Besides a cancerous thread, what am I in for?

Besides a cancerous thread, what am I in for?

Could've skipped the middle man and just played the game.

A good game if you like hunting and robot dinos

Assassin's Creed gameplay disguised as a robot dino hunter

Best exclusive since BB. If/v/ hates an exclusive it's always an amazing game.

It's pretty fun for a sandbox game. Any shitposters who automatically come in and start screeching about it being an "SJW movie" will very easily prove that not they have not played it because the game isn't like that at all.

Pretty nice environments, fun hunting combat, interesting main story, and typical side-quests. I really liked it, but I've never played Assassin's Creed or any of the other stuff it's like.

>Assassin's Creed gameplay disguised as a robot dino hunter

>why does OP wanna talk about a video game on a video game board reeeee

Gorgeous and pure MC, great story, cool enviroment, mediocre fights and lack of content.

Another generic third person open world game, but a fun one at that.

This pretty much Play on very hard and get new weapons when possible.

Not , though. I'd say it's very good, but Bloodborne is on a completely different level, and there are other exclusives I'd rate higher.

no, its farcry primal with a robotic skin

Politics shoved down your throat
>l-lol get out Sup Forums, other opinions exist
Before this shit shitty decade, politics had *no* place in games, regardless of left or right. Games are escapism. I don't play them to be reminded of the shitty things going on in the world. There were signs of people trying to shoehorn political agendas into the industry, and you guys ignored them. Remember Duke Nukem Forever? A shit game for sure, but you should have noticed how hard the gaming press was pushing feminism when decrying the game for objectifying women or whatever. The signs were there, and now everything's fucked. Good on you.


A cancerous game.

>Sup Forums
>Video game board



Are you retarded?

You sound like one of those Sup Forums heroes trying to inform people of non-existent issues that don't effect anyone's lives.

boredom and repetition


To call this feminist propaganda is doing an incredible injustice to the game. HZD does not have a feminist agenda, or even focusing on Egalitarianism.

The themes of HZD, to name a few is to let your curiosity and conscious lead you rather than tradition, which is what Aloy embodies as a protagonist. She uses her reason and intelligence as her guide, rather than rules.

If you play the game, you will see that Aloy trashes both the Carja AND Nora traditions of blind worship, "it's a ball of light in the sky," or "this is not a goddess, this is a door."

The overarching theme is the morality of sharing knowledge. The scope of the game broadens just as Aloy's world does. There are enough reasons on both sides to argue the pros and cons of sharing knowledge and acting upon your smarts. The latter is clearly stated at the very end of the game.

>kek everyone i dont like is pol xD
You are cancer

A game that Sup Forums hates because they were fucking wrong about if being a flop like always.

Every time Sup Forums predicts something or is unanimous about anything, just do the opposite of that.

>politics in TV shows is fine
>politics in movies is fine
>politics in books is fine
>politics in comics is fine
>politics in music is fine
>politics in photography/visual art is fine
>politics in music is fine
>politics in vidya triggers autistic meltdowns

>middle man

More like middle kid in this place.

Not him.

In this case he's literally not wrong. That post is literally just autistic Sup Forums screeching. Keep that shit on that board while we autistically screech about video games on ours.

Your point?

An OK open world video game that you will completely forget a week after you finish it.

>talk like a dumb, smelly polfag
>s-stop telling me to go back to Sup Forums!

>Assassin's Creed gameplay

Apparently hiding in grass makes a game asscreed now.

It's because he has the game and chooses not to play it himself Retard

it's shit and only neofag outlanders pretend otherwise

The gameplay is visceral, even just watching it, the environments are picturesque, and the complexity of the ai is almost unbelievable. This game is amazing! Thank god I will never have to settle playing monster hunter again. And about the graphics and other problems, given the high speed with which the player is traveling, coupled with the enormous amount of objects the game has to load, which it does so in accordance to a priority where scenery is generally low, such instances are to be expected. Thankfully, the developer of this game has taken such care already that we can be certain such problems will be fixed when a solution becomes available. Regardless, such a problem is superficial at best and in actuality is merely a nonissue.
The beginning in which the player is being eased into the stealth mechanics of the game is intended to be a tutorial and it's still amazing. Later in the game enemies showed their complexity even against the stealth mechanics of the game, which themselves are amazing as they display the interactivity with the environment, as both location and time of day dynamically contribute to your stealth ranking.

Whatever dude, you're still the one getting cucked. It's your culture that's been infected. If that's fine with you, then whatever.

That """gamers""" are a subculture of sheltered, autistic retards who can't handle political banter without being triggered?

Thanks for getting on your high horse to preach to the masses.

This is true, yes. Therefore, it should stay that way.
I don't know why you hold such contempt for these autists considering you're on their board. Seems like you're part of the cancer.

It's already too late for that. The culture war has long been lost to degenerates. They're nothing we can do to change the motion of events.

Just bow down to Silverman already, goyim.

level 17 about 10-12 hours in.

