jesus fuck how the fuck did this game become so irrelevant? its not even the 3rd most popular moba at the moment.
Jesus fuck how the fuck did this game become so irrelevant? its not even the 3rd most popular moba at the moment
Hahaha try harder while we're all having fun watching TI7 HYPE
Try harder league baby
Valve aren't game developers anymore, they're marketers. They sell digital dress up.
>HotS 2.0 is more fun than DotA 7.0
Really buttered my toast
dota 7.0 is hots
>esports hours
>muh twitch viewers
they made it more casual than what it was already
It's at the same level as league of shit now
>brags about popularity
>gets told
>y-your version of popularity doesn't matter
Face it, esports popularity is the only popularity that matters, regardless if you like it or not
It's funny how riot managed to piss all over the compendium, inevitably made their own shitty one which bombed despite having 70 billion concurrent players.
Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the game, but something must happen to people that work there to make them sperg out about dota every few days.
It's like the dota player base has a massive inferiority complex and so do the league devs.
I wonder what it's like to not play Dota, know in your heart that your game is inferior, and have to shitpost to make yourself feel better.
Say whatever you want about # of players, streams, whatever. The fact is one of those games are as good as Dota. If you don't play or like it, it's highly likely it's because you SUCK AT VIDEO GAMES
No one will fall for that, Riot/Blizzard
literally how do you even play this game as a new player. i wanted to see what all the hype is about but it's so confusing desu
Spend a hundred hours being absolutely godawful and getting yelled at like the rest of us.
You must go to it, Dota won't come to you.Nor should it need to. It's quality and depth of systems is its own reward.
Pick a hero and smack shit. You'll either love the game and become bitter later on or hate the game and also be bitter about it.
Took all their balance ideas from Reddit.
Much like any actual E-Sports type game, if you dont know what to look for or where to look for, you will end up knowing nothing
Try watching some big plays from A fighting game, let's say Mvc3
if you know nothing of the game, it will look like a bunch of flashing colors on screen and people yelling for no reason, you need to play the game to understand it, slowly but surely
Also, Goodkind is a cute
Dota players are fucking bonkers. I love the game but the community just goes apeshit over everything. I'm so accustomed to salt I'm absolutely dehydrated.
former dota 1 player, former dota 2 spectator reporting
Since that last huge patch I stopped caring about the game. It's like, everything thing is the "same" now. Before there were very quiet moments punctuated by completely batshit moments. Now there's something happening all the time, which isn't necessarily good unless you have ADHD.
what the fuck
the guy on the right should trim his dirty beard and his balding hair
>people unironically play this piece of shit
Pretty much. Might as well play the outright casual game over a once hard game trying to pander to casuals.
Fuck man, the difficult learning curve was the fun in Dota and it's fucked now.
People realized they dont want to play with third world subhumans so they left for games with actual region lock.
Seriously though. Why are Valve so set on "cultural enrichment" in they games?
If anything it only makes people racist. I remember i was pretty liberal before dota too.
4 years ago, I had absolutely no idea what the game was. Some one on my friend list gifted it to me.
I saw some gameplay vids, picked the hero who looked the coolest/had an easy playstyle, and then proceeded to play him for the past year.
Then I actually decided to look up some guides and learned what each role does, etc.
Sometimes you have to read a guide and just jump in.
They made Garithos into a nigger
>no denying
>not even any last hitting
What the fuck do you even do? Manfight from the beginning of the game all the way to the end? That sounds horribly boring.
Haven't had this much fun with the game in years and I've been playing over a decade now.
The new patch that came two days ago fixed shitloads of the problems that 7.00 brought in. They should still remove shrines from the game. Those are stupid as fuck.
>Face it, esports popularity is the only popularity that matters, regardless if you like it or not
Not in case of Dota since valve can't into franchising the client base can't be converted into money. Its not profitable for side companies to invest in dota no matter how many people watch/play it.
I can tell you why I lost interest in it at least.
Played it on wc3, doto beta and a year or two after release.
Where the fuck are the new content (heroes)?
Also that talent tree bullshit is shit. It's a cookie cutter path you follow since the other path is worthless in 9 out of 10 cases.
