Why aren't you playing it?

Why aren't you playing it?

Combination of early access, wanting to see what the game will be like when it is finally done, how rough the game is ATM despite being playable, and looking kinda same-ish.

If they can implement a bunch of different maps, game types, etc, I think it can be fun. As-is? It looks like I will play 4-5 games then get bored.

Already played it for 76h
Gonna wait a bit for some more content and better optimization

I don't see the appeal.

Bought it, need a new graphics card so I can play it without my PC screaming at me and crashing.

Better be worth it.

It's an early access game, it looks and plays like one.

Because it's $30 (for early access) and I don't think my computer can run it. No one else I know is playing it either.

It's sad that they only pay you to write two kinds of OPs, asking why people are not playing it, and claiming that it's GOTY.
And then calling virgin contrarians to anyone who doesn't play it, of course, symptoms of redditness.

>Why aren't you playing it?

Because I have top-end hardware (5ghz 7700k, 16gb RAM, GTX 1080) and I can't even get 30 FPS in cities or 100 FPS outside cities with everything on low at 1080p

Plus the game is a hitreg abomination with a tickrate of like five and the optimal way to play it is to sit in buildings all match long camping the doorways in third person view so you can see enemies and and they can't see you

I saw some gameplay videos.
Gameplay looks really boring, seems like the best tactic is to just camp, and if I want to fuck around with my friends I play either GTA Online or Siege.

One friend bought it for me to play together.
Played with him for 30 minutes, got bored, and blocked him for making me play this clunky and buggy garbage.

Are you with us?

because its a small dev team thats made literal millions off this game. The games dead just watch they got their money and now have no motivation to make the game great.

It's shit. Fuck off shill.

it;s optimized like shit but if you can't hit 60fps with those specs something's wrong on your part

fps games are for children

I bought it and refunded it. It's okay for what it is, but even for early access it runs like complete dogshit, even running on the lowest setting and with extensive tweaks.

The first thing a game needs to be is actually playable.


Game is literal copy paste of H1Z1 or whatever other fucking "Battle royal" bullshit that's been made. The game looks like an early ps3 title and runs even worse. Infested with twitch kiddies who gobbled this shit up after they saw their favourite streamer and his le epic xD highlights. Never going to touch this complete pile of shit

I've got work in a few minutes and my PC nearly melts trying to run this game

I wish more games played like this as a parody.

None of my friends are around to play with today

Something fucked on your end i get a solid 40 to 60 fps on high 1080p with a 5ghz 6600k, 16gb RAM, GTX 970

Goat simulator happened. It was funny for 5 minutes then got annoying.

>5ghz 6600k

There is quite literally only four or five of these known to exist, you are lying.

Because Sup Forums is nothing but a group of pretentious hispters. Almost reddit tier.
Name 1 game in the top 10 being watched on twitch that Sup Forums actually doesn't actively shit on.
>you cant

>if something is popular it means it's good

Twitch is literally marketing: the site as well, so good example m8

Don't have a PC

>calling Sup Forums a group of hipsters
>being a hipster is literally not liking what other people like

learn to fucking read faggot

I'm poor. I'm considering for a week now if Prey is worth it.
It's on my wishlist though. Together with Civ VI and Nier Automata.

Why isn't your IP rangebanned yet?

>buying early access games
>the ugly step child of pre orders
Wew lads.
I will never listen to the opinion of someone who spent their money on an early access game.

jokes on you, that isn't even a real person you're replying to. it's a neural network

Dead in 3 more months.

H1z1 for casuals

I'd rather wait for Escape From Tarkov, tbqh



I have no reason to bother because of the bottom 2.

Wake me up when Anarchy Reigns gets ported. Platcucks won't do it though

Because I don't play flavour of the month clone of clones of a clone game.

Waiting for my PC its being built in the Warehouse. When does early access end to where you can't play it anymore until the full game releases?

Waiting for better maps and for wrinkles to be ironed out.

55 hours here and won a few chicken dinner with friends. Don't regret buying it at all after my previous Early Access buy being Killing Floor 2.

Client performance update next week hopefully lowers the CPU usage as that's where I'm hurting for frames with an i5-3570 and a RX 470.

This shit is already being plastered everywhere else. Stop shilling here.

I am.
Random squads is fun.

I feel happy after a good match and connected to my teammates rather than the average rage surge I get in matchmaking in other games.


I stay away from random squads because there's no penalty for team killing.