Good or bad?
Trend of making female characters ugly
Games should push the bar for anatomy and physics, and I don't find you're going to do that if you're focusing on the political reception of games.
>inb4 that's Sup Forums
>Sup Forums all about fantasy
>Video games are not used to promote beliefs, and viewpoints.
Seriously wtf. This almost ruins Uncharted for me. The feminism meme has gone too far
I feel like I'm the only person in the universe that has a fetish for girls with big fucking noses
>poo in the loo
I'm glad my boy Nate got over her stinky ass.
You arent
She does look quite different
This isn't the first, second or third time an AAA game has come out in 2017 with completely fucked up female faces, why does this keep happening?
>Am I the only one who X?
No. The answer is always no.
I want more ugly, grotesque characters in vgames, but not from viewpoint of contemporary usa/western society, but rather old artistic attraction towards non standard looks. A lot of painters used to paint weightly or ugly women.
This girl here, she is not ethalon of beauty and is not ugly in any way, but yet still she has this distinctive feature, touch that makes her interesting, beautoful in its own way.
That's the kind of thing I'm looking for and wish to see more in vgames.
Its progressive you ciscum whitemale niggerphobe.
I do agree. I don't want shit like this which just looks wrong
Unless your thing is floor tiles, no, always no.
>A lot of painters used to paint weightly or ugly women.
They painted the women available to them. Fat people were deemed as desirable back then because being fat means you are wealthy. Having a big dick was seen as base and evil too.
The standards for beauty changes with every few generations.
Farnese is perfect.
>1. Clhoe in Uncharted 2
>2. Clhoe in Uncharted 4
>3. Clhoe in Uncharted 3
Anyone who prefers any 3D model from Uncharted 3 should be shot
The standards of sexual attraction never changes. The standards of "beauty" changes and are mostly defined by those that does not have it.
So you pretend to unironically prefer the below picture in OP?
She got older retard
Of course you look worse when you are older
>get older
>nose doubles in size
>bone structure completely changes
>lip size changes
She doesn't even look older, just uglier
I am less bothered by what they look like and more by the content of their character. They are written like empty action movie muscle machines and there is no way this is respectful to anyone involved.
>gamers mad because not every woman video game character is hot
it's okay, you losers will still fap to this shit
Ugly woman
Pretty woman
it'as also because it's """realistic""".
This trend of """realism""" in western game needs to die.
Your guys' idea of unattractive really scares me. Like some times it makes sense like that ugly fat bitch from Watch Dogs 2, but other times there's things like OP, this bitch is not unattractive at all. Or like Aloy from Horizon, that bitch is not ugly, plain or average maybe but not ugly. You guys have been jerking off to too much porn or something.
Waste of disk space most of the time.
Man you fuckers don't know what an ugly person looks like. She's stil pretty good looking. You wanna know why the characters look "ugly"? What they actually did is give the characters more realistic face proportions, so the characters look like real people instead of some animated characters. While Uncharted always had good graphics, people never looked anything but unrealistic. I'm not saying most people in video game look realistic, but there were a lot of games out when uncharted came out that had way better looking people.
Another reason why she AND every character looks different is the motion capture of face animations. For mocap to work better you need to structure the characters face structure similar to the voice actor's one.
Ok shmoel
Where the fuck in this world is pic related average
Please tell me so I never have to visit
I myself have a fucking disgustingly large nose, and I'm attracted to girls that have large noses as well. I used to feel terrible about it, but I realized that I'm attracted to average looking girls with big noses so maybe there's a girl that has the same thought process.
Where the fuck do you live?
Look at your relatives, look at your co-workers, look in the mirror
Dude, if she was wearing make up and a proper haircut, you'd be looking for your words in front of her.
Go oustide Sup Forumsirgin. :)
Painters didn't paint portraits of people they wanted to fuck, they painted people who could pay or at the very least, the works that survived to this day are as such.
I genuinely want to see which renaissance artist and what painting you're referring to that wasn't commissioned or part of his practice sketches and was purely for the artist's fap collection.
How is it not average? Put some makeup on her and style her hair differently and she'd look like a typical western woman I really don't know what you're going on about.
that guy was actually arguing the same thing as you are mron
>they dont look like my anime waifus! so ugly!
in a nutshell.
>fucked a horse
she's a loose woman
She would never do such a thing.
Holy shit I'm a fucking model! Because if she's average I'm 10/10 at minimum.
I probably go outside way more than you because she is not average where I live. I'll ask again, where do you live where she is average? Which country?
>and she'd look like a typical western woman
see, there's the problem. western women are hideous troglodytes
Tell us where you're from instead my man.
Get out of your fucking basement and realize that the average person isn't good looking and most people are rather on the ugly than good looking side.
Just look at pic related. That's a random photo of some college club. How many of those girls would you consider attractive? What's the average looks? And would you really say Aloy looks worse than anyone on pic related.
except she did and she enjoyed it but just couldn't break out of character and beliefs because they weren't alone
How's that virginity treating you?
You're a disgusting person.
Came from New Zealand, Live in BURGERLAND now. Do you live in a land of fucking supermodels or something? I mean yes, there are a lot of attractive people here but plenty of average and uglies as well. She looks perfectly average my man.
