>system has fun games
>nu/v/ hates it because it's not all cinematic garbage a-la Uncharted, TLoU, The Order 1866, and so on
System has fun games
shame all of these "fun" games are rehashes and ports
Uncharted is pretty good, though.
What did you expect? Sup Forums hates fun, our favourite hobby is being angry over the most idiotic stuff all the time
I wish the battery life was better, that is my biggest gripe with the system
Honestly I'm tired of this annoying Sony bro argument. Literally all ps4 games this year can be dispelled the same way you guys dispell nintendo games .
>two best PS4 games on PS4 (Persona 5 and Yakuza 0) are rushed ports of the PS3 version
really makes you think huh?
>handheld mode it lasts 3-4 hours, depending on how taxing the game is
>3ds xl lasts 4 hours
I mean 3 hours isnt a lot but its to be expected
Finally someone else said it.
Hey nice color scheme-
>Everything else is still gray
It looks like fucking shit, they're better off painting it white instead.
I think the concept of the Switch is pretty cool, but I won't be getting one unless a lot more games that I would like to play come out on it. I've always been an idort, usually leaning on Sony and Nintendo with a little bit of PC on the side, but I skipped out on the WiiU because there were only like 3 or 4 games I wanted to play on it. Anyway, you can claim nu/v/ hates everything, PS4 and PC gets trashed on just as much, Although I don't really see many people talk about the XBONE at all.
>anyone liking The Order 1866
wew lad let me rephrase this
>The two best games on the PS4 aside from Bloodborne (Persona 5 and Yakuza 0) are rushed ports of the PS3 version
This is okay but BotW on the Switch clearly isn't.
>complains about rehashes
>is excited for Bloodborne 2
>splat 2 up at jp amazon
>18 of the top 20 is splatoon 2 stuff
Nintendo yameroooooo!
Sold 2 million copies
>I am an Idort
>but no Wii U!
yeah, clearly. The only console that had exclusives.
Let me guess : You own a PSP, PS Vita, PS3, PS4 and PC.
Not because you are a sonyfag, far from it.
Its just because you are a fucking weeb degenerate and the Wii U offered little weeb trash.
Your favourite game is probably some trash like Neptunia or Mugen Souls. Fucking caNCER KILL THE FUCKING WEEBS!!!!
Didn't you get the memo, OP? Exclusives only matter when they're on Playstation.
Did your cellular phone that you are posting on autocorrect "four" to "fun" OP?
>BotW (Not exclusive)
>MK8D (Not exclusive, arguably worse balance)
>Splatoon 2 (Remains to be seen if it has enough content, recycles bad things like the ridiculously limited map rotations, not out)
>Super Mario Odyssey, not even close to coming out, we know next to nothing about it
Where are the games??
Nintenbabbies are cancer
Ninteniggers BTFO
You need to delete this. This is your only warning
I gave Splatoon a good honest try (as in a few hundred hours) and while the gameplay itself is actually great the matchmaking is SHIT.
Also what the fuck why am I buying the same game twice?
I like both Uncharted and BotW and i own both because i'm not poor
maybe if you spent the time you're using to shitpost on freelance work you could too
four great games in the first year of the Switch? whats the issue? we also got xenoblade 2 and dragon quest xi coming.
What did PS4 have in the first year? Nothing. First game worth getting was Bloodborne.
switch will be fine.
>People give a fuck about ports and multiplats
Who cares? If a game is good it's good
t. WiiU, PS4 and PC owner
>xenoblade 2
>dragon quest xi
* best on PS4
BOTW is great
MK8D is not great
Splatoon 2 is not out
Mario is not out
Xenoblade in 2017 is laughable, regardless its not out now either way
Dragon Quest isn't exclusive
Try agian
Neo-neo-Sup Forums is literally SonyGAF
>Weebs protecting their precious weebstation
you betas arent even hiding it anymore.
Xeno 2 is weebshit but not DQ11 because it's better on ps4.
How does that work ?
