Board improvement thread

Hiro approved Sup Forums board improvement thread.
Is reddit spacing a meme? I used to think it was, but literally every post I've seen in that format has been bad

Other urls found in this thread:


anyone just really sick of this literal 12 year old reaction to Sup Forums? are you so sheltered?


this meme again..... -_-

The fuck is reddit spacing

it's a reddit meme. that's the point

that's one ancient-looking 12 year old

No idea.

Think it just people trying to get other s to be self conscious about writing styles. A conformity and peer-pressure thing.

Is it when you put a space in-between paragraphs? I noticed OP didn't.

>user claims Hiro approves meta-threads
>meta-threads always get 404'd

>literally every post period is bad

All threads get 404'd




No, most just get archived.

>Is reddit spacing a meme? I used to think it was, but literally every post I've seen in that format has been bad

That's a trick question, every post on this board is bad regardless of format.

Typing like this.

In my opinion, it makes it easier to read. But for some reason, people associate it with reddit.

You can split your various points into easily readable sections. If anything, I would call it email spacing.

And what happens to them when the archival period runs out?

If these dipshit gook and mods just filtered the phrase "what are some games where I can" the board would already be fixed
but they didn't and gave us malware ads instead so they deserve all the doing it for free memes they get

Thats weird and dumb then. Its how you write a proper paper too, seperating your paragraphs and all

Why do you make these? To vent? Literally nothing will come from this. The mods do not pay attention to or read Sup Forums. The same shit will be said. The same complaints will be made. The same crossposters will defend their board shitting up Sup Forums.

These threads are utterly pointless and the only thing more worthless and time-wasting than Sup Forums in general.

On reddit you need to hit enter twice for a line break.

>X,Y and Z needs to be banned
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums

And nothing will change because the mods don't give a flying fuck.

what else is reddit now? fucking punctuation?

maybe I should have every question just run on to the next point then you can just figure out what im trying to say honestly this is better

Allow lewd video games loli thread. Im tired of normalfags pandering on this site.

They're pruned.

>fucking punctuation?
overly aggressive typical reddit response detected. go back

Literally what 404ing is

>all this autism
Reddit Posting format looks something like this-
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenwrit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Expeteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum

It's considered Reddit because, when responding to a subreddit, the enter key must be pressed twice to start a new line of text, rather than just once. Since resistors do it habitually, they tend to do it wherever they're typing. When somebody does this on Sup Forums it becomes spaced out, hence Reddit spacing.

nice reddit punctuation

Ban everybody for 24 hours from their last post on Sup Forums, that shithole is both attracting the newfags who shit on every single game to fit in and of course Sup Forums itself. In addition replace the mods with people who actually enforce the rules, there's no reason we need 50 persona waifu threads, fucking "vidya butts" and other SFW porn dumps, politics, people going into threads to shitpost about games they don't like just to shitpost, e-celebs and so on. Meanwhile we can't even have a video game comics thread because once again stemming from mods not doing their jobs, they're spammed with porn and mods just ban anybody making the threads now.
There needs to be no politics period but it's always you shitting up threads with it, you do the same with every single board improvement thread too

Speaking of mods being lazy and shit; /vg/ generals have gotten bad enough that some have had to move to Sup Forums just to talk about the game, such as FF!4's

Pruning is different from thread deletion is different from thread omission.

t. php forum dev back in the day

That's stupid.

I type like that just because it looks neater.

I said all threads 404
All threads do 404
I don't give a fuck what you call the process

I started browsing Sup Forums relatively soon after it was created. I also browse reddit for smaller hobby boards, the hobby boards on Sup Forums aren't very good.

Sup Forums users think about reddit way too much, to the point of paranoia and obsession.

Also ban whining about reddit, retarded board rivalry is just attracting newfags and encouraging them to shitpost.
How the fuck is this not a violation of rule 3

If you didn't care about the process then your original post about meta threads makes no sense.
Or whoever's post it was if not yours.

