Why is Sup Forums is the most evil, bitter, mean, hateful, angry board on this website? You're all bullies

Why is Sup Forums is the most evil, bitter, mean, hateful, angry board on this website? You're all bullies.

>saying bad things about Sup Forums
you the bully

Don't ever browse Sup Forums or /r9k/.

Dumb frogposter go kill yourself and go back to

I blame the current state of the videogame industry

Sup Forums is worse than both together

god knows how thats possible on a vidya board

You have the ability to act however you want with ZERO repercussions and you choose to act like your same boring self?

Why is it worst on a video game board?

Sup Forums and /r9k/ are exclusively inhabited by nowadays

Sup Forums is almost as bad.

because autists and videogames go along like bread and butter

I blame niggers

It's really not, though. Maybe you're just only browsing the threads full of shitposting retards :^)

Except that's not true at all, you wortless piece of shit.


Friday and Saturday night Sup Forums mellows out, because only the suicidally depressed remain online at those times.

>mfw Pepe, kekistan and similar filth will get rekt this year

Because you're a dumb redditor who came here for dumb Pepe memes and thought this place would be a hugbox like your other shitty website.
Go back, faggot.

everyone except /r/eddit cucks has already stopped saying them.

i'm sorry that you're so boring you have to pretend to be interesting

How so?

Sup Forums is an utter pile of shit, but I'd be careful to say it's the single most bitter and angry one. We do still have places like Sup Forums.

That said, think of this:
For the younger generation, games are by far the most accessible medium out there. They are also largely not very good for socializing, and were deemed (at least until very recently, arguably still) as something associated with social stigma - at least if given too much time.
It's also a very young and very unsophisticated medium - even if that is changing, it's still a noticeable difference between them and most other media - arguably with the exception of comics.
Finally, gaming industry is perhaps more than many others dealing with a significant number of major moral issues: anti-consumer practices are often at the root of the business and actually defended by many people who indulge the medium, press is extremely incompetent etc...

The result:
Most people around here take interest in games pretty much only because they don't have the capacity or will or patience to indulge other forms of media. In other words, perhaps more than anywhere (maybe with the exception of anime-boards, I'm not sure about that) people around here tend to be dumb, uneducated, inexperienced, with a very narrow fields of interest.
Now add to it all the insecurities associated with the stigmatization of the medium, general lack of social skills, and the intense bitterness that comes from the deeply rooted unethical aspects of the medium, plus massive appeal resulting in massive traffic drawing in even more people and lack of moderation (again mainly caused by the sheer volume of posts and long-standing poor board culture), and you get Sup Forums.

sexually frustrated teens/manchildrren

any other questions.

It's due to stupid frogfuckers like you

Yeah, which are you?

What makes you say that, you fucking smegma farmer?

and t_d, kekistan and other reddit groups are all over Sup Forums and Sup Forums

Trump administration breaking apart and people realizing what retards they are

Sup Forums is a board where we channel eternal hate and disapproval towards the current state of gaming.
Every thread about a game X has to start with "X is shit". This is the undisputed best and most important post in every thread.

if you can't take that then fuck off back to your hugbox

>Sup Forums is an utter pile of shit
>We do still have places like Sup Forums.

newfaggot detected
Sup Forums is shit but Sup Forums is far worse and infested with fucking underage ledittors

go back to you faglord

Well you see, civilized, sane people who want a forum for discussion that doesn't have all the poweruser bullshit of traditional forums happen to use imageboards. Not everyone is a braindead retard interested in spouting garbage onto the internet.

It beats being the most retarded bored. I'm so glad we're not Sup Forums

Imagine that your one of your only redeeming qualities of life is videogames. Then imagine that over the course of your life you have seen them get better and better, and suddenly everything starts to go to shit. Then it keeps getting more and more bland. Then people start regarding them as the peak of the medium. Finally think about the destruction of entire sub-genres in the wake of these people.

Now, think about how that would feel.

Yeah, our "I want to lick x's feet!" threads don't hit the bump limit.

Are you really trying to make a psychological analysis of an entire board ?

