So Switch took it's first major drop in sales this week, Is this just golden week? If so why is it so many

So Switch took it's first major drop in sales this week, Is this just golden week? If so why is it so many.

Notice the 3DS is still the 2nd best selling console on the market. It still has more overall sales than the PS4. 3DS has sold more than 820,000 units this year alone.

Also Monster Hunter XX has more than triple the sales of BotW

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>So Switch took it's first major drop in sales this week, Is this just golden week?
If you already know the answer, why are you asking?

So we have one Switch owner/Switch is 3DS replacement believer.

>If so why is it so many.
Finish the line and you can see the reason.

Have they announced paid online costs yet?

$20 a year but that was awhile ago

And other consoles are what, $5/mo?
Just goes to show that the majority of the gaming market values price and good games over muh graphics.
If only they were educated on frame rates...

>Switch - 51.5%
>New 3DS LL - 66.7%
>PS4 - 58.8%
>PS4 Pro - 71.0%
>PS Vita - 57.5%
>2DS - 53.4%
>New 3DS - 87.3%

Looks like more of a global trend.

agree frame rates over graphics any day.

Those 3DS sales though I don't need to wonder why they are doing new 2DS XL now

They haven't announced it yet. They've just said it will be between 2000-3000 yen/year


I'm really surprised by how poorly the New 3DS seems to sell compared to the XL, though.

Isnt it still selling out all of it's stock?

My Walmart had a few of them for like a week before they sold. Scalpers are real this generation though so I wouldn't be surprised if people couldn't find them.

Splatoon 2 will boost sales again

Scalping prices indicate how low demand is. At $380, there's barely any profit in scalping a Switch

Wiis were selling for $500 for months after release. And they were $250 in stores.

>So Switch took it's first major drop in sales this week
Nintendo is already limiting stock, building up reserves for Splatoon

they still trailing way better than any other consoles/ handheld WoW in Japan other than 3DS

I guess people just really prefer the bigger screen. Another move for why the want the 2DS XL instead of the original bundle has been up for like a week now

To be underperforming the 3DS when the 3DS is their worst selling handheld is not good news.

Switch is proof that Nintendo is slowly becoming obsolete. Japan is moving to mobile gaming. It's why Nintendo is putting all their games on phones now.

Switch is probably Nintendo's last console

Retail trackers. Got one off Amazon Prime Now within 30 minutes of it restocking.

Trying way too hard with that poor bait.

True, but still there is money to be made. On ebay they vary from $350 to $450. It may not be as bad as the Wii but because scalping has become such a well known way to make free money everyone seems to be doing it

If nintendo is obsolete in Japan that the fuck does that make Sony? lol

Oh interesting comparison, at least some smartposting in Sup Forums.

>bbut sony
Like clockwork

>but Sony
I never said Sony wasn't. Consoles are definitely doing far worse than handhelds are, but even handhelds are dying. It won't be long before phones provide all the games and experiences a handheld does. At that point, what's meaning is there in lugging around an extra device? Nintendo should really start making phones if they want to survive in hardware, but even they know their hardware days are limited

People are allowed to ask questions if they know the answer idiot.

Who else am I supposed to compare retard? PC? Xbox?

Kill yourself.

If Nintendo ever makes phones, they better not ever team up with Apple. Fuck iOS.


Doomed since 1988

1889 senpai

Interesting stuff

There's a deep sense of irony that this argument actually displays a point counter to the one you're trying to make. Yes, Nintendo is a very old company, but they've only been making video game hardware for a few decades. They have markets that come and go, and they won't be making video game hardware forever. The industry has evolved in a way that's made them obsolete.

The Switch is in a good spot right now since it's still quite a bit more powerful than phones, but in a few years, phones will be as powerful as the Switch is, and that will be good enough for most people, and more importantly, for developers to start putting real games on phones.

At that point, what reason will there to buy a Switch? Even if they make a Switch 2 that's more powerful, most people will just use their phone. For the same reason that the Switch is far less powerful than the PS4, people don't care because the Switch is more convenient. Well, a phone is even more convenient than a Switch.

Nintendo won't disappear. In fact, I think they'll do even better if they focus on games and toys rather than shitty electronics that no one needs.

>To be underperforming the 3DS when the 3DS is their worst selling handheld is not good news.
Everyone likes to forget the Virtual Boy.

>quite a bit more powerful than phones
Not for long - other modern flagship SoCs can easily compete with the Switch. While they are currently mostly limited to $700+ phones, while the Switch is "only" $300, that won't last log.

Did you stop reading at that point?

There's probably going to still be a market of people who don't want to play on their phone regardless though, albeit maybe not a huge market and maybe not 15 years from now.

I personally never want to play a "real" game on a phone because touchscreens don't offer the same level of control.

Phones have seen the most technical advances in the shortest amount of time in the past decade. Due to this price drops are much more frequent.

There are such things as a bluetooth controller and if your gonna argue that you do't want to carry around an extra accessory it would be no different than carrying around the Joycons.

