Endless space 2

Endless space 2 is out early, what faction are you going to play first ?

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Did automatons make the cut again? They were always my favorite, followed by the empire.

Don't think so, can't find anything about them on the wiki.

The Major are :
The Unfallen
The Riftborn
The Horatio
The United Empire
The Vodyani
The Lumeris
The Cravers
The Sophons

I guess that's not surprising, I found out they weren't a launch race in ES1.

I think I will go with the unfallen

man, Amplitude always manages to make everything in their games' art look super sleek and polished

I just hope the game can improve enough from ES1 & EL

>The Horatio
I love these guys.
is the game out of EA?


Unfallen, United Empire and Lumeris best factions.

>not going with thicc mafia fish

It's out now, it was released early.

Oh shit, it's out.

Goodbye Regalia, I barely had the time to play you.

I was going to go with the Riftborn because I love their aesthetics and their theme is cool, but I don't like how they're a synthetic race where pops have to be built instead of grown. I think I'll go with United Empire for my first game, they seem to be the most vanilla faction so it'll be a good way to learn the basics.

Is the combat still shit and is the AI still too stupid to use the space lanes without crashing their ships into your doomstack over and over?

Jesus Christ

I'd rather a Vodyani.


They certainly know how to succ

United Empire, going to teach some xeno filth that this is our galaxy!

>Goodbye Regalia, I barely had the time to play you.
Was it any good?

still playing endless legend

multiplayer is empty

Is it good?

I liked Endless Space 1 but it was a little too shallow

I just got endless legend was wanting to get into multiplayer at some point, that's unfortunate if true

this seems like it will be a lot more fun than Stellaris

It's good, but not great.

Gameplay is really solid with a pretty good level of difficulty, but at the same time it's also kind of bland. Hopefully it'll become more interesting after unlocking more characters and shit. I only have 3 playable characters unlocked so far, so there's a lot more to come.

The story is mediocre as fuck, as little as I've seen of it. I guess that's kind of the idea since it's supposed to be a "homage" to classic RPGs, but there's a difference to paying homage and just being utterly generic. My main complaint is that the game has a fucking awful sense of humor and can't go two sentences without dropping at least one really shitty reference. It's literally worse than Borderlands in that respect. Again, I hope it'll get better later on, since I haven't played it a lot yet.

Also some of the voice acting is a bit dodgy.

ai is enjoyable and makes for a comfy experience

A quick and dirty roll chart.


Are pirates still overpowered in the early game?

During the beta the only reasonable way to deal with pirates was simply to disable pirates in the game options, which is kind of fucked.


Is it possible to get the soundtrack on its own? 4X doesn't really interest me but that music is baller. If I buy the soundtrack "DLC" on steam will it not download unless I have the base game?

ENDLESS SPACE 2 New Features





It's all here, my lad. Don't buy through Steam.


YO thanks man.

>purchase prices in euro

damn it, this is going to get complicated isn't it

I'm uploading it on mega atm, if you can wait a bit.

Euros and Dollars aren't that far apart. 10 Euros is 11 Dollars.

It shouldn't, that's an international website. Go play with the settings.

Or wait for someone to upload it all.

>This OST is released as stereo and surround edition.
>Please note that there is no center channel in the surround release, the tracks are mixed in quadriphony.
>WAV, FLAC and OGG versions of this OST are available at
> HiRes Surround Edition is available at qobuz.com/

Damn, performance is pretty bad on the largest galaxy size. I get lots of stutter.

>never played a 4x game
>endless space goes on sale for 1 yurop
>buy it
>no idea what the fuck is going on
>how do i do anything?
>watch tutorials and read up
>7 hours later
>start to get some idea of what is going on
Played more than 20 hours and have yet to pass round 60 in a match.

The AI is cheating.

would anyone be up for playing Endless Legend MP some time?

their aggression was turned down a ton, in my experience they kind of just chill at the system they spawned from in the very early game, long enough that you should have time to repel them with a hero fleet and a ship or two

Is combat still unplayable mess?

>computer has to simulate a large galaxy
>expects computer do so without effort


Fuck this song is so good

Combat is literally unplayable.

>The AI is cheating.

There's a lot more to learn that neither manual, tutorial or forums tell you.

Hope my niggas the riftborn are still good

Sure, as long as you don't mind that I suck at it.

Is the Unfallen a new faction? I don't remember them in the first game.










Have you noticed that all empires are multiracial and that the entire game is built upon managing such an empire?

>the only way to get a level playing field is to play on the easiest difficulty setting

Wew lad. They might as well openly admit that they're not even trying to make good AI.

I'm pretty bad myself, so it's all good

...I see no settings, you talkin about soundcloud or bandcamp

Unfallen, Lumeris, Vodyani and Riftborn are all new.

they were designed by the community like the Cultists in EL

>not enslaving all non main race in chain gangs to serve in your military
>not upholding your racial purity while crusading against lesser creatures

>Have you noticed that all empires are multiracial and that the entire game is built upon managing such an empire?