It's pretty good right now actually, the newest update un-HOTS'd it and they fixed the matchmaking not too long ago. It's still #1 most played on Steam and TI7 is shaping to be the biggest vidya tournament of all time so you can keep crying.
Don't act like anyone's playing HOTS for anything but that skin.
As a techies player i take insutl to that
You have no idea what it is, to see my lane partner get ganked by 4 morons that took a beating and then run to the shrine to heal up, Next thing you know is the big boom, and in big bright words, the bastion announcer says "ultra-kill"
then they start getting mad, reporting one another, calling eachother or me in some cases i love Peruvian before bailing on the game
Nothing quite like that rush
so 7.00 is better now? Neat, I'll check it out again.
>Seriously though. Why are Valve so set on "cultural enrichment" in they games?
>If anything it only makes people racist. I remember i was pretty liberal before dota too.
Answered your own question m80. Only one way an American company can expose the truth nowadays and survive and that's circumstantially.
I've played HotS for a while. I even do now from time to time. Things to know:
>all your team exp is shared, individual carry potential is nonexistant
>most heroes have 2 viable talent builds
>fights tend to occur around main objectives since the map layout is fucking awful and plain
>most maps boil down to "get x to enable y to help you destroy the enemy towers"
>jungle is nonexistant instead you have merc camps that automatically BEEP for your enemy team and explicitly show the lane where they will be pushing in case your enemies have absolutely no awareness
>since objectives are not based around taking advantages over teamfights, enemy weaknesses and positioning and more on straight pushing it's basically deathball meta 101 when you start winning
Things that are good are basically:
>you get to fight a lot and press your skills quite a lot
>some skills may even feel satisfying
But most heroes are so fucking underwhelming it's even painful to talk about. You've got Rexxar who is basically Lone Druid of HotS. The amount of "micro" required on that hero is close to none and people still fuck it up.
It doesn't even have actual graphics.
No, because the Talents are still there.
Dota 2 will be good again when they remove that stupid shit.
Hots has always felt too "Squishy" for me. Both in sound design, the weakness of the lane towers and forts, and the general lack of satisfying abilities. The entire game is far too soft.
>jesus fuck how the fuck did this game become so irrelevant?
no votekick button. worse playerbase in history
Talents are fine, they add more strategy to how you build your hero.
Shrines and the nerfs to farming/buff to gold/exp from kills are the real problem.
The game stagnated into a boring teamfight after teamfight meta, leaving it the only viable strat instead of having serval viable ones.
This may be "more fun" to watch for shitters, but it's really boring to play.
I don't know how it got popular in the first place, map is too fucking huge
It only felt good playing 10v10 custom mode zozzle
>hots babby making up bullshit
>As a techies player
Opinon discarded.
I don't get why you would choose to play any other MOBA when you've started with dota.
I mean i've spent all this time in the wc3 version, hon and now dota2 to learn the heroes, items and mechanics
Why would one choose to throw it all away and start with a new moba?
>its not even the 3rd most popular moba at the moment
1. League of Legends
2. ???
3. ???
4. Dota 2
It's simple, you don't. I've tried every other popular MOBA and I still come back to Dota because everything seems the way a MOBA game should be. Salty, unforgiving and chaotic.
Every other 'moba' feels easy as shit after playing a lot of Dota
>I've tried every other popular MOBA and I still come back to Dota because everything seems the way a MOBA game should be.
I agree, I quit dota when shortly after 7.00 dropped and I've been trying to get my fix somehere else.
But everything else is simply worse, even after valve fucked it up.
It's not even about starting a new moba to play, it's starting a new moba to play that isn't completely barebones, removing multiple gameplay features to appeal to casuals.
Perhaps one day, out of curiosity, I might try & play LoL. But I will never play HOTS.
>playin this niggette at 4k
besides faceless void, ww spells can absolutely get your entire team killed
Don't play LoL it is literal trash.
As a result all the hero's are essentially interchangeable within their role.
HotS you can at least switch things up and the maps are interesting.
But just play Dota.
Question for the guys that play HotS and Overwatch.
Can I unlock the Overwatch skins even if I don't have Overwatch yet?
>io arcana looks like companion cube
Portal 3 confirmed?
epic reddit arcana!
Rge new update nerfed shrines and buffed farming.
