ITT games that somehow still have a active community

ITT games that somehow still have a active community

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because that's the only way to play TF2 without all the hat bullshit.


I don't imagine very many people actually play that game. Just idle and sell hats for steam fun bucks

im talking about the Ps3 port, wich is basicly vanilla TF2

I think he means the ps3 version. Tf2 still has somewhat of a community

console TF2 is great, but..

>sniper can headshot through deployment gates
>pyro pre-airblast
>engineer cannot move buildings or upgrade dispensers/teleporters
>demo way too OP

Oh I see. I didn't even realize they still had console servers up for it. It must be a real bitch to play spy or pyro on a controller, no?


yeah, demo and soldier still have 6-shot guns and tons of reserve ammo

Shit retards say

>TF2 is ruined by hats!

loot crates, and unusuals, and all that trash brought in trash players.

>It must be a real bitch to play spy or pyro on a controller, no?
lol no, Pyro would be the easiest on controller

I imagine the joystick has a slower turn rate, but if not, then it'd be pretty easy.

Still better than Overwatch

>2009 Vanilla console TF2
>glitch the spawn door closed as Scout
>make my team answer trivia questions if they want it unlocked
>my team is filled with a clan
>they get unreasonably angry
>send me a message with my parents' names and my address
>make a fake facebook account and added all of my friends, pretending to be a new student
>they would start conversations with girls that I went to school with asking about me
>they make a giant post talking about how gay I am, like 6 paragraphs long
>change their profile picture to their clan artwork
Console TF2 was the best TF2

Really? On PC? Might re-install it if multi is still active (have had the cahnce to actually try it).

on 360 it's barely stopped being busy since 2012
i go back and play it every couple of months
deathmatches are just too much fun on this game

Someone actually made a thread awhile ago where they played the PS3/360 ports online. The PS3 had less than 10 players but the 360 one still had 50+. Orange Box sold a lot more on 360 and the PS3 ports on orange box were horrible.

i was playing a couple years ago and for some reason the item server was down for a whole day

there were no unlocks, there were no hats. it was glorious and i have waited for it to happen again

it never did

Don't forget the unpatched out of bounds glitches, you can expect to get destroyed by a turret outside the map quite often.

>getting upset over cosmetics

Soldier and Demo have never had 6 shot weapons in Live. Not even in public beta.

I, too, saw that video user.

ummm sweetie? you know soldier can use a shotgun, right?

Ummm listen sweaty, clearly talking about primaries

When I played the 360 version about 4 years ago I got onto a hacked server or some shit. Guys noclipping and killing each other by command.

>Go back to TF2 after a few years hiatus
>Still have tons of fun
How does it do it?

>tries to be clever, but only shows off illiteracy

Overwatch costs money and TF2 is free, of course there will be poor people playing it.

>PS3 TF2 is free
What's with all the illiterate idiots on Sup Forums around this time? Are Europoors waking up?

trading hats is a different community than playing the game

No, Americans are. It's 6PM here m8.


TF2 is just Overwatch for stupid people.

they just heap mediocre content over pure gold, no matter how many unpolished and janky animations and cosmetics they add, it's still got a great core design.

>shilling your shitty memespouts
Nice try, fatboi :^)

Please ask me on Twitter if I did post just now

Starcraft Brood War, going strong after nearly 20 years. Getting bigger now that it's been made F2P.

>tracking my twitter through 4th dimensional cross referencing
heh.. to slow.. kid


I played the 360 port damn near religiously until I realized that Valve was just dangling the carrot with promises of eventually porting the content from the steam version to 360.

Then when I finally had a rig to play the game on it just wasn't as enjoyable for some reason. Probably just got tired of it. Dropped it at the Soldier vs Demoman update.

I had pretty much the same situation except I still enjoy playing. So anyway, did they ever actually update the console versions with stuff?