>You still don't own a Switch

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since day one, lad

no games

The line up of games is fucking pathetic.

I go where monster hunter goes.

Because I bought a Wii U cheap and hacked it instead.

I don't play childrens games.

Kinda expensive for a Zelda machine.

Try again in 78 fortnights.

No games I want on it yet, same with the Xbone. Im doing just fine with PS4+PC.

I'm waiting for new colors or limited editions.

Because it's impossible to find one in stores, and I'm not paying over 300 dollars for it.

This is literally shilling

Is that really what the spines look like? Holy shit that's ugly.

fuck off nintendo marketing.

>The line up of games is fucking pathetic.
The first years is one of the best launch line ups of all time
>definitive Mario kart and Zelda
>Splatoon and Arms two great online games
>NBA Playgrounds and minecraft
>street fighter and disgaea

It's packed with games user

I already own BotW on Wii U and my 3DS is sufficient for any newer games released.

theyre always sold out

How many worthwile exclusives does it already have?



>2 multiplats
>only exclusives are indieshit
>next game is a remaster of a fucking Super Nintendo game

Luckily , this thing is actually gonna have games once June comes around. I'll be buying it in the later half of the year for sure.

Surprised at how many digital games I've got on it. 7 games and like 2GB of data.

Only have Zelda and Mario Kart physical, though

>what are you waiting for? Sony to make one

>old games are worth buying a new console

Waiting for switch lite

I don't buy consoles for only one game.

It's packed with PORTS.
Hijo de puta!

I never buy nintendo consoles before they are hackable.

Fisher Price tablet

This thing will fail and I'm going to laugh at all the smug shitposting when it does

This. Especially if it's a game I already have for another system.

>This thing will fail

It's been out now for two and a half months and no store can keep them in stock

I don't have the console but

>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Ultra Street Fighter 2
>Xenowhatever 2
>Mario Odyssee

Not a bad first year, especially if you're playing other platforms in between. And I'm sure I forgot some games.

It doesn't have any games

-Breath of the Wild has meme mechanics like Stamina and Durability, but I'd still play it being an oldfag

-New Mario game is not a RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars sequel

-Multiplayer games like Splatoon, MK8 and Arms are way worse than full-blown single player experiences

-Shin Megami Tensei HD Project confirmed for PS4

Only thing worth keeping an eye on now is Xenoblade Chronicles 2

>Zelda and Mario Kart are on the WiiU!
No one bought a WiiU
>Yeah but they still count as multiplats!
On a system that you don't own
>Yeah well a multiplat isn't a reason to own a system!
It is when you own neither system it's on
>Nuh uh! Doesn't count! NO GAMES

Every Switch thread these days is infuriating

I do own one.

Although I didn't have any use for it after finishing Zelda. Better hope Mario will be able to let me turn on my Switch in 7 months!

I bought one like 2 days ago and I'm waiting for it to get here.
Shame they only had it on grey, maybe I'll get the colored joycons later.

According to battlechili this would be a wortwhile purchase on the basis of hardware alone because it is ''unique''. Show me your Switch then you fucking moron LMAO oh wait, I thought software doesn't matter? ''u-u-u-h w-wait thats not what I m-mm-meant'' Such a faggot

Because they've been in incredibly low supply. They shipped 2.74 million in March and only 730k in April. There's no doubt millions on Nintendorks exist, but once they get theirs demand will plummet. Just watch.

Waiting for the redesign like a good non shill.

Fake dust

this post smells underage

500 dollars

Because I'm a poor loser without a job.

Wow look at that one (switch) exclusive.

No games.

Sadly not.

Old anime is the purest of all kinos, it makes my weanus peenus tingle.

All I care about is Oddesy. Don't care about Zelda because "muh open world."


>literally everything except Arms is a port or "remaster" with minimal added content
>fucking MINECRAFT of all things
>one of the best launch lineups of all time

Holy shit you're an idiot.

Here's why I hate the Switch.

