I have just started this game and I've never played a Persona game before

I have just started this game and I've never played a Persona game before.
Should I be using a guide for all of this daily activity stuff? I feel very lost and have been told there are things I will completely miss if I do not do the proper thing at this time on this day and whatnot. Basically I feel like what I'm doing is ultimately going to be considered a waste of time or bad time management.

I don't mind playing a game again (I just finished Automata the other day) but if this is like an 100 hour game I think I would prefer if it I got everything out of one playthrough. Is this possible without a guide or would I definitely need one to do that?

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>Should I be using a guide

This is the easiest fucking Persona game holy shit kill yourself

How are u user? Everything ok?

I feel like you didn't read my post. I'm talking about the school stuff

You don't really need a guide, but I guess that depends on what you're hoping to accomplish on your first playthrough. Also, the game has some NG+ content, so you can't get "everything" on your first playthrough either way. Do what you want.

Do you know what a guide would allow me to do in one playthrough?

The first play through is best played blind. Use a guide on your NG+ play through.

it's no big deal if you don't do everything
i would recommend playing blind but if you want to look something up its not big deal
you really should play the way you want instead of what a guide says i think you'll get more out of it
also ng+ goes much faster because you retain a lot from ng

Playing a Persona game by guide your first time through will ruin the experience, bad time management be damned.

Stop being a fucking autist, managing social aspects is part of the game and a guide will ruin it for you. If you're really concerned just get the fortune teller to rank 7 and max out the maid for maximum efficiency. Don't go to mementos until you have at least 4 targets.

kill yourself

>Is this possible without a guide or would I definitely need one to do that?
Highly unlikely for a first timer. I'd recommend this guide if you don't want to play through it again: gamefaqs.com/ps4/835628-persona-5/faqs/74549

It's spoiler free and only tells you what to do in order to max confidants and social stats.

I'd recommend playing through blind though for a fuller experience. A second playthrough doesn't take long as you can fast forward through all the dialogue and you get to keep your persona so you can roll through palaces ez.

I got to the fifth dungeon and gave up on my playthrough because I realized that I didn't min max hard enough.

If you're like me and like to have the optimal playthrough, the best thing you can do is to try not worry about it too much and play with the online stuff off so you can't compare yourself to what other people did that day.

Just remember to take care of that plant you have in your room

I've played every single, I knew that holding Personas of confidents/S-links provided extra points, yet I didn't bother. Looking back, that would have been incredibly useful for saving time.

>saving time

Why not just enjoy the game in the amount of time it takes for you to do so? Why even play the game if you are actively looking to make the experience take less time?

just do what you want, i beat persona 3 with like half my social links unfinished and one of them reversed lol

all you need is trumpeter

Just do what you feel like

just b urself

There is only one thing you need to know and that's to rush fortune teller to lv7 as soon as you hear about her. Then abuse her luck and affinity readings for the rest of the game.

You can't miss it, she becomes available when Shinjuku opens to you.

>should i be using a guide

yeah just go ahead and ruin the game for yourself artificially by using an external resource to do everything in the most efficient an unfun way possible

may as well just watch a 100% silent lets play on youtube

>game holds your hand and explains basically every mechanic over hours of tutorial shit
>do i need a guide?

And people wonder why games are so shit

dont go for worst girl

To be fair, the game does not tell you ahead of time that certain confidants are locked behind stat requirements.

>game doesn't explain one thing

Not everything needs to be explained. You don't need to know absolutely everything. Just play and experiment.

OP here.
How long would you guys say a new game+ takes to complete? That'll probably be the deciding factor.

>durr why isnt every single thing spelled out for me ahead of time so i can negate any risk through preparation

You sound like a wet blanket.

I think it would give you a nice goal to work towards if you knew prior to.

You might as well just watch a let's play if you're going to use a guide.

as long as you want it

Just go in blind, guides are for pussies.

Learning how to do shit is literally half of the game.