New arcana is the closest there will be to a new Portal model
>This may be "more fun" to watch for shitters, but it's really boring to play.
shitter here. It isn't. Variance is important for the viewing experience. An entertaining match has ups and downs, exciting periods and more calm ones. If you have a game of nothing but farming or teamfighting it becomes dull very quickly.
From what I've read, yea.
I can't confirm it.
I recently watched a tournament of Dota after not playing the game for three or four years.
When did they add Shrines, Bounty runes, more runespots, scan and changed the map?
In the past three or four years.
So, are they additions that made the game any better? It definitely still looked entertaining.
Shrines are shit, the game is too noob friendly now
hope you guys like the hand of midas item because holy shit
i will shit my pants inside out if that isnt related to the new meme poster
t. sub 6k
what is sunk cost fallacy
Oh yeah, I also saw some talent shits at level 10,15, 20 and 25. Are they still in the game? They seemed way too retarded.
Shrines are good. They were too strong on high-ground but were nerfed last patched. They make laning a lot better.
Bounty runes are a godsend for supports and junglers, super nice. The "more runespots" are just in the four corners of the jungle and only spawn bounty.
Scan is okay, counterplay for smoke ganks. The map changes are great. More jungle. And finally dires rosh advantage isn't overwhelming.
Overall great changes. They fucked up a bit recently re: the jungle (creeps only spawning every other minute. Was a bad change), and the respawn talents were bullshit. But they fixed it.
TL:DR FrostyToad is a savant of game design.
People have been playing Dota for over a decade. There's barely anything different from Dota 2 and the last Dota version on WC3.
People are moving on to other games because it's not only easier to play but funner as well.
Why not HoTS?
It's literally a cut down version of the Moba genre where it's just teamfights straight away. It removes all the dumb grinding and laning and goes directly to spamming skills. As someone who played Mobas for decades, HoTS is refreshing because it's so casual and dumb to play it scratches the Moba itch without throwing me back into the hell that is Dota, Dota2 and LoL suffering through all the people.
>techies player
yeah, fuck you buddy
I should return to Dota soon then, I could see that they improved the UI quite a lot as well, it gives far more vision.
Who cares about investors lmao. They made 19.000.000$ on battle passes alone during the last international.
Please rewrite that sentence.
after all the patches and removing respawn talents I'm really happy with the game again it's in a good place again and dota being dota it's keeping the gameplay "fresh"
meh not too big fan of the new UI,icons & portraits feel tiny
>praising HOTS
The second best way to identify a blizzdrone (after prolapsed anus).
It unironically looks amazing and I love the concept.
>after prolapsed anus
What if he covers his prolap with some burlap.
Lel, league of legends eclipses that of dota's viewership when you take the whole world and other platforms into account.
Don't compare us you filthy russian mongrol.
haha me to fellow redditbro
Why would they make that?
Well for one you need a Steam account and Steam itself to run it while for League all you need is it's client. It's just easier to get going.
It's the level 245 reward on this year's International Battle Pass.
It's non-tradable and non-marketable.
This only takes Twitch numbers though
OW and LoL are both huge in Korea and SC is still somewhat popular.
Dota meanwhile is barely relevant in Korea
>its not even the 3rd most popular moba at the moment.
dota is like the only moba that releases its actual player stats. League is bombing hard
China > Korea when it comes to numbers
>Sup Forums is too casual for dota 2
really makes me think
And guess what more people in China watch lol than all other esports combined + the superbowl.
Nope I play and will continue to play over all the other mobas. Hots is the only other decent one for me.
Call me when they remove (Not nerf, not modify, REMOVE) the arbitrary changes to the kill and assist gold you get based on your team's networth compared to the other team's.
>Not enjoying 20k gold swings from a single kill
What's wrong, not good enough for HotS 2?
I don't give a shit about dota2 any more
New update nerfed shrines, removed all shitty respawn reduction cooldowns from talent trees, unfucked neutral spawn times, and denies give xp now.
And guess which market matters more and is more lucrative for advertisers/companies for esports?
When companies see that players are willing to 'donate' this much money for tournaments, and combined with esports viewership, the investment follows.
>major events being streamed for dota 2
>casual streamers playing league
>league 120,000 viewers
>dota 2 110,000 viewers
g-going strong guise