>h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-hows t-t-t-t-t-that v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-virginity
stay mad and offended fatty
pic related - average western """woman"""
Farnese never fucked a horse. She got almost raped by a demonic horse, but Guts killed the thing.
did you reply to the wrong person because I'm pretty much saying what you are.
People in general are not that great looking if you look at the average jane doe.
So stop jerking off to your JAV and anime shit and get out and see for yourself that most people aren't 10/10s. Not even in your fucking japan. Vidya games don't represent reality user.
And here is the literal average mesh of what a Finnish woman looks like
Retarded as fuck
There is a reason why every piece of media use good looking models, male/female/animal/car
>nobody like ugly shit
I was in denial at first as well when someone told me my waifu got blacked on purpose last month
Nah, I meant you. Aloy looks above average. She's actually attractive. I'd give a 7/10. On my picture the best looking one is a 5 tops.
At least they're all thin.
>stupid shit like that doesn't affect your sales
Because these devs don't know how to chase realism without sacrificing artstyle, or i guess we could say "attractiveness" in this case
Yeah, so... Aloy is average.
I think all of those people are moderately attractive, definitely fuckable. I'm not really into the one in the hat though, but she's just not really my type, I wouldn't straight up call her ugly or anything. Sup Forums just thinks anyone who doesn't look like a supermodel in their vidya is an ugly SJW fantasy girl or something. I get that you play games to get away from real life but I don't see why everyone is making such a big deal about a few average looking women in their vidya. I play vidya to have fun, not to fap. If I want to fap I watch porn.
Who's your waifu?
Or the entire state of Ohio.
Bad, obviously. But any game without a full-suite character editor is limping out of the gate, anyway.
who looks 100x more feminine and cute than your shrek monstrosity
also mongols, slavs, persians, arabs, t*rks, even fucking flips and indonesians and all those mexican-tier gook countries have better looking womyn than the w*st
The made her face closer to that of her voice actress, which happens to be butt ugly. Elena on the other hand is still a qt cause her voice actress is really cute.
>who looks 100x more feminine and cute than your shrek monstrosity
That is my point
Video games are for men and they should appeal to male interests.
>I play vidya to have fun, not to fap. If I want to fap I watch porn.
>If you want atractive characters in media is for fap purposes
This, your average white woman is fat these days.
Here's what the face researchter said on why the results look to attractive:
Some people feel that the average is “too attractive.” Part of this is explained by the process. Instead of having a lot of blurry images with undefined features, this method averages the shape of the features before blending the images together. Also when blending, remember that many singular issues are “averaged away.” The study also does not reveal how the participants were selected or how large the sample size actually is.
Basically a big nose or big ears ugly lips (things that make one ugly) are averaged away, but a lot of people have at least one ugly feature.
>average mesh
That's not average attractiveness though. It's above average since we tend to find common features attractive, so almost all these mashups are pretty cute.
Ah, I guess. I think she's pretty cute myself but I figured by most people's standards she'd be average. I can agree with that though. Especially if she changed her hair and put some makeup on. But I think the way she looks is very fitting for the environment she lives in, so I don't get why people complain.
Come back to us floor tile man...please...
I suppose you got me there, I guess I just really don't care what the character looks like, the most important thing to me is how the game plays.
Aloy model is fine, the only ones complaining are Nintendogs
Don't get me wrong they aren't ugly per se, but average. My point was that the average isn't attractive. I wouldn't call the girls in my pic attractive, yet I'd probably fuck all of them. They look fine.
I would totally fuck most of these.
How did they go from the original concept to that?
>eastern european women
How can Amerifats even compete?
Only 2/10 women exist, so it is more realistic! XD
I took the japs as an example and bc its always the West vs. Japs in this board.
Nonetheless: Mongols can be hot, but can be incredibly ugly too. Slavs are western moron. Persians, arabs and turks are more or less the same nowadays and also have a lot of ugly women (mostly the nose can fuck up their looks). Indonesians can look like apes.
Looks too loli. I'm sure their resident HR cunt took one look at it and almost had an aneurysm. Probably a miracle the game didn't get cancelled.
How come you guys don't complain when there's an ugly male character
literally not important
you can make fucking ugly girls if you want but i need good GAMEPLAY
Maybe western character designers are just terrible at their job.
>Slavs are western moron
>eastern yurop
nice geographical skills, turd eater
Well, It's a widespread meme
>If you like good looking people is because you're a degenerate virgin or whatever
Because humans don't seek beauty in every piece of media and artist expression since the beginnings of time.
There is nothing wrong with liking good looking characters, It's human nature.
Yes, makeup can make the skin look good, that is literally what it is for. But that girl specifically has a beautiful face and teeth, but bad skin.
i'm not referring to anything. I'm making a case. And where the fuck are you trying to steer this to?
If this was the character design I'm sure you faggots would then complain about her being a "nigger". Both designs are perfectly fine.
>a nigger
Nigger, what?
is she pretty Sup Forums?
Nah, if you see some ugly shit in a modern AAA it has been made on purpose.
name an ugly male character that isn't for comedic effect
I don't think so myself, it's just something you faggots would do.