Why do you want to pretend like this isn't a good controller

Why do you want to pretend like this isn't a good controller.

The battery life is awful, you could barely call this controller wireless

Isn't this the controller with the social media share button?

but i don't, i know it's a good controller

hey guys can someone write his forever empty us credit card number, i just want to play ps now trial and ps now is not avaible for my country. i just opened a new us account and it says i need to write credit card number for 7 day trial. after that i look how can i create virtual card and created entropay card. but then i realized pre paid cards not working on psn soo i need a us credit card,

>trash battery life
>big ass touchpad with annoying light
>share button
>triggers and sticks are shit compared to an XB1 controller
>not very durable

yeah i'll get right on that

Sent ;)

I haven't had a Playstation controller in my hands since the PS2. Been playing on PC with Xbox pads in the meantime.
Just got a PS4 and its way better than the Xbox one. I always considered the Xbox stick placement superior while using it. But now being able to compare, the PS layout suits me much more.

I hope you are joking. I've never seen a better battery life in a controller ever.

check your e-mail ;)

It's good, not great.

no one said it isn't good, just that there are objectively superior options like the xbone s controller

It's literally the worst battery life of any wireless controller for a major console.

Battery life sucks but I've got multiple controllers so it's a minor inconvenience. Everything else about the controller aside from the light is pretty good.

While we are here.
I want to buy a good controller for my pc.
It has to be PS form factor, I was thinking of buying dual shock 3, should I buy something else?

Switch Pro > Dualshock 4 > Xbone

The Switch Pro just feels fucking great to hold and I really like the placement of everything.
The Dualshock 4 is great too, but it doesn't feel quite as comfortable to me.
The Xbone controller is just a mess. It has the worst triggers by far, and the sticks aren't too great either. It just feels bulky.

You probably already got it but I sent you one I don't use just in case.

Its really mediocre. Ive only used it for Yakuza 0 and Bloodborne and I could never shake the feeling of shit ergonomics but the DS2 still feels great but that may be down to nostalgia

Then you've never seen any other controller

i think everything but the battery is great.

Nigger this piece of shit is worse than any other controller I've used so far, it's inferior in every aspect to any other Dualshock except the build quality.

Even the fucking N64 controller is more ergonomic.

>aside from the light
You can just turn it off?

Battery life is a bit fucked though, it almost makes me want to waste money on a charging dock when I'm not playing. I know that it's unnecessary.

>I hope you are joking. I've never seen a better battery life in a controller ever.
>Dual Shock 4 battery life is around 8 hours.
>Wii-U Pro Controller battery life is around 80 hours

You're retarded.

Not really. The Ps4 records the last 15 minutes of gameplay and by pressing the share button, it saves that recording. It's pretty handy actually. The real problems with the Dualshock 4 are:
Battery life
thumbstick rubber degrading
trigger's losing their springy-ness, or just flat out breaking
touch pad is both a button and a touch pad

Shit needs charging about every eight hours for me.

>anons too lazy to plug the controller into the console every couple of days for an hour or so
The only wireless controllers that I've used that have a better battery are ones that use replaceable batteries, and I much rather not return to that era of frustration.

that controller's battery life lasts even more because there are barely any games to play in that shitty ass console

sounds like you've got manlet hands

i only wish it was xinput so it would work with all my pc games.

some games, x360ce and ds4windows still wont make the game see the controller.

so you don't actually have an argument then ok

This was relevant a year or so ago, now it makes no sense even as a shitpost.

>Bring back the start and select button
>Remove touch pad and shit speaker

pm'd you the fix

My controller can last on average 12 hours even with vibration enabled. People are just fucking trolling at this point.
Low battery after your 8+ videogame sesion? Then plug a fucking phone charger and keep playing. Then unplug it after 30 min and you're done.

>This was relevant a year or so ago, now it makes no sense
What happened in that year to make the insult not relevant? The only games Wii U got last year are trash games like Star Fox and Color Splash.

When are first party controller going to start having paddle buttons? You'd think they would have introduced those by now

>Segmented Dpad
>Bad triggers
>Stupid light bar
>Flimsy sticks
>Left stick STILL in the wrong place
>Abysmal battery life
No, it's pretty mediocre, both Nintendo and MS offer better controllers.

It's not relevant to this thread at all because it actually has nothing to do with controllers, stop trying to turn this into another console war shitfest

>12 hours with vibration enabled.

Clearly Sony is in the wrong business.


I said that was the best controller's battery life I've ever seen, compared to 360's and some cheap controllers I bought in a flea market, it's probably the one that has lasted longer, I was actually surprised at how many hours It could last before I had to plug it. I could not care less about wii u's since I dont own that shitty console.

Better DS3 is fine as long as you can actually get it working

The dpad doesnt recognize diagonal inputs

Thats enough

It would be my favorite if the light bar and touchpad were non-existent. As it stands, I prefer the Xbone controller because it's comfortable and doesn't have the useless bells and whistles of the DS4.

It feels bad to hold.

>phone charger
>30 min charge time
get fucked, mini USB cords aren't capable of charging something to full that fast, why do you think they're phasing them out?

This is by far the shittiest controller ever, right after the horrible ds3 and it's predecessors. And this comes from someone with tiny manlet hands. The R2/L2 buttons are absolute trash and dont even have a stop. To tilt the left stick left and right and back you need to stretch your thumb and pull it back while loosing grip instead of just tilting your thumb to the left and to the right, like the wii u pro or the xbox controller. Batterylife is ass. You can throw in rechargeable batteries in the Xboners controller and have your fun for 2 weeks. People who like this shit are just fooling themselves because they cant admit that their favourite brand made a shitty product.

