How is it possible that I beat all the other bosses but I'm having trouble with this guy?

How is it possible that I beat all the other bosses but I'm having trouble with this guy?
The Dancer gave me more trouble but I beat her after my 7th attempt.

I know I have to dodge, but he keeps throwing me off with his curved sword mode, and then he juggles me in the air on his second phase.

What's the strategy here?

try not to feel.

As someone who did it first try I actually don't know what advice to really give
He's weak to Dark and bleed but otherwise literally acquire skill

I don't know dude there isn't anything special to this guy. Git gud is all I can say.

git gud

Try avoiding his attacks then attack yourself when he gives you an opening.

acquire proficiency

Das3 is the only game in the series without a single hard boss, including the dlcs. Literally just bait an attack, roll backwards twice till the 6 hit combo or some shit is over and counter attack. It's ok if you trade, the game gives you 13 flasks that almost heal fully

Use roll! But seriously roll is so stupidly op in this game, i played through the game 20+ times and never died to this boss, at this point i get more tense because i dont want to die ever on it.

gotta learn the tells and timings

cunt has so many different attacks

he can stagger pretty fast

you can wait out the dex/pyro phase but he will keep the power within buff if he switches stances while its still up

get well soon

The phase two juggle has a huge telegraph where he rears back with his sword. The range is bigger than the physical sword because of the fire so back away from him and time your rolls back to dodge the hits if you're too close to him.

Don't know what to say about phase 1 other than don't get hit and play aggressive against his caster mode. Also when he has the spear he has a heal/replenishment miracle and you should fucking jump down his throat if he tries to cast it.

You should go back and play the older games again. I also thought DS3 was the easiest in the whole series, but then I revisited the older games and it's just not true.
I remember how much I struggled my first time in Dark Souls 1, but going back to it after having played DS3, it is almost ridiculous how easy it is in comparison, even if you don't use a shield or magic. All the enemy attacks are telegraphed and so much slower than everything from DS3.

it's all luck

just keep trying until he ends up doing the least BS attacks

i saw countless people play on Twitch and half the ones who beat bosses first try were when the boss themselves did like the same 3 attacks somehow

i saw some cunt beat the twin princes with a club but he never got the teleporting attack that lands right on him

then some other guy got that attack 3 times in a row and died despite him actually being skillful

if you cant deal with the curved sword then back up and stay away until he changes.

phase 2 if you see him raise his sword to his shoulder then role backwards a few times to escape his juggle combo

So, is Soul of Cinder supposed to be the Chosen Undead? the armor looks just like Elite Knight, just burned.

he has a lot of follow ups, so learn them. always sprint away for the second phase juggle. and honestly, i haven't fought his curved sword mode in a long time, i just run away until he changes

If only that juggle had a big slow windup.

Soul of Cinder is the image of everyone who linked the fire so far.

did you even play the game retard?

I play demons, dark 1, and bloodborne almost annually. Still get my ass kicked by bosses. I will admit that dark 1 isn't bad when you learned the patterns but learning them is hard. Das3 doesn't have this, I dies at most 5 times to a boss (Aldrich and darkeater) whereas I died at least 12 times to a boss on the first go of the other 4 games.

I'm struggling with Midir. One would think that beating ng+4 I'd be good enough to handle one damn boss but these big dragons are annoying because it's hard to see their attacks coming.

>literally acquire skill
nice meme morphing

Stay in front of him as much as you can.

I feel you, I spent like 30-40mn on him and just thouth "This is gonna take me so much time to actually be able to kill him" and I just dropped it.
I'll come back to it later tho, he's literally the last boss of the souls series that I haven't beat yet.

Just handle it like any of the other bosses/enemies in the game. Roll spam when they are in their combo and then spam the attack button. Rinse and repeat. Dark Souls 3 rewards turning your brain off.

Of course Dark Souls 3 has this as well, all of the bosses have pattern that you can or need to learn, depending on your general skill level. You don't really need to pay that much attention to it when you're fighting the Cursed Greatwood, but Pontiff for examples has a varied move sets and different phases. They have different windup times, some of them force you to dodge immediately, others are delayed and need a better timed dodge.
I died more in DS1 than I did in DS3 as well, I think, but that's only because by the time I played DS3, I had already played Souls games for like 300 hours.

I didn't have a hard time with him my first try, but in subsequent playthroughs, he kills me several times.

>troll boss
>have completely different attack timmings compared to other bosses, so your dodges are off until you learn him
>has some simply unfair tactics like healing and curved sword spamming
>still is easy to beat, just dodge and wait and dodge and attack him when he has staff or greatsword or staff

git gud, ive beaten him on ng++ with lvl 30 character and +4 straight sword

>on the first go
It is like you gave yourself the answer why you don't have that much of a hard time in 3.
Playing all games with more or less the same fighting system have such an effect after a while.

Looking back, playing 3 before the rest would have give me the same hard time as 1 in 2013.

>straight sword

>Follow the Dark Lord path
>Summon Yuria and Pale Shade of London for the final fight
>The final fight is just the 3 of us spamming basic shit on him and sometimes he knocks us away
>Get back up, continue smacking the shit out of us until we get knocked away again

My loyal generals turned the final battle into slapstick.

>champion gundyr
>had always a hard time on him
>don't parry cheese him because muh personal challenge
>gets all out all the time on me and i get fucked in the second phase
>after 10 tries he somehow just spam 3 attacks that are fucking easy to dodge
>win without any struggle
When a boss does this it feels like chessing.

as magic i just shoot him with crystal spears and the homing crystals.

i have also beaten him with spear, one handed axe and greataxe, your point?

>like to hang out in high wall and get summoned for easy stuff
>enjoy seeing the different equipment choices and such
>get summoned by two nerds in thorn armor
>put mine on too
>within a minute theres already more invaders than I think the game even allows
>new invader already in before the last one finishes the death animation
>keeps happening
Its like the game randomly decided that host was going to see some shit

>he doesnt know about dried fingers

I was under the impression that there was still a set amount of "slots" for people being in a world regardless if thats used or not. Either way that shit was amazing. How my ass lived thru it I have no idea.

i like making a Deprived character and staying at SL 10.

I put on my Moundmakers covenant so it looks pink for them, they probably don't know what it is and I just help them out.

They ALWAYS die to the dragon fire which is funny but sad since I've never gotten far enough to fight the big angel knight.

Vertabraes are the easiest thing to get in this game in terms for covvy items

I considered making a character for helping ng people. But I can never decide on what I want the character to do.
Maybe a dickass thief

ive literally been stuck on this boss since last year on release. its a fucking pathetic cheap fight that requires no skill.

Apparently requires some skill that you don't seem to have.

Just blast his ass with Iryigjthhililililil Straight Sword.