There has always gotta be something to shitpost about.
You tell'em goyim!
>Implying I own one of those things
I own a PC, 3DS, and WiiU
take a photo or it didnt happen.
I could also state that I own a ps4 but I might be lying.
Doubly invalid
>why don't you like my game!
Splatoon fans are the new Smash fags.
>Getting this anally devastated because user doesn't care about trash games like Color Splash and Star Fox
just wait until nintendo wins e3
>Every Nintendo thread is just 'Buy a Switch already! Other platforms are bad'
Please stop shitting up the board like you did with the Wii U shilling.
>Smash Bros (I know, also on 3ds but that shit plays horribly)
>Xenoblade X (good if you dont go in with high expectations in the story)
>Wonderfull 101
>Pikmin 3
I never played NotMyPaperMario and I dont give a shit about railgun shooters
Hey Sonybro, shouldn't you be happy that the Wii U shat itself out of the console race to literally be Switched out? Let the Nintendo kids have their fun ok and go back to playing Persona 5
Spoken like a true autistic Nintenbro.
I don't like it because most of those games aren't even out yet.
I only hate it because they have no third party support. If they had that I would buy one.
Spoken like a casual. Entry level tastes in gameplay, writing, and aesthetics if I've ever seen it.
>Spoken like a casual
How TLOU and Uncharted are casual games but Mario and Splatoon are not?
>not weebshit
What does "fun" mean, Sup Forums? Is it subjective? Is there a way to explain why something is "fun" or is it just intuitive and if you don't think something is "fun" you "just don't get it" or "you have bad taste"? Or maybe even "git gud"?
If it is subjective, couldn't someone find any kind of game "fun"? Even VNs or "cinematic garbage"? If it is objective, please define it in objective terms, excluding phrases like "good" or "entertaining."
a cardboard tube is a fun toy, doesn't mean it's a good toy.
>The Callie/Marie joycons everyone has wanted are now REAL
>You will never get them because scalpers and no-lifers with their endless bots will swipe up all the pre-orders in seconds
>Nintendo will only ever make three anyway
It says a lot when I could get the Cloud amiibo with almost no fucking effort but I can't get the Majora's Mask one to save my life.
>>nu/v/ hates it because it's not all cinematic garbage a-la Uncharted, TLoU
But it's cartoon garbage a-la Mario and Zelda though
>If Sup Forums doesn't like all Nintendo games, it's cause they like The Order 1866!!! REEEEEEEEE!!
I challenge you to find 1 single thread in the archives that talk about The Order in a positive light.
Go right ahead.
Have fun with your ports.
I don't get why cinematic/story based shit is always associated with modern, non-Nintendo games. They've been a thing since early video games, with VN-type stuff like Famicom Detective Club and movie "games" like Dragon's Lair.
>cinematic garbage
So if game has story and don't look like catroon it's somehow garbage? How?
>system has no games
>nu/v/ hates it because it's a normie tablet with skyrim clone
There you go, champ
People can say what they want here about the Switch library, but I already have as many Switch games as PS4 games and I bought a launch PS4.
>games with gameplay are garbage
nu/v/, everyone.
Because there's been a recent surge in popularity among the mainstream.
We had shooters before CoD too, but that doesn't mean the genre didn't skyrocket in popularity among consumers ten years ago.
>nu/v/ hates it
You fucking shills tell me to buy it every single day
Fuck off and stop playing the victim
Just kill each other already, or does reggie need to call for a crusade first?
All games have gameplay, that mean every game is good?
Out of curiosity, which games do you have? I only have BotW and MK right now but I've preordered ARMS and Splatoon 2. Along with all the amiibo. I fell for the amiibo meme, god help me.
>So if game has story and don't look like catroon it's somehow garbage?
No, it has nothing to do with how a game looks, It has to do with how it plays, or doesn't to be more precise.
