Graphical integrity is never leaps and bounds above consoles unless you are using user made mods. If you can't understand why playing a game at 144 fps is better than 30 fps then I don't know what to tell you.
>Prey on Ultra using a GTX 1080 is not much better than the PS4 version.
No shit dumbass, it's not the graphics cards fault the game doesn't look amazing on the highest settings. The game also looks the same if you play it on a 750ti with max settings
>cherrypicking compressed screenshots
>forgetting the PC version has unlocked framerate and resolution
>calling anyone else dumb
holy shit, that's sad.
i'm playing it on ps4. just entered deep storage and no lags so far.
this game is great on hard/nightmare, taking it slow and rarely using the pistol or shotgun
> If you can't understand why playing a game
that's not the point. My point was based on the performance CONSIDERING it has PS4 tier graphics. Stop changing the subject
No, because both of those games were actually difficult. Maybe playing DX on realistic was a bit of a mis-step, but I enjoyed the calm, methodical stealthy gameplay, taking down every enemy.
SS2 at least had good wrenchplay, even if the gunplay was a little subpar I could forgive it for the time period and the great weapon choice.
You know, thinking about it, both DX and SS2 had fun melee. Maybe that's the massive gap I'm sensing from Prey, everything is incredibly easy to hit with the wrench, so much so that they ruined half the enemies by making the wrench impossible to use against them due to AOE trash.
Prey isn't terrible, I enjoy hoovering up items and recycling shit. But if you're actually trying to do everything, the reward is just becoming incredibly OP and a story that's ultimately dull and hamfisted. Compare something like January crying about you killing a convict to Shodan punishing you for entering the Shuttle Bay. Avellone is a fucking hack.
Here is another configuration comparison
but you don't need that kinda hardware to run it at ps4 settings
You would have an argument if the game required two 1080s which no modern games do, same with all that RAM, that shit is all future proofing.
>140 fps on pc
>30 fps on ps4
Now post an uncompressed PC 4k screenshot and an uncompressed PS4 screenshot. You can't seriously be retarded enough to think youtube video is a good basis for comparison.
If you use a RX 460 you can't run in very high with more than 45fps
The whole point is the same PS4 graphics needs a new GPU to run in 1080p very high to achieve 60fps.
You are retarded.
>The uncompressed screenshot meme
reminder besthda cancelled prey 2 because they are jews
why you need 1000+ pc to watch 600p screenshots on Sup Forums? thats why i have my ps4
Based arkane shitting on consolefags. I might actually pirate the game now
>You can't seriously be retarded enough to think youtube video is a good basis for comparison.
You can see the quality of assets with youtube 1080p compression. No amount of "uncompressed" png files will make it look better.
>comparing overkill high end PC to baseline console
How dishonest can you get? Graphics don't scale with the hardware after a certain point on PC unless the game was specifically developed to push it, like Crysis. The top picture would look exactly the same and still maintain atleast 60FPS with considerably older and cheaper hardware.
Gearnuke confirmed for retarded
input lag or anything with "lag" should be kept for online gaming and ping-related issues. latency or delay are more generic
Two 1080s isn't the logical jump from a 460 which is basically what you're stating
90% of the time there is no music or sound except for the odd jump scare mix
Send and email to Arkane because that's the word they used.
Didn't Prey on PC get a fucking 4/10?
then get a 1050 which is the same price and can run this game 20% better than the 460.
>three year old gtx 970 runs it at 100 fps
>ps4 just a year older can barely run it at 30 fps
>Pcfags celebrating the fact a 2012 APU game runs in 144fps
why would i give a shit?
posted from my master race gaming pc
Not to mention a fucking CryEngine game of all things. CryEngine has an awful history with consoles and Prey is a clear case of a PC to console port rather than the other way around.
>music that spergs out over nothing
This was an issue in the demo but was fixed before launch.