It's the most comfortable controller I ever held in my hands.
Just the feeling of touching it is better than playing some games.
I don't even own a ps4

DS4 is my favourite controller, though the battery life could be longer. I've never been a fan of how Xbox controllers are designed.

12 hours is like two days of use, thats really bad.
For me the battery runs out in a single persona session which is about 4 hours for me. So either my controllers are bunk or you a blind fanboy.

Because retards kept crying like freaks that should've been aborted because they can't insert USB cables on their first try.

Also fast charging is a good way to follow the planned obsolescence in battery life.
If you want a battery to live, slow charge it.

ideally the fucking thumbsticks need to be straight up, not forcing your thumbs over in an awkward position

since thumbsticks are the part used most often in most games

this is totally backwards from that, and causes the most thumb soreness

I hate the ergonomics. I play a game that primarily uses L1/R2 and the d-pad, Dualshock 4 dropped the height of the shoulder buttons by a substantial amount that my fingers between L1 and the d-pad are so close together that they can't perform inputs as smoothly or quickly. My Dualshock 3 had big concave bowls like Gamecube so it's not like the Dualshock 4 triggers were better for me.

Oops I meant L1/R1.

Guys thank you for your attention i'm still looking for that card can you guys send me it from discord? my account good night folks#4493

I remember when people complained about the joycon's 20 hour battery life as if they were capable of playing continuously for that long.

Not him but my controller lasts for days. I've had it connected the last time on sunday and I've been playing quite a lot this week.
But its also a new controller that I just bought two weeks ago.

I'll take fast charging and replaceable battery any day over having to own multiple controllers to swap out when one of them dies. A new Dualshock 4 battery costs 5 bucks and it's easy as shit to replace.

Figured you were talking about the PS4. The Wii U Pro controller has a ridiculously long battery life though. Charged it once while playing BotW, and that was in the first few hours after having played nothing on it for a long time.

Do you have Huntington's disease? Only that or being a total retard would lead to someone handling that controller in that way.

I've always hated Playstation controllers. Never felt right in my hands.

I agree it's probably the best especially the 2.0 line. I hate how grimy my old PS3 controllers would get it was like those mushroom capped analogs were designed to collect filth and distribute it across the rest of the controller via thumb. The d pad would register inputs for no reason too and the pathetic R2 and L2s would press themselves infinitely when the controller was dropped or slid on any surface. Sony somehow made a dualshock that was worse than the original with PS3.

>the same people that call the SNES controller great dislike the PSX one

There's nothing retarded about playing worse because the index and thumb tips are too close to each other

The PS3 analog caps were just fucked up and would develop a greasy film after not using it for a few weeks.

picture of your hand holding a dualshock 4 please. Can't fathom how your thumb and index finger are getting in the way of inputs

They're not getting in the way, they're not far enough for the fingers to react as lightning fast as Dualshock 3. There's a reason why the shoulder buttons on classic Dualshocks are lifted far up.

I'm really trying to understand this for whatever reason. Are you saying that because of the positioning of the bumpers and d-pad, you are pressing the buttons with a different part of your finger than you would on a DS3?

You you the guy who draws Creepy Suzy? If so please go back to Sup Forums

>>Left stick STILL in the wrong place
So you're a faggot then?

Nothing is physically getting in the way, there is no input error. It's just lessened comfort that leads to inputs that are not as quick as Dualshock 3. Just imagine if WASD was positioned where the arrow keys were, you wouldn't be playing your best due to your left hand being aligned closer to the your chest and the way it would cause your wrist to bend. If the bumpers sat as high as Dualshock 3, your fingers are more relaxed and relatively more straight, where as Dualshock 4 needs your finger to be bent in a more right angle shape, lessening the reaction times. If you think about it, there was zero reason why Sony felt the need to trim the top of the controller off and lessen the height.


Pick one.

Something something Ape Escape

>Playing 3D action games with a keyboard

Ah ok, I was overthinking it.

Can vibration damage your wrists?

ITT: baby hands

Are you literally 12 years old? Is this the first console you've ever owned?

Only if youre on all fours and using it form the top down. If you go from underneath you should be fine

>touch pad


>Joystick placement
>Build quality
>Battery life

It's better than the PS3 controller but you can skedaddle the fuck right out of here if you want to say it's a good controller.

>thumbstick rubber degrading
>trigger's losing their springy-ness, or just flat out breaking

had both of these happen after 3 months. hated the idea of asymmetric sticks but got an xbone one and it's fucking fine. all i need is a controller that won't fucking break like a toy piece of shit. plus my autism doesn't make me try and mod in psbutton prompts on screen anymore since they're all xbox ones to begin with.

He goes by Herny not Henry

why do people lie about this? i was playing nier automata all DAY yesterday. my controller lasted well over 10 hours

It is good, or at least I like it. But what makes it shitty is that the start and select buttons are fucking called options and something else

the touchpad is garbage, the share button is retarded, and the analog sticks fall apart

they only degrade on the old models. that doesnt happen anymore.

Why do people pretend like symmetrical sticks are bad? I's like your hands, and very few games use left stick+face buttons over left stick+right stick.

The Lightbar is high tier cancer and Sony fucking REFUSES to let us toggle it off. I have fucking electrical tape covering the lightbars on my DS4s.

No you can't. You can "dim" it but it hardly helps.

>terrible battery life
>pointless flashlight
>idle controller rests on shoulder triggers
>touch sensitive shoulder triggers
>dumb fuck track pad
>dumb fuck share button
>options button forced to be crammed between dumb f7ck pad and triangle button
>90 degree symmetry main buttons
>dual lower joysticks
>segmented d pad

It's more comfortable than the last one though. Still pretty bad.