>see the hype for Uncharted 2
>rent it for the PS3
>Game starts with a train hanging off the side of a mountain
>this should feel epic and exciting
>start to scale up it as the train begins to detach car by car
>"WOW!!! ..er, wait."
>suddenly realize this is boring as fucking shit because I'm not even doing anything aside from lightly moving left/right and pressing a single button
>the entire event is just a few scripted sequences with little to no gameplay
>this is a good description or the rest of the game
That's what "cinematic garbage" is. All flash and no substance, because it's trying to be a movie more than a game. It was pretty though, I'll give the Uncharted games that much.
>only Nintendo games have gameplay
Nintendo autists everyone.
BotW is nothing but Skyrim with rudimentary HL2 physics. Welcome to a decade ago.
As an idort I own far more PS4 games than Switch, it isn't even comparable.
Switch is just Zelda, Blaster Master and Voez right now. Haven't touched the damn thing in months which bums me out.
I'm waiting for Fire Emblem, FE Musou, SMT, Xenoblade and Senran Kagura.
>the entire event is just a few scripted sequences with little to no gameplay
>this is a good description or the rest of the game
Apparently you never played Uncharted game then. Game have massive amount of gameplay. Are you baiting?
fuck off
>Bought a PS4 in January
>Think "Yakuza 0 is coming out, I got Bloodbourne, Persona 5 is on the way. This is worth it"
>Literally those games were the only thing worth buying (Nioh isn't really my speed)
>PS2 game library limited as fuck
Seriously, PS4 is really lacking in exclusives, and their online store. It's unacceptable that my Vita can play PS1 titles, but the PS4 can't, what the fuck is Sony doing ? I've got Puyo Puyo v Tetris on my Switch (aware that it's on PS4, but i like to Puyo while I shit), BOTW, MK8D, so roughly the same number of games, but the Switch has been out for less than 3 months.
On Switch I got:
>some digital games
Going to grab Hollow Knight and Yooka-Yalee next when they become available.
On PS4 I got:
>Last Guardian
>some digital games
Going to grab Neir soon-ish and the Crash HD remaster collection when that comes out.
Dont forget the joycons themselves cost fucking $80
Just a question to Nintendo fans, do you guys almost exclusively play first party games? I love my 3DS, but a lot of the things I enjoy are third party, like Monster Hunter, Rocket Slime 3 and Dragon Quest, Rune Factory 4, and Mega Man. You guys always write off games that aren't on Nintendo systems as non-games, but some of the games released on other systems are made by devs who release on the 3DS and other systems too.
Nobody likes The Order 1886 not even diehard Sony fans that shit was a bigger blunder than Haze
>PS2 game library limited as fuck
That's what kills me, I know it takes time to do these upscales but fucks sake all I have is Rogue Galaxy and Ape Escape 2.
I'm shocked even Rogue Galaxy was there. I played that back on PS2 and that was the nichest shit ever. I think I still have that flag I got from a magazine that had the demo, though
>I've got Puyo Puyo v Tetris on my Switch (aware that it's on PS4, but i like to Puyo while I shit), BOTW, MK8D, so roughly the same number of games
So you got 0 exclusives on Switch and PS4 exclusives don't count because you don't like them?
Yeah, that too. I bought the Rem&Ram switch so I could be a cheap fuck and buy the red/blue joycons to have a complete set of red and blue controllers...
I've had every Nintendo console and handheld up until the WiiU Jesus Christ how touchy can you get. But yes I do own a PSP, Vita, PS3, PS4, and a gaming PC, What's your point? I tried Neptunia but it wasn't really for me, and I've never played Mugen Souls.
Yakuza 0, Persona 5, and Bloodbourne are great, but that's really it. For a console that's been out over 4 years? That's pretty shit. Switch gets a bit of a pass to me because it's portable, and it has a lot of exclusives coming. I'm not fanboying, I'm just stating what I think about the PS4. It's really not living up to it's potential, much like Sony has been the past decade, especially with the Vita.