Without it, the political system in-game doesn't work.

worry not, wehraboo

I wish they had rolled in some of the Sheredyn looks into the UE soldiers. The commissar helmets don't really do it for me.

I'm super excited to play them, Vodyani (operator space church is the dopest shit), and Lumeris.

I'm assblasted it came out early because I was going to buy the early ass version a day before release and now I can't

I got memed hard

That was ES1. They tried with ES2. And it's not like Civilization, Galactic Civilization or even Paradox know how to make any better difficulty.

Subjugating alien races feels good user

Sophons. I like science-based factions in 4x.

Good AI is hard, so I just accept that and find friends to play with, same thing I do with Civ, Stellaris, gal civ...

Those games at least balance their AI around the Normal/Average difficulty, instead of setting the benchmark at Very Easy.

Also, GalCiv actually has good AI for a 4x game, where more AI features get ulocked as you raise the difficulty instead of just giving them free resources and shit.

ha ha time for SPACE


>Those games at least balance their AI around the Normal/Average difficulty, instead of setting the benchmark at Very Easy.
Not him but how does that matter at all

That's literally just what they call it, how does it matter if there's three difficulties below or three above it

>my AI is fucking retarded
>but I will call it "very hard" and make three AI's below it that are handicapped

>Not Distant World Universe

More like "The worst UI in video games: Universe"

>Not Aurora
Graphics are for the weak!

>Not him but how does that matter at all
It matters because the baseline is where the AI gets no cheat bonuses. It's the only difficulty where AI and players are expected to be on the same level.

If you set the baseline at very easy, it implies the AI is practically braindead and can't compete at all without cheating. If you set it at normal, it implies that it'll at least give new players a decent challenge without having to resort to cheats. It's literally the difference between an AI that has at least some ability to fend for itself on a level playing field, and an open admission that your AI is incompetent garbage and needs cheats to survive on even the most basic level.

I fucking hated them in the first ES. That hero cloning though.

famalam it's a NAME

I can CALL it very easy but if I change the line of code that has the name in it I can now call it VERY HARD or whatever the hell I want to

It doesn't matter if you gimp the AI artificially or give it more powers, that's the same thing

Riftborn or Vodyani.

>tfw no Dosh Lords in space

It's not about the name, you drooling mongoloid. It's about the challenge you offer. If your AI can't function on any but the lowest possible difficulty without cheats, your AI is shit.

Not that this is a surprise, because in both ES1 and EL the AI is completely incompetent on even the highest possible difficulty as well.

>It doesn't matter if you gimp the AI artificially or give it more powers, that's the same thing
Jesus Christ, how can you be this dumb and not forget how to breathe?

Do you even realize that there's a difference between enabling new AI features and strategies and just giving the AI free resources? Because it's a pretty fucking big deal.

Vodyani are literally Dosh Lords in space, with a hint of Cultists.

>if it says "easy" that has universal meaning
>all "easy" AI's are at the EXACT same level
Are you legit retarded?

The developers can call the difficulty settings however they want, they could call it "ice cream" or whatever

legit autism

Vodyani still need food to grow, don't they?

Riftborn produce pop and military reserve, that's not buying but close

Why did they lie to me?


how do the frogs manage to make such sleek/stylish looking games

I see there's no point in trying to reason with the mentally challenged.

Sure, you're absolutely right. Enabling cheats is exactly the same thing as having functional AI. There's nothing wrong with that reasoning whatsoever.

Not even him but jesus christ how can you possibly miss what he's saying so hard, you retard

you might be a moron

better get that checked

Blame the infulence of the magazine Pilote.

>make shit AI
>call it "very hard"
>gimp all the lower difficulties like "easy" and "medium" even more

>this is good and difficult AI accord to Sup Forums

fucking lmao

Is it not shit this time?

Keep digging that hole, retard.

Intentionally misrepresenting the issue to make fun of people trying to make a point is much easier than actually trying to have a rational thought for once in your sad life, after all.

>ad hominem

Not an argument.

>ignoring all previous arguments because you're too busy shitposting

Not an argument.

Give real arguments or fuck off.

Burden of proof us on you

Your previous """arguments""" can't even be called that so you better come up with something better

>tfw in uni and so low income for now
>budget everything meticulously, what ever is left over is for entertainment
>some emergency shit brought that down to 25 dollars
>was going to buy the game today
>it's released a day earlier
>it's now at full price


Do I have to spell it out for you?
>make braindead AI
>so piss easy that its not a challenge whatsoever
>put it in Very easy difficulty because of it
>artificially make it harder by pretty much making it cheat and not making its capabilities better
It's the same shit as the games that have higher difficulties that only affect the enemies health and damage but not their actual AI, it's shitty most of the time

>la la la I'm not listening you're wrong I'm right la la la

Not an argument.

is the AI really that bad?

Amplitude has never made a game with even halfway decent AI. ES2 is no different.

Already proved you wrong earlier, actually read the thread next time you clown

Provide arguments or fuck off, see How the fuck would I know the game came out today

Pirate for the time being then buy

Will I have to have played ES1 to understand anything in this game or is it a fine jumping on point?

Good deals wait for no man, earthling.