>4k Resolution Support (3820x2160)
>Uncapped framerate
>Full mouse and keyboard support with custom key mapping
>Text chat
>Adjustable Field of View
>Detailed PC settings screen
>21:9 monitor support

You're leaving out the best part

>Fat fuck Gaben gets no money from it because it's not going on Steam exclusive is an interesting move. Been playing mostly Blizzard games lately though so I guess it's alright.

I just hope they don't throw every activision published game on it because I actually like how small and clear the bnet client is. Keep it like that.

Just Remember the 2 in Destiny 2 stands for the Two years that they needet to implement simple things

I wonder if future Call of Duty games will also be on at some point, now that Activision forces Blizzard to publish their games.

>At launch, PlayStation gamers will get access to additional timed exclusive content.

They've had exclusive content for almost 2 years now fuck PlayStation for throwing money at them because they had no games before reeeeeeeee

It'll feel so lifeless and wrong on PC. It just feels right on console.

Platform exclusive content is cancer

What's your reasoning to that?

I thought it'd get me lots of tasty (You)s.

Good to have those things that should be standard by now.

Bad that it's on a platform I haven't used since Lord of Destruction, Blizzard's last exceptional game (or rather, addon and game).

Some games are just not meant to be on PC.


It just won't feel right.

I hope they do, because that potentially means less CoDshitters on Steam.

>still shit game
wow who cares

Too late for my wallet, Bungie.


Fuck Bungie, Rip Oni

>PC gets all these great features
>exotics and 1 strike will be exclusive to PS4 for a whole year
>1 strike in each expansion will be PS4 exclusive aswell
God damn

It's like with movies. They just don't feel right when you watch them at home. Everyone got VHS in the 90s and it sucked and then they got DVD and it sucked and now they stream it online and it sucks but if you go to a rundown cinema with stained seats and make it though the 20 minutes of commercials and then watch a few kids write on their smartphones and talk during the movie then it feels so damn right. It's the way it's meant to be. How can you not get that?

If it's not on Steam then I won't bother.

i-it just won't feel right bros..

They could do a simple tab setup to swap between blizzard and activision games.


Destiny on PC is like RTS on console. Sure you can play it but it doesn't feel right.

>>Uncapped framerate

What is this autism?

Since when is being able to disable v-sync some sort of amazing feature?

There isnt even a point, itl just cause screen tearing

is cross save a thing?

That isn't what uncapped framerate is.

Sony are being super niggers about content again?

It just means that its not locked at 30 or 60, if you want, you can lock it at 144 or whatever your monitor is at, just like just about every other pc fps

I feel bad for people who never played the 1st and will mindlessly fall for bungies tricks.


>you can lock it at 144 or whatever your monitor is at

but thats still a cap

raising the cap doesnt mean "no cap"

Because rts games don't control well on console, just like fps games. Why would an inferior control scheme feel better?

Uncapped framerate just means the engine can technically handle unlimited FPS without breaking. If you enable v-sync and have a 144Hz monitor? The game will run in 144fps etc etc. A capped framerate is where the game cannot exceed a certain FPS. Certain games will never exceed a specific FPS even if you have a monitor with a higher refresh rate.

You've already had it explained to you, if you're too stupid to understand then I don't know what to say to you.

user, it means theres no hard cap set by the developer, if you want you can let it run at whatever fucking framerate you want, is that so hard to understand?

t. cuck

jesus man, it CAN go higher than 144hz, you just have the OPTION to lock it there. uncapped means uncapped, you can run it with zero limit whatsoever if you want

So the best part is that it's gonna flop?

>watching presentation gameplay
>thinking that is some retrospective destiny 1 gameplay
>it is actually 2
That presentation was pathetic. So is this garbage mob farming simulator they are trying to hype. Literally same game sold again.

I thought they weren't making Sony exclusive content for a year anymore. I'm pretty sure they stated back when it was announced that it would only be a couple months this time.

Sooo you have nothing. fps games feel better on pc 100% of the time and you're just grasping for straws, thanks for explaining.

>there's going to be Blizzard IP + Destiny 2 cross-promo events

mite b cool

Oh sorry, I didn't know your machine could run the game at 599 FPS and therefore being able to cap the framerate at all is somehow a problem.

>WOAH it's just like in my diablos!
>WOAH 20$ for a DLC, thats cheaper than a skin in Hots, what a steal!

All I have seen is someone say to that guy is "it wunt fel rigt".

So use a controller and cap your framerate and lower your settings. Done.

>Blizzard IP

you mean Overwatch

It'll still feel lifeless and wrong. Destiny belongs on console and PKEKS will ruin it.

>basic shit for every pc game nobody even thinks about

>unlocked fps and variable resolution are now "features"


Really? Because I got so sick and tired of playing the first game with a controller i actually bought a kbm adapter.

Do I have to wait another year for this game to get good like Destiny 1 or is the game gonna actually launch with content this time?


Awesome, I always wanted to play a shit shooter with epic loot. So fun with friends. :)

An FPS above 28 is platform exclusive to the PC.


I wont feel right, it will feel better.