>There's probably going to still be a market of people who don't want to play on their phone regardless though
PCs and consoles will fill that void, with consoles becoming increasingly streamlined mini-PCs. Handheld gaming has already become almost entirely absorbed by mobile

The biggest reasons that have held phones back is the Free 2 Play game model. It has caused so much of a problem to people who want to release priced games. Until this trend changes I feel phones well never compare to handhelds

Because doubling production takes time.

Nintendo planned to produce 8m consoles in the first year. They've since doubled that number to 16m. There's no magical conveyor belt that will instantly produce double the amount they were planning on doing, you wont see the results of this move until around July.

So with 8m in a year planned, that means they have precisely 667k consoles to sell each month. We have seen that they allocate that as:

280k to America (everything that sold in the month of April)
200k to Japan
187k for Europe

Now look at the 200k per month shipment Nintendo send to Japan. On average that is 50k they ship a week. The last 4 weeks of sales from Japan have been:

76.6k (this is the important figure)
Adding up to a total of 198k, 2k short of the maximum they can ship to Japan a month until they see the results of the doubled production.

So if you're Nintendo, and can only ship 200k a month to Japan, how do you allocate it? Do you do a 50k a week even shipment? Or do you do the smart thing and have more available for purchase when you have a new game out that will sell big numbers (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe) meaning there'll be less to sell later in the week that's known to be very slow for sales since it is a holiday week.

Original 8m projection and it being doubled
Monthly U.S sales figures which we know is sold out because no-one can find the fucking thing

Pic related is the source for Japan's sales figures

Honestly Pokemon is what keep Handheld coming around for Nintendo. Monster Hunter is another one but they are 3rd party.

I'm talking about the mobile space

Bluetooth controllers are generally inconvenient, require syncing, button mapping, and don't work with lots of games.

It's not the same.

I can understand that. Sadly I feel this is the reason they stopped producing NES Mini because they wanted to focus all efforts into selling the Switch.It's a smart business move.

>yfw the NES mini died not for the Switch, but for the New 2DS XL

Not yet because major companies haven't released big budget titles to mobile. Inconvenient, Require Syncing , Button mapping seem to be grasping for straws though. I mean it takes like 15 seconds to sync, mapping buttons is for emulators mostly. it isn't anymore inconvenient than carrying around 2 devices to play video games portable. Whenever mobile picks up they just need to pick a standard control mode.

You're also never going to make the money back. Publishers can barely justify putting money in a PC port because of all the piracy/salesfaggotry, the phone ecosystem is a thousand times worse.

Yeah until they figure something out that helps fix piracy it will be hard.That is the sole reason F2P models are so frequent on Mobile. If they require you to connect online to play a game you play for people don't buy it, If you don't it's released online for free the day of release.

>but in a few years, phones will be as powerful as the Switch is
In "a few years" Nintendo could be getting ready to release the Switch 2 with the Tegra Xavier. That doesn't really mean much.

You and other have literally been saying this for almost 10 years.

Nobody will use their phone as a dedicated videogame system. Fucking stop retard. You're wrong. Your shit predictions are shit. You're embarrassing yourself.

If you honestly don't believe Tablet and Phones haven't taken a large chunk of the video game market you have been living under a rock. It's only been increasing as years go by. Yes there are people who will want dedicated Video Game Handhelds but for how much longer with this current trend.

The fucking concept that mobile cucks will actually spend $50-60 on a game on their phone is hilarious.

It's why mobile will NEVER be a viable platform for anything but freemium garbage. Normies won't spend 60 bucks on something when there's literally tens of thousands of games available for "free"

>Assuming people want to buy a new console every few years
They are game consoles not phones.

Yes. The normies and casuals where whisked away with free and 99 cent angry birds and candy crush games.

Yes it makes a lot of money.

No, the platform is not a good platform for anyone that actually enjoys real videogames.

No, it will NEVER replace dedicated videogame systems.

Sometimes when I see smartposting like this in Sup Forums, with facts and numbers I wonder if it's just a waste of time. At least lurkers get to be educated I guess.

Its the tendency of anyone who wants to cover all their bases when posting

Hard to get roasted over bullshit by shitposters this way

>the platform is not a good platform for anyone that actually enjoys real videogames
You know REAL vidya games man you know what makes a gamer a gamer

There will allows be dedicated Video Game systems there market is drastically changing.

People will shitpost about anything, it's just harder to shitpost someone who actually uses facts instead of opinions.

Epic my dude ;)

Keep pretending mobile with its freemium fucking cancer is the "future of videogames".

You totally aren't delusional at all!

People generally don't buy phones either, genius. Most people get them for free or heavily discounted when they renew their phone contracts, but buying a new iPhone right now with no service provider is literally more expensive than buying a Switch. Nobody is going to be using a phone as a dedicated gaming machine; if anything, the divide between "mobile gaming" and "luxury entertainment" (AAA games actually made by competent developers and not Chinese Flappy Bird clones) will become more apparent.

People like you grossly underestimate the lasting power of consoles.

>People generally don't buy phones either, genius

>Pretending a device that a everyone owns that has rapidly been out selling handheld consoles over the past decade that is only getting more technologically advanced won't eventually replace a device that does one of it's features.
Yep, I'm delusional.