You guys ever play with anyone on Sup Forums? How was it?

You guys ever play with anyone on Sup Forums? How was it?

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It always ends in austistic meme-spouting screeches.

I remember playing the AoT Fangame with Sup Forums and /vg/ back in 2013.

Was pretty great as everyone teamed up and saved each other while grouping together.

Also here's something from the archives.

>steam friend says he's hanging out with a few namefags from /vg/
>tells me I REALLY need to be in the call, but won't tell me why
>think nothing of it
>invites me to a Civ 5 game they're all in
>assume there from the Grand Strat General (i.e. alright guys)
>get in game
>join call
>see Skype profile pics
>animatronic animals
>my eyes widen in terror
>They're from /fnafg/
>realize that my friend (as he explained later) tricked me into a call with furfags
>can't remember their names, but one of them was definitely called dez or des or something
>they're absolutely nightmarish
>5 of them in total
>4 of them talking about their various fetishes
>1 of them is incredibly obvious in that he's using clownfish to sound like a girl
>they use the word lewd ironically
>me and my buddy are trying not to die of cancer
>i get paired up with the one with a freddy cropped porn pic
>he starts getting genuinely angry at me picking Wu Zetian
>renames his capital from Berlin to "Chica's Asshole" (he claims it's ironic)
>notice polynesia is near us, attack them
>it's the guy pretending to be a girl with a shitty voice changer
>he starts crying when I attack him, furfags tell my buddy to tell me to stop
>they all start talking about Filthy Frank and Leafy


I play with a couple of fags every now and then, most of the time they're alright people and we're having fun.

Sometimes they're ass though.

Played with some user from /vg/ for the HOTS/OW event. Fucker basically threw the game every time, never tried to win at all. I'm not a HOTS fan but I'm not gonna throw other people's games when I'm playing.

DayZ general on /vg/ was kinda fun for a while.


There were memes every fucking where, average skills.

only risk of rain.
it's fine except for marielx the mexican shitbag.

I played Borderlands with Sup Forums on release. It was fun for 8 hours.

Played Sins of a Solar Empire for 10 hours. Lots of backstabbing but was also fun until we realized that we were fucking around so much that the AI alliance managed to eat 3 solar systems.


Really gay. I'd never do it again. Deleted every single person I met on here.

A few times with Mario Kart Sup Forumseekend. It's basically reddit in there, you can only take so much. Played Smash with Sup Forums, that wasn't so bad. Bomberman 64 was fun, although the guys who played it were basically like savants. They're fucking impossible to beat.

My best experience was finding a friend here to play Super Mario Allstars with. He's some dude from Kansas. We loaded up ZSNES and did 2 player on Super Mario Bros 3. Was pretty fun, and we chatted while playing. Then one day he just disappeared, just fucking vanished. I don't know what it is with Sup Forumsirgins, but you guys lack the ability to forge any sort of friend relationship with people.


Yeah. Played CSGO and Insurgency. Lots of fun. I was pretty shit but they helped out. I might had found the rare Sup Forums Bros. I miss it

These are so aesthetically pleasing, holy shit

Why would I ever want to associate with any of you losers?

I played prop hunt on tf2 servers awhile ago. Lots of fun but there was no ear rape mic spam so maybe I didn't get the full experience.

Yeah, this is about what I'd expect. I'm glad I watched the first minute of this to know not to ever try to play with you faggots.

You know you love us. Now come give you're manmommy a kiss.

>they all start talking about Filthy Frank and Leafy
at least this confirms my suspicions.

Played a few games with Sup Forums

>TERA open beta weekends
Fun shit, playing with the Sup Forums and Sup Forums guilds, ganking everyone and exploring the entire world while limited to level 20.

Circle jerk out the ass but still enjoyable scrims and fun raffles

>MK8 weekends
was fun for about an hour, then people started namefagging and circejerking in their discord.

>Blizzard games
Pure memespouting cancer, these people need to be gassed.

>FotM flash games
Best way to enjoy playing with Sup Forums. shit like the adventure time moba,, AoT game, and all that shit. if it goes on too long and people start going to /vg/ then it goes to shit. a month is all you really want.

What do you mean, man?

I played a lot with people from generals, and they're great people.
I was expecting 12 years old, meme parrots, but actually, pretty chill people.

