ITT: 2007
ITT: 2007
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Any Nigras around for a Habbo raid?
Portal is really good,as expected from Valve.Praise Gaben!
Oh man, I can't wait to play MGS4, the final game in the series! I'm sure Kojima-san won't take a huge smelly shit all over the previous games' lore.
I'm 12 and what is this
It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time!!!
>wow xpac
man that was such a clusterfuck, what a shitty expansion
i dont think blizzard can do worse than this
God, this takes me back.
wow it's 2007
Sonic will never be in Brawl, all these shitposters are retarded. Why would Nintendo ever put third party characters in their game? Fuck off back to furaffinity.
That TF2 teaser trailer looks really nifty. Steam better be worth the download.
PS3 has no gaems
>TF2 will be 10 years old this year and it's utter shit opposed to vanilla
someday I'll see pepe the frog as something repulsive just like old memes
WTF why is snake an old man?!?
it already is
infact i perfer old memes over pepe
>implying pepe isnt repulsive right now
selling addy scim 30k
>xbots will NEVER EVER get MGS4
>nintenbros think Super Mario Galaxy will score better than anything Sony has to offer
because Hal gave him AIDS
I just finished Bioshock and just wow.... what a fucking experience.
Wasn't this ancient back then already?
lmao they're so gheyyy
why is the 360 getting all the JRPGs? this makes no fuckin sense. i guess all the japanese are going to support only microsoft from now on...
I hope HL3 will soon be announced, can't wait to see how it all ends!
>not already using Steam
Oooga Booga,
>those graphics
>that climbing and animations
>those executions
based Ubisoft
I heard Ape Escape 4 will be made, finally the PS3 gets a real game
>tfw no chance of another Deus Ex game after Invisible War killed the franchise
Orange Box was awesome! Portal was a lot better than I expected it to be!
Can't wait for episode 3!
>Playing the inferior version of System Shock 2
Have you heard about Mass Effect? Seems like a really solid space RPG
>we'll never go back to a pre-2011 world
I hope Kingdom Hearts 3 comes out soon, I loved 2!
Is that the game I heard about on Fox news? Quit playing those pervy sex simulators, user.
>grew up consolefag
I don't regret playing my Dreamcast, PS1 or Xbox growing up, but to be fair Steam literally only had valve games that were worth playing and that was it. Better a steam fag on TF2 launch than TF2 free to play.
God Lara looks so hot. Thank god video games are a medium that makes women look like sex objects!
Prime 3 was pretty great, but I think the Retro formula has kinda run its course. I can't wait to see what Nintendo does with Metroid next!
but I like them titties in my vidya
I love playing Full Tilt Poker here in the greatest country ever to exist the United States of America land of the free and home of the brave.
MML3 is coming soon guys I know it is.
Anyone wanna play some TF2? Hydro is pretty fun.
What the fuck was it about 2011? I keep thinking back to that year time and time again. So much shit happened so quickly.
I'm 12 what is this
I'm boycotting Valve until Episode 3 comes out, that'll show 'em
Haven't seen this image in a while
No one cared about this until 2010-2011 except the die hard fans.
>friend telling me about it
>mfw "It's like KotOR with free aim and alien tits."
Definitely grabbing a copy next time I'm at Gamestop.
It's too real. Take me back.
>except the die hard fans
yeah so like me and everyone else in love with MML
found the underage
This is a legitimately good question. Pseudointellectuals of /vee/, pls help.
Sorry Jade, I won't buy your game.
What do you guys think will be in the next Japan time? I kinda hope we see Mewtwo soon, I'm curious how his moveset has been updated.
>The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (2011 Video Game) ...
>Star Wars: The Old Republic (2011 Video Game) ...
>Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2011 Video Game) ...
>Portal 2 (2011 Video Game)
I am still on wow
send help
You know what would make the 360 way better? If I were forced to connect online when setting it up and if I weren't allowed to save my games unless I have an email account with microsoft!
2011 was the year legends 3 was canceled and began my massive hate for videos and I think the industry shifted for the worse.
Sorry I keep bringing it up. I can never stop talking about. I can never stop being mad.
Is that supposed to look... good?
>looking through my old external hard drive with years worth of utter crap on it
All those memes will be lost in time like tears in rain.
Dark Souls as well. And tribes ascend.
And the Sup Forumsgas.
Friendly reminder that World of Warcraft is dead.
I'm new.
It's just vaporware, user, let it go.
I'd prefer if they focus in Half Life anyway, Valve never let us down in single player games.
fuck off newfag
I just bought a PS3, what are some great games for it other than Resistance fall of man?
I'm 10 and what is this
Still playing this after 13 years.
So it can die at the end of the game, just like the series, and I'm happy, Kojima and Konami have to move on.
Brawl is going to be the best smash of all time
They'll release the duke nukem this year guys
Halo invented FPS
Can you believe 9/11 was 6 years ago wow time flies
shoop da whoop XD
PBJ Time was like 2001 man
Well, that was a fun distraction I suppose.
They'll go back to making actual RPG's now though. R-right?
there are probably kids born in 1990 posting in this thread!
god i feel old
>new Ace Combat is 360 exclusive
How're you feeling about that PS3 now user? :)
Memes aside, there are kids born in 2003 calling you a niggercuck everytime you come here. AND consider how big this place got since 2014. Wouldn't be surprised if there were 10 year olds here.
Ain't that some shit?
It'll be ported soon, you'll see
Literally more than half the people on Sup Forums are underage or autists. It's the entire reason Sup Forums has so much trouble maintaining decent discussion
you should already see it as repulsive. it was only funny back in the POOPOO PEEPEE phase
>Thinking the POOPOO PEEPEE memes were funny
it will get ported to the pc. you just wait
I first started coming to Sup Forums when I was 14. Im 24 now. Cant believe Im still here 10 years later. At least I barely use it these days, back when I was a kid with tons of free time I didnt know how to spend I'd be here every day.
blorf or splort or whatever it was was my first meme, and I'm surprised how forgotten it is now considering back in the day it was posted all the fucking time.
Greetings! I come from the year 2017, where video games are making a slow decline in popularity.
I will answer but the first three questions you have for me.
yes I did think that. thank you for reading my post :)
aight fellas lets get a lobby going, drop your psn id's
seriously let's play it, it still has a small but dedicated online base
You're welcome :)
I have already preordered my copy, can't wait to play a WW sequel.
Also, thread theme song:
Why are you a faggot?
Were it so easy
I can see myself playing TF2 forever