>he is implying that Sup Forums imageboards are a place for sane, civilized people

normalfaggot, you're wrong.
You're very, very, very wrong.

Traditional forums hardly even exist anymore. It's all Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter now.

people here were bullied for a long time and they choose to bully other people. they have a chance to get revenge. all that bitterness is result of self reject and self hate,
we are truly hating ourselves and projecting it to other people.

This, but unironically

>Sup Forums is shit but Sup Forums is far worse and infested with fucking underage ledittors
That is what I said. Re-read that entire line.

Sup Forums is even worse, you giant faggot.

The goal isn't Trump being a good president, you goddamn vapid cunt.

It's complete global saturation of liberal butthurt.
According to your braindead "Frumpf is retard, I'm with her" shitposting it's working like a charm.

Your tears fuel my existence.

The fuck? You just agreed with him.

Not being mentally retarded doesn't make me a normalfag. I come to this board to talk about video games with people who have similar interests to me, not to watch a bunch of retards pretend to argue about consoles and other inane bullshit.

I am not being ironic.

Mate, have you ever been to soc?

Real talk, can traps be thots?

then how about you go back to you newfag?

Sup Forums was never a place for sane, civilized people. Quite the contrary, only fucking outcasts in one way or another were lurking this shithole which actually made it a better and more interesting shithole, seperated from the orthodoxy of the rest of the internet.
But you wouldn't know.

Is this because of the raidfag from a couple of hours ago?

>Sup Forums is a board where we channel eternal hate and disapproval towards the current state of gaming.
It did not used to be that, though. The newfag influx and the board being taken over by shitposters and political asshats around 2011, all the people who suddenly started flowing in because they heard it's the edgier alternative to reddit and who actually took the fucking "Sup Forums hates videogames" saying seriously turned the board into this absolutely useless shitfest.

Vast majority of people around here do not actually care about videogames anymore. They care about hating them - not because they once loved them, but because the hate itself, especially when combined with some kind of "righteous moral cause" is what gives them any sense of identity and superiority over others.

Because Sup Forums is my persona

Yes, but it kind of depends

In my experience it is more likely that they are crazy than thots.

Sup Forums is highly niche and 50% irony/venting.

/r9k/ is pathetic, but hardly offensive.

Sup Forums is a cannibalistic, off-topic, elitist shithole full of hipster-minded faggots. I literally only ever come here anymore to browse vidya girl threads and find new artists to look up. It doesn't even cross my mind to come here when I want to see what people are saying about a video game.

Oh, it's one of the newfag shitposters pretending that "this is what this board was always about" to justify his own shittiness! Cool, there is never enough of you fucks around.

>the goal isn't Trump being a good president


>Why is Sup Forums Sup Forums?
It's not?

dumb frogposter


Don't you play them or something you big ass faggots?

>bro who cares if we are supporting israel and shit, it makes le sjw buttmad lmao xD

I like to play video games. The last one I played was 2Dark.

>it's a le watch le world burn episode
Oh boy

because everything I loved about this hobby has been killed or shit on endlessly by greedy companies and retarded dipshits born in the late 90s with no sense of consumer rights or dignity.

Fuck all of you.

Fuck the people who use videogames as a mouthpiece. I just want to have somewhat experimental shit again. I miss mech-sims and genre blends.

that's what he just said. lrn 2 reed

Because everyone is 17.

>this board was always just shitposting man
>obsessed with reddit
kill yourself

>being this autistic that you sacrifice traditional values just for the sake of shitposting and making people disagree with you

this is intense autism

Ayyy, are you the guy from the manlet thread yesterday?

>Your tears fuel my existence.
Your existence must be one of the saddest things imaginable. Not really something worth keeping going, I think.

Because Video games have the most toxic communities over any other hobby. You don't see people collecting stamps arguing over which stamp has the best waifu printed on them.

>want to discuss things
>dont want forums with 20 guys who have 20k posts and all know each other
>dont want reddit because of upboats and popularity contests
While chans are utter shit, they're still the best way to discuss things without too much faggotry

because newfag cancer such as you refuse to lurk moar and think you own this place