You guys are way too obvious. It will be interesting to see how much of your time you will spend here.

Bring back the tripfags

It has more power than you think, my friends.

What is your stupid ass even talking about

Says the phoneposting cancer

Making your sentences into paragraphs.

Like a period isn't enough.

>What is your stupid ass even talking about
See that's not a normal way to respond.

Or maybe hey wont do it because the point of this website wasn't to censor everything people dosagree with? The whole point of Sup Forums was to be a ble to say anything you want without consequence. Why the fuck else would there be anonymous users here?

Shut the fuck up you tripfagging failure. Do you think you can survive Sup Forums being this dumb?

It's useful when you actually need to split your points into identifiable sections, but when you are not writing all that much, it makes the flow of the writing feel weird. At least, for me it does.

Well, it has been over a decade, so yeah?

Clearly not as dumb as someone who doesn't know the difference between namefagging and tripgag.

I didn't know that

how come you do?

where do you come from user?

I'd put my thermal paste in her if you know what im saying

>Go onto a video game board where the entire point is to talk about video games
>An established rule is to talk about video games
>wtf why can't I shitpost on here like on Sup Forums fucking sjw censorship won again LE NIGGER JEW FAG XDDDD DO I FIT IN NOW
Jesus christ just fuck off.

oh my god, tripgag! he doesn't even know tripgagging isn't possible anymore
>what a retard

Actually it's the opposite of paragraphs. Paragraphs are used to keep ideas tied together and are usually several sentences long. Reddit spacing is double spacing every fucking sentence when what you're typing could be tied together neatly in a paragraph.

Can you explain to me why Sup Forums has over 50+ boards for many different topics but you think it's ok to post whatever you want on every board, regardless of if it's on-topic or not, Sup Forumscuck?

That's what people everywhere are supposed to use it for. People who react negatively to a post because of "reddit spacing" are just looking for an easy way to dismiss something without having to actually come up with a proper response, or haven't been taught how to properly write.

The people who know about "reddit spacing" seem to know a bit more than the average person about reddit too. They know how post formatting works there, so they either post on reddit and think they're fitting in on Sup Forums by complaining about it, or are advertising reddit.

>THIS is the type of people Sup Forums has drawn in
it'll never be the same, will it friends? Sup Forums I mean

you're right let's just remove topics from boards so that every board can discuss everything.
our own wonderful form of globalism and multiculturalism, sponsored in full by Sup Forums

> Shitpost on lol
> Airplane mode your phone and just jump onto v to complain about sjw


>using reddit space
I've seen people use the term "reddit spacing" for any sort of formatting that wasn't just a run on sentence, it's nonsense"

On reddit there are two ways to get a new line. You can simply put a number of spaces (four?) after a line or you can double space after your paragraph. So it's very common on reddit to see long, double-spaced paragraphs. Someone looking to spark some of that always interesting Us v Them nonsense decided to start pointing out double spacing as a "OMG OMG YOU'R THEM" distraction instead of having to make good points. It's nonsense, though. You can go into pre-reddit-mattering Sup Forums archives and see plenty of double spacing because it increases legibility.

what the fuck are you talking about, you're on Sup Forums right now

wouldn't that make you a retard right about now?

we need thread ids, would redruce falseflagging, samefagging and 'shilling'

Which takes me to my point that all mobileposting should be banned. You should only be allowed to browse from your phone.

Please go back


split Sup Forums into /jv/ - Japanese Vidya and /wv/ - Western Vidya
all the e-celeb worship shit, Sup Forums threads, SJW twitter screencaps, off-topic garbage and so on can go to /wv/ and /jv/ can be about video games

>thread ids
>autoban everyone with Sup Forums cookies
>ban phoneposter
>ban consolewarriors

Sup Forums is now better

>get called out
>g-go away please

Let's make a list of "Everything I don't like is _______"

Off the top of my head we have:
>neo-Sup Forums
>nu-Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>thin skinned babies who can't handle bants


you forgot hipsters and normalfags

Have fun with nobody ever talking about the mediocre games because everyone is too busy obsessing about waifus

Actually you know what, go ahead. The waifu shit on here needs to be banned entirely, I'll take Sup Forums and off-topic garbage over waifufaggotry any day

Will you guys tell me the idea behind not liking "console wars"? You know most people have most of the consoles and just make fun of other consoles as jokes right?