It is a very good game. You start off thinking this is going to be great, amazing. GOTY. Because it has so much promise. But its the interaction of mechanics and pacing that kinda hurt it.

The graphics and art direction are stunning. 10 hours in and I'm still just saying "wow" at the level and world design.

Fighting any one dino is kinda fun. You get a chance to plan and you watch a fight go from "planning" to "fast and furious jumping around shooting"

Missions do a decent job of having you explore the world but they aren't special in and of themselves. They get you to a fortress and you fight or have to scan something then press triangle and follow it to the next stage. Sorta predictable.

The walks between mission objectives are absurdly long. Its riddiculous.

Melee combat against people is just plain broken. Humans randomly block and your hits just randomly don't connect and you lose 60% of your health.

Fighting more than one dino at a time reveals just how woefully underpowered your character is. They become resource drains that are better to cheese than really enjoy the thrill of the hunt. It can be obnoxious. You are supposed to use different elemental attacks to hit weaknesses but it doesn't come off feeling fun. Mobs can harass you from many paces away and there is nothing you can do but roll around like an idiot and hope you get lucky.

Its a good game that can be kinda obnoxious at times. No SJW stuff really, unless you consider women military leaders SJW (I'm sure some do).


Yeah. One thing about this that makes it sub assassin's creed is that the climbing mechanics are extremely limited. You can climb on a few discretely scripted objects in an area but if it is waist high and you can just jump on it, you can't climb it. Not only is it stupid, it hurts gameplay because you fall into a trench you are stuck in a trench. You can't get position on enemies in an organic manner. I wish it had better climbing. Its an issue for me. And I like the game.

The game needs more weapon variety, mechanical weapons specifically, that's what will take this game to the next level and show the potential of the combat system. The bow limitation and toolset is what holds this game back in the gameplay department imo. Horizon is missing a lil something and imo it's just weapon variety, thats what can give Horizon the push it needs. Something like the pods in Neir and having their own movesets, the core combat could really bring this game to god like status if the devs focus on it in the sequel

The game is alright

Not the only thing holding it back. I think what it is is that the weapons are very situational and the variety comes from using different ammo which isn't as satisfying.

You basically are using bows the entire game and have to pay to show a different arrow, which is lolworthy. But you feel like you're doing the same thing all game because the bows don't really feel different.

And the melee combat needs to be fixed. Enemies have huge invincibility frames on a second quick strike and you just get killed cause enemies are invicible. I say you need to be able to climb more stuff cause Lord help you if you run to a chest high wall and dino is chasing you.

And you don't need to go 1500 paces to get to the next objective. That's too much walking.

It isn't anything special or revolutionary.

An ok game, the gameplays pretty good but the story and characters are cringey.

>Sup Forums is one person

>what am I in for?

So not worth playing if you're not much of a tps fan?

Decent game with fun combat, average story, and ugly human models.

Tramplers are always fun to solo. Especially taking on two or three at once. And be sure to at least set it to Hard. But even that is too easy sometimes.

Currently having to help Olin's family. I still see no trace of some political agenda. Quit making shit up for fuck's sake.

>this is not a goddess, this is a door
I burst out laughing when I saw that.

I can't say. I think it goes for a different flow than a TPS.

TPS is about shooting a bunch of enemies and running and taking cover. Rinse and repeat.

HZD is really about having a well executed plan for a large dino and working that plan. Take out the little ones quietly. Plant traps in front of the large dino. Work out a strategy to expose a weakness. Its not the same feeling I get from a TPS. I just think there are some pacing issues that can be fustrating at times. Its a gorgeous game and at times very rewarding. It feels different enough that I want to keep playing.

I'll say this-- it is *not* GR Wildlands with dinosaurs. If that helps.

Solid game. Downside is its an exclusive so people feel obligated to shitpost about it despite obviously not playing it.

boring gameplay

Honest opinion here:
It was fucking hyped to shit. Was stoked to play it, got like 6 hours in, all long necks discovered multiple cauldrons cleared, and realized it's repetitive as shit, the weapon teir system makes absolutely ZERO fucking sense with retarded as names, the voice acting is a fucking joke, the characters are weird and there is absolutely no emotion in anyhing they say or do, the AI is spotty as fuck and sometime a robot will see you from across the fucking map while you are in tall grass, it's just shitty and anyone who gives it over 6/10 is an idiot. It's a game that basically took mechanics and ideas from 4 other games, and did a shit job of it. Skip this game no joke, waste of time. Big disappointment but alas, normies have ruined the world, this "masterpiece" will be with us for at least one more installation. Fuck this game, not even being overly critical, baiting or trolling. Just want people to avoid this overhyped bullshit.

Story didn't do anything for me personally but I can see why some people like it. Lovely enviroments and really nice weather effects. Alright combat but not a lot of weapon variety.