>A fucking budget card like the 1050 not even the Ti gets over double the performance of consoles
Really made me think your a fucking retard
>CryEngine is the problem
>They fixed it! it's in mint condition now!
>double the performance of consoles
>uncompressed meme
Assets always look better at higher resolutions. Same shit when you emulate an old game at higher pixel counts
>what capcom game suffers from input lag at launch?
SFV got something like 8 frames delay which is 3-4 fames higher than the standard so fightan players could complain but normal people on other games wouldn't even notice
Prey one was okay at best and no one even cared about the sequel until they could hate Bethesda for cancelling it.
I could count the amount of threads made about Prey 2 on one hand, in fact I could count them on no hands because there wasn't any.
top kek, nice reflections bethesda.
>play ps4 demo
>input lag out of the ass
>shadow and asset pop in
>30 fps with noticeable big drops
>download on shitty midrange pc
>120 fps locked
>nvidia fast sync so no screen tearing or vysnc input lag
>crisp fast and responsive motion
>dat mouse accuracy
it's a no brainer to get this on pc, even better if you have nvidia gpu. the ps4 version also looks kind of grainy.
>Same shit when you emulate an old game at higher pixel counts
You're talking about anti-aliasing post-processing filter, brazilian fag.
My gtx 970 can run it in 1440p at 60 fps with actual anisotropic filtering. Sure was one good investment.
>hahaha the PS4 version runs worse, but that's okay because it's outdated tech!
SFV was made by Dimps.
So, no problems on PC at least.
I'm enjoying it immensely, I'm just a bit puzzled.
I played a few hours and didn't really get THAT far, but far enough to know that I'm really loving the game, but I've put a few retarded upgrades here and there which I'm thinking might bite me in the ass unless it will keep handing out those upgrades.
Then again, I'm stuck on a space station and shouldn't really have the luxury of "surviving by knowing what to expect" if I'd restart and I'm afraid it'll loose it's charm a little bit if I do.
buy a 300 dollars GPU and celebrate the fact it runs games with higher frame rate while using virtually the same assets than a 2012 APU? it doesn't make any sense to me
>I don't know what I'm talking about
Kill yourself you tech illiterate retard.
>downgrade the performance on PS4
I didn't even know that was possible
Bought it for that price three years ago. Also it's a higher resolution too. All in all the higher price point justifies the result in my opinion.
nVidia has dropped like 20fps on max settings.
Now test the AMD GPU's with Ryzen.
>1050ti 60fps 1080p
does the ps4 actually run prey at those settings? ive found my 1050ti is really the same power as the consoles, about even with the pro except in 2k mode
both amd and nvidia dropped 20 fps in the latest patch when shadows were fixed. joker productions did a video on it.
>Fucking 15 year old steam users.
That's a hell of a line in a thread about a game needing to be downgraded for a console.
Is it possible to civilize pc gamers? they behave on the internet like africans behave in germany
>PC and Xbone lower screenshots significantly better than PS4, as seen in the jaggies on the uniform
>No noticeable differences between PC and Xbone besides slight difference in brightness settings
>poster is trying to shill Sony
I love the game user, but it does have audio issues, though they weren't that bad for me. Directional audio would sometimes get completely fucked to the point where I had to wonder if I put my headphones on backwards.
Also, the audio cues are sometimes off and the ambiance will change erradically. It's very jarring when it happens but it isn't a huge issue.
>buying a Denuvo game for 60 bucks
>Made by Bethesda/Arkane
Why are you complaining about the sound?
Console gamers act like Africans in Africa, poor and overly prideful of their mud huts. We're all niggers in the end.
oh wow, you mean nobody made a thread for a game that nobody played?
who would have thought
You'll be able to manufacture upgrades later on. In fact you can find the blueprint for them very early on but it's not easy to get.
>implying I bought it
When can you post screenshots for comparisons without getting nailed with "cherrypicked!" ?
When you don't post cherrypicked screenshots or bullshots.