Don't use a guide. Just bring a matching Persona when you spend time with a social link. Prioritize studying at the cafe on rainy days and going to the bathouse on monday/thursday nights. Max out the teacher's social link ASAP when it unlocks in late May. Don't focus on social stats unless you need them to unlock a social link, then spend as much time on them as possible until they're at the necessary level. Feed your plant as much as possible and buy juice at the shop in the underground walkway on sundays. That's all you really need to do.

I'd say probably around 40 hours if you skip everything and breeze through the dungeons.

like going through base game and then ng+?

I'm reaching 200 hours and I'm 15 days away from the final dungeon, but I spent a day grinding because I autistically want every persona to unlock all their skills

I'm on my way to the final boss, but I don't want the game to end. What do I do?

So, I am in the casino and i've been wondering.
Does the max out all S-links trophy come from the items im supposed to get sometime or will I have to do them all in one playthrough?
If it's the latter I should probably be playing all video games and reading all the books.
Either way im doing ng+, this game is cash as fuck.

Has to be one playthrough, I'm maxed on everything except the two confidants that finish automatically, and I'm on NG+ so I have the items.

OP here, thanks that seems like a good idea.
Is there any deadlines aside from the palaces? I just really want to experience as much of the what the game has to offer as possible.

Trophies were a god damn mistake. Guess i'll spend the rest of ng playing vidya in my vidya and reading books.

Because you miss out on the experience if you don't max out social links that provide both gameplay incentives and lots of additional story, NG+ is incredibly boring to redo all that crap.

Don't get Instant kill ability, keep this in mind

>s there any deadlines aside from the palaces?
Deadlines are always made very clear in the game.

>Guess i'll spend the rest of ng playing vidya in my vidya and reading books
That's what I'm doing. I'm only "51%" competed through the game, even though I'm in the final dungeon. I had to hunt for every last trophy aside from the 150 treasures one and the ones for beating dungeons.

Think of it like this.
Do you want to experience all the stories the game has to offer in one playthrough? Then use a guide, there's no way you are going to max out every confidant without one.

Do you not care about that? Then don't.

Do you plan on playing the game a second time anytime soon? Then don't.

Either or is fine.

>there's no way you are going to max out every confidant without one.
I maxed out every confidant besides Haru without a guide.

explore and adapt

thats the theme of every persona and you gonna be fine as long as you always trying new things and use those new mechanic to your advantage

its easy, i went in with no guide and the only one i didn't max was futaba and she was at rank 9

Remember do NOT say the obviously stupid or mean thing when given dialogue options.

They do not give you much if any points and will make ranking up a harder job for you. The only time where you are allowed to say the mean stuff is Hanged man.

Social link and daily activity stuff is only in service of making the dungeon crawl easier, if you're not having trouble fighting then don't worry about it.

There's literally no penalty for changing difficulties on the fly either

beep boop

There is no set time for when Confidants show up outside of a select few like Yoshida.

If I were you, just play though the game natually. Devote time to getting your Social Stats up and focus on the S-Links of your main party members. The only "vital" S-Links outside of your party members are probably Takemi; Kawakami and Hifumi.

Don't use a guide
If you miss any confidants just look them up on Youtube, there's nothing much to offer in a NG+ gameplay wise to make it worth it.

You just proved his point.

Well I also didn't remember to bring matching Personae for the first three months and didn't optimize my time spent in Mementos, and didn't clear the first three dungeons in a single day.

So nah, I didn't really prove his point.

I got to the 6th palace in 1 day in ng+ skipping all dialogue. Just goes to show that like 70% of this games length is fucking dialogue.

You can just save then play all video games/read all books for the trophy then reload.

This is legit the dumbest fucking thing in P3-5.
Why bother putting all these unique and interesting dialogue options when you're just gonna be punished for them? Rank up should just be dependent on if you have the arcana not instead of this no fun allowed guessing game.

>Why bother putting all these unique and interesting dialogue options when you're just gonna be punished for them?

His point was that as a first time persona player OP probably won't max all confidants on his first playthrough, he didn't say it's impossible to do.

Are you retarded? Saving time is not rushing the game. You're wanting to complete as much as you can within the time the game gives you because it's difficult to finish everything in a single playthrough.

if you dont want to do NG+ than just use a guide

I've never played a Persona or SMT game before, is P5 a good starting point? I know nothing at all about the series.