This game, man.
I barely thought it would live up to the hype, let alone exceed it. I've been playing for four hours straight across only two regions and about five grasslands, and it has been absolutely and utterly humbling. My breath is being taken away at every turn.
I just drowned trying desperately to make my way out of a dark underwater cave on a cold, lonely, massive plain, with ominous growling startling me from far across some rocky, eroded mountains against the backdrop of a massive dark blue system. Earlier I was marveling at a herd of grazing antelope-like creatures on a little yellow paradise of a forest with a pink sky. Creatures were screeching in the distance and tinkling piano chords played in the background.
I very much appreciate the technical and leveling aspects such as mining and trading, but most of all, this game has been an extremely emotional experience for me so far. I could barely pull myself away from my first region once I acquired the bow. No matter what I'm looking at, I have this excitement and this wonder and frustration that I am inevitably missing so much. I have never, EVER felt this lost. The world just beckons, wordlessly. What a beautiful, beautiful, titanic game. I have no words.
Enjoy, everyone. And thank you, Guerrilla Games.

I respect your genuine points as to why you dislike it. At least you're not all "MUH SJW WOMAN BOOGYMAN"

I think Aloy is an amazing protagonist. There's something about Aloy. I can't quite put my finger on it, but there's an enchanting kind of magic in the way she shoots a bow, speaks her mind and sprints across vast valleys littered with monstrous metal beats. Aloy is powerful and loyal, an underdog outcast who rises to glory on an epic scale, and it's impossible to not root for her. She's as clever as Hermione Granger, as though as Lara Croft and better with a bow than Katniss Everdeen and she's the reason I fell in love with the game. As is often the case, love hit me out of nowhere, when I least expected It. Horizon is not the typical kind of game you always see. I'm generally drawn to experiences I can play in bursts, like League Of Legends, TowerFall, Neko Atsume or Overwatch, and I've never been tempted to play all the way though a massive, open-world role-playing games like Dragon Age, Skyrim or The Witcher. I love fantasy and Sci-fi genres in general but nothing really caught my attention. But with Aloy everything is different this time. Aloy drives my infatuation with Horizon. Aloy is the kind of character I want to hang out for hours: compassionate, thoughtful, indipendent and warrior of the land. She radiates power and It feels marvelous to wield her strenghts and fight through her weaknesses. I simply can't wait to enter this incredible world created by Guerrilla Games and spend time with Aloy.

>Skip this game no joke, waste of time.
Every game is a waste of time, that's literally the point of them, fucking newfag.

I don't think it is as bad as you say-- I don't think it hurts enjoyment of the game that much.

But you listed many of the major problems. Though you would've needed to spend more than 6 hours I think unless you just literally ran the whole map once you started since you can't get past carja gat that quickly.

Also, the difficulty of the game and your ability to take on certain enemies is guided by your weapons. You are a hunter. Not death made flesh. If you see a big dinosaur you should be careful. It is a feeling that is supposed to be breed respect for the game and give life to the world.

>sometime a robot will see you from across the fucking map while you are in tall grass

Troll too easy to spot. You are literally invisible in grass tall. Even If someone sees you coming out of it, if you go right back in they will lose sight of you even if they are standing right next to you. Basically the stealth in skyrim.

Not that poster but there are two types of "tall grass" in the game. There is the hiding grass where you are largely invisible.

And there is just tall environmental grass and bushes where you should techincally be somewhat concealed but robots do randomly just see you from a long ways away. It isn't always a deal-breaker but it can be obnoxious just getting randomly seen.

Sometimes you can stealth kill watchers right next to each other. Sometimes you stealth kill one and a machine from across the way sees you and gets pissed off and all its buddies come at you. Its weird

Has there ever been a more right post?

here you go desu

At least you didn't cry red hair SJW.

I never believed in waifus and other bullshit like this until I saw her. The fact that she is not real really hurt.

The fact that this game continues to piss people off to this day is fucking great.

Someone took the time and effort to make this list.

>$0.02 has been deposited in your GUERILLA GAMES account

A pretty stellar game. Plays it safe, doesn't do anything too bold, but it's story and setting and mechanics have paved the way for something greater down the line.

1 hour in.
It looks great and the mechanics are fine... but I feel like I've already played this game. There's not an ounce of originality in this title.

>No matter what I'm looking at, I have this excitement and this wonder and frustration that I am inevitably missing so much. I have never, EVER felt this lost.
You have just put into words my feelings when playing this game and trying to explore the map. Thank you. I want to look everywhere all at once, and when I can't I just know I'm missing something awesome behind me.

t. sony shills

I liked her concepts more than her realization. More power to you, though.

Not even gonna bother with the rest but
>Ubisoft towers
At least this game took it and made the whole damn thing fun. Tallnecks are the shit.

Aloy is literally that but with manjaw and Chloe voice.

Aw... Yeah.

More Microsoft actually, but close enough.

And that fucked up hairstyle. Her hairstyle is what needs to go.

>he doesn't like nigger hair
go home white boi