What went wrong?
Destiny 2
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jesus man the harpoons
when she came on i actually laughed loudly
Hamburger Helper 2: The return
Good lord, you can't make this up.
What species was that born as?
I seriously can't tell what chromosomes that thing has
At least three of 21.
> we have 4 new planets to explore
..which will you grind for the next 2 yrs of your miserable life
christ user i can't breathe
Why did they hire a Cabal as their lead writer?
OMG there's another one. Those jews from Activision are really into these kind of.. people
probably a cabal
What's the problem here? Game devs aren't models.
They should include their pronouns as part of the title card in the bottom left.
don't tell me there's gonna be moon and Mars DLC....
They need to scale up from what they have not fucking rebuild from scratch
I like how they got rid of Staten for this hambeast which is probably responsible for that scrapped together shit "story" in the first one.
She's cute though what's the problem?
>ree women in muh vidyerz
Oh right.
Same. Woke up some people in my house.
Executioner Smough (NG+)
This is what every girl looks like at my university, help me man.
I know a lot of you think it is funny to body shame some one on the Internet but you need to seriously take a step back and reexamine what your values are as a person and how you're spending your time in life because this is just absolutely disgusting seeing people point and laugh like this you are all rotten horrible people
Uh, so, fat men make a lot of your games. Fat women are not allowed to, though?
Please leave. Virtue signaling on Sup Forums won't get you any puss.
k fatty
I take it you like men
women in general should not be in gaming unless they PROVE THEMSELVES, like Brenda Brathwaite. Brenda has even done something 99% of gamers will never do: beat Wizardry 4 in under a month with no cheats or guides or anything at all.
You're allowed to be fat if you're competent. Destiny's writers are not
It's like the nu-male equivalent for women; they all look the same and think they're unique when they all come off as being the same exact person.
Just like any other trash in life, disregard it and move on.
Seems like Bungie grabbed all dem sjw refugees from Bioware Montreal
fuck off lardass
there's probably plenty of men working to make sure the game is fine, it just looks better to put these do-nothing trainwrecks on a pedestal
Lmao another sick burn in the same thread include me in the screencap!
I've come to terms with that already you pudgy fudge eater
Good pasta.
How does this make you feel? Disgusted? Scared? Angry? Maybe all of the above?
I would.
Is that Nick Frost?
So they're outsourcing the writing to bioware now or what?
>virtue signalling
What a delightfully paranoid concept, good sir. *tips fedora*
I know a lot of you think it is funny to censor free speech and valid criticism to some one on the Internet but you need to seriously take a step back and reexamine what your values are as a person and how you're spending your time in life because this is just absolutely disgusting seeing people acting like e-police like this you are all rotten horrible people
fat women should be exterminated.
>caring what the writers look like
Go hit the threadmill, Christine.
This is a man
Leafs are sub humans
Guy who works for a University here. We have a high dyke and twink population. The president himself is allegedly gay, so that would explain a lot.
>complaining about virtue signaling
>in a thread about anonymously signaling to other anons that you think women don't belong in vidya
>lead writer
this thread is about gross fat people, not women
Epic meme
Oh no
Hamburger helper has discovered mototic division
For what its worth, that gameplay reveal was not very sjw. This biggest part that seemed to be sjew was the guided community part with the asian but even still thats a pretty good idea.
Did she eat hamburger helper?
Christine Thompson was hired by Bungie in 2015, did writing for Star Trek Online from 2008 to 2015 before that. Was the writing in STO any good?
what if anime was real and you're waifu had a mouth like that
See Your bait is shit. Quit ruining our fun.
Women generally suck as writers in all mediums. In the video game world women make great concept artists and composers but that is it.
Is this why new bungie sucks so much?
>guided gaming
Did i miss something or is it PR bullshit for old LFG tool for premade groups looking to fill some spots?
The idea that it's somehow going to be "less toxic" is hilarous. Raidmembers will flame the noobs.
I'm so Sup Forums at this point I'm genuinely thinking about skipping this game over these two screenshots. Idk what happened to me.
It will be better than throwing an entire group of randoms together at least.
Fuck you, I like Harry Potter. Harry liking Ginny was outta left field though.
I'm spending 15 seconds shitposting and laughing at disgusting sub humans like you.
But what if, just what if the game story is actually good? can we forgive her for being fat ?
There it is, the funniest things I have ever read on Sup Forums
That's absurd you bigot.
You should skip it over the fact that it'll be grindy trash just like the first one.
This is just patently false. Just because the only female writer you could name is JK Rowling doesn't mean there aren't tonnes of them, both classical and contemporary.
>05/18/17(Thu)13:09:57 No.377338234 ▶
Point is just that it's an old mmo feature and the relabeling seems like fake PR "we made something new" . WoW offered that for years for example and they are part of the same corporation.
>laughing at a fat woman with a job in video games
This thread is great. I wish I could hold a mirror to it.
Hamburger Helper did the fusion dance with Rocco from Mega64
I remember in the 90s and 00s, drag comedians would joke about putting no effort into looking like a woman, and yet still expecting to be treated like one.
Since 2015, it's now a reality.
As far as I recall the Raid/Dungeon finder in WoW throws random people together.
I missed the original stream. When do all these funny bits happen? I think there is something at 51 min