Persona 5 is SMT-lite so it's a good starting point.

It is the best Persona game though, so it might make it hard to go back to P4 or P3, since the former is shit and the latter starts out really slow.


Except it isn't the best Persona game at all. The dungeons are trash with n64-era "themes" and the writing is awful

>The dungeons are trash
They're not great, but they're better than the garbage from P3 and 4.
>and the writing is awful
Par for the course for post-2 Persona games.

Persona and SMT are really not that much alike. Persona 4 Golden or 5 would be the best starting point into the Persona series On the other hand, Persona 1, 2, and 3 might be tough to play because the game play isn't as refined. Nocturne seems to be everyone's recommendation when getting into SMT.

Do a chill playthrough, minmaxing is for ng+.

Persona 5 is basically SMT lite since they brought negotiation back again.

Persona 4G is a pretty bad starting point, since P4 is bad.

nah I'd rather play through random floor designs than have to run back and forth doing the rudimentary "puzzles" in p5.

P4 is good, turbonig.

Yes, I too would rather have empty hallways than real dungeons. Persona 4's straight line with one corridor offshoot design is truly the pinnacle of SMT dungeon design.
I guess it's not bad per se, but it's one of the worst SMT games.

>one of the worst SMT games.
>SMT has had some of the worst games i have ever played


Just go with the flow. Playing a Persona game or hell any SMT game and min-maxing for the first time through it sucks literally all the fun out.

You are just completely fucking wrong.

Doing the Palaces in P5 ranged from being fun as fuck to slightly annoying.

Compare that to having to grind Mementos which is the same as P4s random corridor generator was never anything more that irritaing as fuck.

What do you mean? I never said that, I just said P4 is near the bottom of SMT.

I would only recommend a guide for social stats as some of them will completely jew you over if you dont know better
Such as Sojiro
>Rank 3 to 4 requires the player make multiple cups of coffee
>Rank 4+ can only be achieved after certain story point on like August
>Have to make multiple plates of curry to upgrade the rank more later on

>Doing the Palaces in P5 ranged from being fun as fuck to slightly annoying.
what the fuck are you talking about. they were boring and too long for there own good,
especially the later ones
sorry. i miss understood

Yes, they weren't perfect, but they blow P4 and P3 dungeons out of the water a thousand times over. The only bad dungeon was Mementos which surprise, is the same shit that P3/4 had.

>bad dungeon was Mementos
>bank and space station.

Sure, some were a bit long but to say that they are somehow worse to "Random Corridor Generation" is just plain wrong and stupid as fuck.

Still better than Mementos.

Just do yourself a favor and blind run the first playthrough. NG+ lets you do all the efficiency and bonus shit a -lot- faster.

Yeah, those were pretty bad compared to the castle, casino, and ship, but damn they were a thousand times better than straight corridor with a few offshoots on floor 38523748573845728728357238457823 of Tartarus or straight corridor with one offshoot of P4.

>too long

i just think people give the dungeons or palaces a bit too much praise for what we got.

>wants to play jrpg light
>kek fucking babbies

P5 and SMT4 are readily available currently and both a good introduction to the series/spinoffs.

Yes, we know actual SMT dungeons are a lot more hard to complete.

Again, they range from great to bad.

Better than P3 or P4s dungeons which were constantly bad.

Do your best to level up your social stats to max.
Focus Fortune, Temperance, Sun, and Moon, as well as your teammates.

but they were short. at least for me.

i play through them in one go

And you could do most of the P5 ones in one go as well.

I think the only P5 Palace that cuts you off half way is Madarame's and thats forgivable since the Museum was one of the better ones.

>that SP massacre in space station

thats one that i can remember being a bitch

Madarame Security System
Niijima Court room
think that's about it for mandatory breaks

Goro kills sae

There's always one.

Here's hoping for a P5AU

>Goro "kills" sae

>Okumura boss
>Kill these robots over and over again for 10 minutes
Worst dungeon in the entire game

>Worst dungeon in the entire game
with the worst girl to boot

Best girl, Worst party dub. At least it's not Shinya.