>i hate cinematic games (anything that's story heavy or runs at 30 FPS, especially from a big company who can afford to make a better product)
>I hate online multiplayer games that cost 60 bucks (because why the hell am I paying so much for P2P trash? Also, every single online game from Nintendo has terrible singleplayer)
>I hate sex fanservice, since it's cheap pandering garbage that's no better than trying to score diversity points with tumblr
>I like multiplats, but only on the PC. I refuse to touch something if its sole feature is "portability". I will not consider that a positive
>I hate overrated popular normie games (if it's an indie, I might give it a pass, but an AAA game? Throw it away like the garbage it is)
>I hate casual games

So with this, you can see that the entire Switch library, and shoot, most console libraries period, are unappealing.

I'm not a homosexual.

Waiting for inevitable Zelda holiday bundle.

Reminder that you are a fucking retard if you ever put a console in an enclosed space

portability my man

What's your favorite game, user?

Still wary about hardware issues. Though ARMS is really pulling me in.

Graceful Explosion Machine is goat

Do you hate fun too, user?

What's your favourite console, user?

of course he does

>literally just poured sports powder on your Switch

you could have at least tried to hide it better.

Small town, Has been sold out every time I go check for it

Only place I can ship it from is on the other coast for an extra $60

Ports don't count, moron.

You don't get your first real game until next month.

Do you hate life too, user?

Due to horrible decisions made by the goverment over the last... 100 years, consoles and console games are too expensive in my country, I am for the Switch to be hackeable so I just have to buy it and not buy games.

Zelda and bomberman are really the only exclusives im looking to play and im not going to pay 300 dollars for those. But it's a good console anyways, upcoming lineup looks pretty good

Bomberman is legit garbage

Sounds like you play a lot of shmups and Metal Slug. Which is cool if you do, but sounds a bit limiting.

E3 hasn't happened yet

Only two games out I want and even if that was enough to get me to buy it I haven't actually seen any in stores. Will try to get one by the end of the year though because some shit I want comes out then.

I still get with my friends and play Bomberman 64 and Party Edition over netplay. Is Bomberman R like those?

I played zelda on wii u. Nothing else interests me since they're mostly ports or multiplats.

Threads like these exist.

Just buy official colored shells from china


>he bought a Switch, this gens NOGAMES console, day 1
you goddamn fool

It is Bomberman. If people say it sucks they never liked any of the Bomberman games.

Oh that's pretty cool.
Thanks for the link user.

>splatoon2 and arms are ports

Incase you're wondering, I primarily play on PC, and I enjoy games like in pic related. Games with solid singleplayer first, not story heavy, not casual (90% of the time) and so on.

I see

>definitive meme to cover for super late ports
>copy paste of an overrated game
>wii boxing but with 10% more effort
>shitty ports of games available everywhere else
>missing 99% of multiplats because nintendo systems are always either too weak or because devs know the games won't sell on their shit.

sounds great.

Be fair it's 1 game.

Because it's not Black Friday/Christmas yet & Super Mario Odyssey is nowhere near being released.

>that list and explanation

Cant find one, also have to pay off credit card to have enough to afford it

Waiting for a cfw, because this is a overpriced tablet in my shithole country.

And I'm interested in none of those games except Zelda and I already got it and I was massively disappointed in it.
I think I'm just done with Nintendo. They just don't appeal to me anymore so it's best if I move on.

Oh no, someone has standards! Why don't they mindlessly lap up everything and be a good customer?

Only have a PC monitor and the portable aspect is useless to me.

>no games interested me so far
>wonder why don't own a switch

No Monster Hunter

I got the Target bundle yesterday. It'll be here just in time for the Arms demo.

That's cool bro. What games are you looking forward to this year?

This made me mad. Why isn't there an ARMS demo for eurobros?

Im not gay


Now that I think about it, I don't have any games I'm looking forward to. I find myself playing older games more and more these days. Shit.

>best launch line ups of all time
>2 ports
>2 garbage games
>2 garbage ports
>2 more ports

Tell me again why is this the best launch up of all time?

It would have need exclusives, good exclusives, not just garbage indies or trash games like ARMS.

My mom said i could only get one video game box and i chose ps4

please, tell me then what's wrong with those standards.