Tell me more.

When I say bring back the Tripfags, I mean, bring back when Sup Forums was filled with them. Sup Forums used to have a whole community of people who used to game, shitpost, and discuss together. Hell, I'd even say Qnqnx and Lanced Jack were fun to watch.

Why is this even a thing? Are people just trying to look for reasons to shitpost about something? It's like people trying to call out people for phoneposting just because they don't have their pictures named something other than numbers

Also if you don't space things out into easily readable chunks people are less likely to ready what you're saying unless it's bait

He said, redditspacingly.

this is real reason why, go away reddit normies

There's a huge difference between separating paragraphs with an empty line, and just starting a sentence on a new line.
When you're separating paragraphs you're supposed to start something new, not followup on the previous sentence. If you think that chained sentences belong in different paragraphs you should really go back to school.

Regardless of paragraph etiquette rules anyway, reddit-formatted posts do tend to have a lower quality content on average.

he said using proper grammer and spellign like a redditor would

And you still, dare I say, read it

>but literally every post I've seen in that format has been bad

Wow it's almost as if some anonymous person is purposely posting that way to piss you of

nice format i think i saw the same kind on leddit

>Regardless of paragraph etiquette rules anyway, reddit-formatted posts do tend to have a lower quality content on average.
Compared to what? I'm not defending reddit, but pick a post on Sup Forums at random I guarantee you the post quality will be garbage.

See, you didn't reddit space.

Reddit spacing is when you double space every sentence.

It doesn't make it easier to read it just spreads out the text annoyingly.

It's nice though because you can tell when someone is from reddit.

A bunch of people don't just start formatting like this randomly.

It's because they have to double space for a linebreak.

only posts without legible formatting and spelling and whatever


to be fragmented and read

on Sup Forums








we could talk about video games

Point taken. I should have specified when contained within proper civilised threads. Yes, they do occasionally exist.

The worse ones are the ones that have an empty line between the post they're replying to and the first line of the actual reply. I can deal with regular spacing but the people who do that tend to be the obnoxious types of newfag.

We could talk about how triggered libcuck sjw nu males are censoring video games to enforce their agendas
This is what Sup Forums actually believes is video game discussion

>hiro approved Sup Forums improvement thread
>is a reddit spacing meme

for fucks sakes, this morning i made a way nicer thread that wasn't so blatant shitpost (all posts have "reddit spacing") that had some thoughtful replies and the mods delete it

Rebbit seems like a far more pleasant place to be than here but honestly it's UI and formatting is a nightmare, even if I wanted to use it how would anyone see what I said? There's no point in using it, plus their threads are boring compared to this place and that's saying something

What Sup Forums needs:
The word shill filtered

or i could report this post right now

>/jv/ can be about video games

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA /jv/ will be nothing but a board full of virgins making waifu threads only.

Literally what I said, dummy. Formatting your post like every sentence is a paragraph. Just like I ironically did myself to make it extra clear.

Ways to improve Sup Forums:
1.thread IDs to stop samefagging
3. Ban deneuvo threads, it's just another flavor of console wars

Sup Forums needs IDs
>Sup Forums needs IDs
Sup Forums needs IDs
>Sup Forums needs IDs
Sup Forums needs IDs
>Sup Forums needs IDs
Sup Forums needs IDs
>Sup Forums needs IDs
Sup Forums needs IDs
>Sup Forums needs IDs
Sup Forums needs IDs

Shill and 90% posted in

I was taught to space paragraphs with double line spacing ever since primary school, and it's a habit that has stuck with me ever since.

It doesn't have anything to do with reddit, and I'm not even sure of how the two are conflated.
