Well, Sup Forums?
Well, Sup Forums?
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Kyle is cute, so Kyle
>anyone other than Stan
How is this game? My girlfriend has an old Nintendo and this game for it in the garage and I've never gotten around to setting it up cause I wasn't sure if it was worth digging out. Those of you who've played it how do you feel about it.
Controlls are shit and it ruins the game.
You can piss on a snowball and throw it at a Turkey.
Stan, always.
It's mediocre.
I really enjoyed this as a kid. Looking at it now it is THE Superman64 of shooters. I mean the draw distance alone.
Also Cartman is the only one with a personality so, easy choice.
It's more bad than mediocre. Mediocre is something like The Stick of Truth
Great blog, normalfag.
>THE Superman64 of shooters
lol, not even close. It's a fairly boring, repetitive game, but it's got lots of atmosphere from the source material and is silly fun. Multiplayer isn't bad either. It's "meh" at worst, not aggressively unfun and frustrating like Superman.
stick of truth is mediocre as a game, but its a great south park experience. overall id say its a little above mediocre
Lol way to hide your jealousy champ. The sad thing is his GF is probably fuck ugly and you are STILL jelly.
>but its a great south park experience
I thought the opposite. Hearing out-of-context jokes from other south park episodes just felt rather lame. But I didn't beat it so I'm not talking from experience
It's mechanically extremely terrible.
>have friend that is "handsome" according to ladies
>settles with buttugly girl because she "likes" videogames and anime
he's probably devoid of charisma
The multiplayer was fun at the time, but I don't know how it holds up now. It was my first ever FPS.
Nah, it's fine. No need to exaggerate just to fit in on Sup Forums. It's "meh" at worst as I said.
Kinda okay, but if you look at the enemy and backstep one step too far the enemy disappears into the fog because the depth of field is shit.
Most the time you're getting things up close to see them.
Plus I liked Kenny and he gets killed which pissed me off because then you can't use him.
>My girlfriend
Why come on here and lie user? why?
Where's the best option?
>He actually betrayed Butters
I don't think Butters was even on the show when that game was released.
I remember Butters being a background kid in early seasons. They hadn't developed his character yet.
I remember the multiplayer being fun
It had some cool gameplay ideas, like I don't know if any other games at the time had alternate fire modes for all the weapons. A remastered version where you could see more than five feet ahead of you and had an improved, online multiplayer mode would be fun as fuck.
Do they ever use Pip again after the early seasons?
I haven't watched in years.
Nah the anti-christ launched him into the sky and used him for fireworks.
He was declared dead after that I think.
>an old Nintendo
Season 6 best season
>Cant die
>Part elder god
>Is also a princess that controls rat legions
the obvious choice
end your life brother
where is her anus
he wasn't even created when this came out.
It came out 21 years ago, user.
Yeah but when someone says "an old Nintendo" they're usually referring to the NES
Oh yeah, him calling it a Nintendo is retarded.
in the 200th episode (or 201 I forget) he comes back after not being seen in many years and gets stomped on by mecha-streisand