>I've got Puyo Puyo v Tetris on my Switch (aware that it's on PS4, but i like to Puyo while I shit), BOTW, MK8D, so roughly the same number of games
No, Switch don't have same number of games. It has 0 exclusives while PS4 has plenty,
Future Tone is actually worth grabbing too.
>Yakuza 0, Persona 5, and Bloodbourne are great, but that's really it. For a console that's been out over 4 years?
I think it's doing better than WiiU. It's 5 yr old and only decent game on it is Bayonetta 2. I will never buy Nintendo console every again. Portability is not excuse for horrible graphics, performance and lack of games.
Yes, that is why I bought it
Emilia a shit, you had some bitch literally frothing in her panties for you and you're all "nah I'm gonna go for this bitch who was nice to me and doesn't remember a god damn thing because of all my time fuckery and genuinely doesn't know why I like her"
A Felis is fine too
Shame that the game in OP's pick is a sequel and not a rehash like all Sony bros are making it out to be. Is ARMS a rehash? Is Mario Odyssey a port? Is Xenoblade Chronicles 2 a port of a rehash?
But don't worry,
you guys can just deflect it by saying it's OK because they're the only games the PS4 has and BOTW is a shit game because it's the reason the Switch's launch was so successful.
Switch makes Wii U look good.
>Only good game is Bayo 2
And W101
And Tropickle Cheese
And Pikmin 3 (post update)
And Smash
That said, personally owning a WiiU, it had some serious problems
for my 3DS, I do play the first party games like Zelda and Mario and shit, mainly because they're usually good and they did a good job with 3D on them.
Other than that, my 3DS is basically a Dragon Quest machine.
I'm a Nintenbro, but that's a stupid argument.
Sonybros are still mad at Nintendo for noreason though
>Yakuza 0, Persona 5, and Bloodbourne are great, but that's really it
Not really, Infamous, Horizon, Uncharted 4, Gravity Rush 2 and Nioh are good too. Not to mention third party multiplats that Nintendo always lack.
>It has 0 exclusives while PS4 has plenty
He says while playing two ports of PS3 games, the only worthwhile exclusive (Bloodborne) and the new Call of Duty which is exclusive for a whole 30 days.
>He says while playing two ports of PS3 games
What ports? Switch has nothing but ports. It don't have single exclusive now.
> the only worthwhile exclusive (Bloodborne)
That's wrong though
>An indie game on par with Bayonetta 2
>Fucking spin the bottle and Rainbow Curse on par with TW101
>Wii Fit U and StarFox Guard somehow cited as the Wii U's best
>Lost Reavers, the definition of pay to win, is considered good
It's so easy to see the posters who have owned a Wii U and anons getting so pissed as the success of the Switch that they have to post this image.
>What ports?
Yakuza Zero and Persona 5, of course.
>Switch has nothing but ports
Then why the fuck are there a ton of indie games on there?
>That's wrong though
Name ten "worthwhile" exclusives without naming ports and Bloodborne.
people hate it because all the games are simplified to the point that babies can play them, this makes games have very little lasting appeal.
>Yakuza Zero and Persona 5, of course.
Yakuza Zero is on PS3 only in Japan. I also play exclusives.
>.Then why the fuck are there a ton of indie games on there?
Because no one cares about them?
>An indie game on par with Bayonetta 2
>Fucking spin the bottle and Rainbow Curse on par with TW101
The only thing they have in common is that they are both over 70 in meta and user score.
>Wii Fit U and StarFox Guard somehow cited as the Wii U's best
I didn't post a pic of Wii U's best.
>It's so easy to see the posters who have owned a Wii U and anons getting so pissed as the success of the Switch that they have to post this image.
You're right that I own one, but I wish I didn't. However, it's still better than Switch.
It's so easy to see the posters who have owned a Switch and anons getting so pissed at the superior library of the Wii U that they have to pretend it was shit to make Switch look better than it is.
What does the Switch have over the 3DS? The 3DS has plenty of good exclusives, but all I see on the Switch is a few multiplats.