Wow user ur so rude, u should be nice to blizrd for listening to the pc community and adding in these features that take so much work

0(zero) new classes
1(one) whole raid!
2(two) new gun types
3(three) new subclasses

Not fucking likely senpai.

you are one stupid fuck

Overwatch revenue of digital sales brought ActiBlizz $200-$500 million by the end of 2016. Yeah, it's a Blizzard game compared to Destiny 2's Bungie but as far as it dying for being exclusive to a client? Not gonna happen and tying it to Blizzard will bring in the uninitiated userbase to check out the game if ever it tickles their fancy.

>feel better

Games feel so sterile and artificial on PC. They feel comfy on consoles.

No you dumb faggot.

best part of the original are the armor designs, it seems like theyre stepping it up in that regard, so thats good

They announced a while ago that your D1 saves will not transfer over, only your characters appearance will transfer or something like that

my honest bet is that only xbone saves will be able to carry over. literally just to spite me.

>3(three) ((((new))) subclasses

but autismal faggots who need to play a console focused shooter at 240FPS or with an unstable framerate arent


>The one thing I've always wanted to change about my character is the only thing that'll transfer

People are really forgetting how big Blizzard is

Unless it scales well it will flop. Not sure why so many developers fail to recognise this. Games like Overwatch and League are so popular because they run on anything.


The only lifeless thing here is your pathetic excuse of an argument.

You can just make a new one user, i would assume theyll give you the option to transfer the shit thatll transfer or start fresh with 3 slots. You might as well if the only thing transferring is non paid cosmetic shit that you pretty much never see

As as Xbone player I think this needs to go away now that the game is coming to PC. It's year 3 and we STILL haven't got the fucking Jade Rabbit, a few strikes and crucible maps. How will I ever get that missed grimoire?! What about that one disabled dude who got the Fate of All Fools and he was the ONLY one that got it? Just because he had fucking cancer.

The exclusive shit needs to fuck off, but I won't be mad if you PC dudes get early or extended beta access because you didn't have the first game on PC. It's a fun game imho, and I've been playing since day 1. There are some ups and downs, but judging by the live stream today I think they have definitely learned from their mistakes from the first game. I just hope the lore stays relevant and they bring back the old subclasses.

Isn't the new earth area they showed just the same earth area people kept expected would be added to D1? (Overgrown stone tower) So D2 is STILL withheld DLC content?

Maybe D3 will actually be new.

k Resolution Support (3820x2160)
>>Uncapped framerate
>>Full mouse and keyboard support with custom key mapping
>>Text chat
>>Adjustable Field of View
>>Detailed PC settings screen
:9 monitor support

Wow, you mean this PC port will support basic fucking features that have been standard since the fucking 90s? Have PC fags lost their mind so that a straight console port with adjustable settings is now a good port? Or have the Japanese shoved their "Japanese games are better than western games" microcock down PC fags throat so hard, they're used to framerate/resolution/settings locked port that come years after consoles?

If this is supposed to be big news, PC gaming is fucking dead.

games like lol, overwatch and cs are popular because they are "competitive".


Is it? Free weekend is coming up and my PC is something that would be top end at 2008-09 (Quad 2 core, 560ti, 4gb ram, etc.) but I'm anxious to know if it can run Overwatch at a playable state (i.e. 60fps, looks good ,etc.)

Graphically it looks worse than the first one.

How's that even possible


Any system reqs anywhere?
I know for a fact my toaster that struggles to run fucking DS3 won't be able to run this, so I wanna know how far i'll have to spring to run this at 60 FPS.

well, they were planing to keep D1 alive for a few more years, so yeah it's probably a bunch of DLC's.

Looks like GTAV, minus the huge space shit in thr background

and because they run on shitty pcs and any laptop just about

Yeah, it's honestly the most impressive thing about the game. Overwatch might not be my favorite game, but the actual software itself is remarkably well built.

>H-he proved my feefees wrong! What do I do??? Uhhh... Uhhh-OH! I'll post this image!! That'll make me look cool!

Friendly reminder that first destiny was released in 2014. If wiki is correct, with all the expansions there were only 4 raids. Instead of working on the game, they decided to make a new game and scam people for money.

Just stop user, hes not worth the effort

>make game only for consoles
>looks better than 99% of all games
>make game for consoles *also PC
>have to scale the graphics back to allow third world BRs to play the game on Pentium III shitboxes

Really jogs my noggin...

>can't think of an argument so I'll just call it pathetic

PKEKS everyone.

>Not feeling better on PC
Have you seen people playing Prey on Consoles? Like person with paralysis.


Do not fuel shill campaigns with bumps


It's Blizz. They're not as good as they used to but their skill in coding is top notch. Even my try around on HotS left me impressed how polished everything feels. Even Hearthstone has that polished sheen to it. It's not my cup of tea but hey, give merit where its due.

It's much smaller now, Overwatch and Hearthstone did bring in a lot of people but there's a reason they're not publishing sub numbers for WoW anymore and from what I hear Heroes of the Storm isn't doing to well either. D3 is pretty much dead despite the new DLC character they're adding.

Didn't alot of guns have "Aim assistance" stats?
Are they gonna scrap those for Destiny 2 then and replace it with something else?

Prey doesn't feel right on PC either, it feels too smooth and artificial, like a cheap soap opera.