>tfw the forums and game are dead

>A few times with Mario Kart Sup Forumseekend. It's basically reddit in there, you can only take so much
How so?

Skilled, efficient, with a plan to dosh anyone who joins the server.

i met my best friend through a Sup Forums guild in an mmo

Hey do you have Battlefield 4, with the Final Stand DLC, come join TBG Finals Stand Conquest!

Did you fugg?

those videos and mental disorders go hand in hand.

Makes sense.

no, but we've met irl even though we live in different countries

>Forging a relationship with autists on Sup Forums
Bruh just be happy these fags actually have the courage to play and chat with you

I've met some good people in Sup Forums mmo guilds, but it really depends on what game you're playing.

Nothing Blizzard is usually the rule.

>Implying it takes any amount of "courage" to fucking talk and chat with people ONLINE

Jesus fucking christ how much social anxiety could you people possibly have? That is beyond pathetic

Pretty fun in the times that i have done. Never long term though, i only join temp lobbies. Battlefront 2, and rising storm was pretty fun with Sup Forums.

Get out Sunibee
RoR: it was pretty chill and the git gud meme was real

>but you guys lack the ability to forge any sort of friend relationship with people.

Problems come with bonds.

I played SFV with them and it was fine.

Could they DP?

Can we all agree that anyone who uses this pic should be gunned down in the street

Yep. Everyone in the game displayed at least basic competency. The people that generally post on Sup Forums about fighting games and the ones that play them don't overlap much.

I played Mario party with Sup Forums when the dolphin netplay threads were popular. It was actually pretty chill with some good banter most of the time, sometimes there was that one fag

Played with a few dudes a couple of years ago for a Diablo 2 ladder reset. I left before stony field. Literally everyone here but me are meme spouting faggots

If you tell them not to they generally stop in my experience. I think some people on Sup Forums are just desperate to fit in somewhere so they think they have to spam memes.

It's more that those are rare opportunities outside of Sup Forums where people might actual get your epic references AKA memes.

I see. Well maybe I'm just a fuddy duddy but I've never been much of a memer.

The text-to-speech engine of Unreal Tournament 2004 reading >implying as "greater than implying" has an odd kind of charm to it.

I think the last meme I enjoyed was card crusher, but I was also a teenager.

There was an "need that last one achievement for 100%" thread and I wrote about an Assassin's Creed achievement I needed. Some user responded that he needed it too and we could help each other out.
We jumped into multiplayer, spent 30 minutes getting the achievement for both of us and then we never spoke again.

So overall, I've only had good experiences playing with Sup Forums.

Really german, finnish and autistic.

Sup Forumstards come in 4 flavors:

The completely silent, awkward guy that never says anything even if they can.

The obnoxiously loud autist that thinks behaving like you behave on Sup Forums is normal human behavior.

The completely silent, awkward fuck that suddenly gets super pissed for no reason and sabotages himself and the game.

The kind of normal but akward guy that tries to herd all the other retards along.

They are all vary in skill from fucking terrible to slightly above average if you are lucky.

It's astounding how Bandai ripped this off, while also massively improving it.

Guess I'm the silent one. I can't be social even if my life depended on it.

>play dota2 with Sup Forums
>shitters up the ass

>play RO with Sup Forums
>guild ends up full of erpfaggots and drama

>play ff14 with Sup Forums
>see RO with Sup Forums

>play warframe with Sup Forums
>best clan on the game til the game got boring and tedious

>play wurm with Sup Forums
>fucking around building a village til the game got boring

>>play RO with Sup Forums
>>guild ends up full of erpfaggots and drama
I read this as red orchestra for a second

I played Battlefront 2 online right before it died with Sup Forums and it was pretty fun other than some meta fags.
>everyone running around on hero assault
>there's these two faggots working together
>both stand on a roof waiting for someone to run by
>one of them stunlocks by mashing the choke button which locks them into the falling/getting up animation while the other kills them with lightsaber throw

Played with /vg/, most were ok but there were a couple of those extremely annoying fuckers you see around here at times. It's not better than random matchmaking for sure.

>It always ends in austistic meme-spouting screeches.

that about covers it

>and they used le meme arrows in chat

Tons of Monster Hunter. It's great 90% of the time, the rest is either too many memes or woeful shitters.

i messed up mounting an apex rajang once and i got bullied by Sup Forums