Does it have a chance at surviving?
Does it have a chance at surviving?
I really fucking hope it does OP. I really loved the origional game despite all of its problems.
The story and quests where great and fun. And though a bit generic, the game play was still enjoyable and the dungeons and raids where fun.
>tfw I know people that dropped it and hated the game because of "dumb bullshit" like the investigation missions.
>Investigations missions was one of the best parts.
I was always on the fence about buying it, since I hate MMOs and only kind of enjoy Lovecraft. I believe lots of people are on the fence about this game and might actually try it when it goes f2p. Hopefully the gameplay changes aren't too bad.
MMOs don't have a place, in a post WoW world.
>tfw when you realized the signal was Morse code and you recorded your self playing to then get an audio readout and figured out the message that way
That's what really sold me on the game, I hope this works out.
I just hope they'll fix the combat system and make it into something more tactical and engaging than playing piano with numerical keys. Any info on how the new one is?
I'll I've heard is the system is now entirely reticle based rather than tab-targeting, and they've redone the combat system to give each weapon type its own mechanics while binding the primary attacks to your mouse buttons.
It's going f2p? I played this a few years back and loved it. I just treated it like a single player. Never finished Transylvania though because they nerfed Clearing The Path to appease Stonehenge pvp babbies.
That's part of what this Legends hubbub is about, from what I can gather: gameplay changes and f2p
What is different?
What happened to those of us who paid for the full version before?
They're completely redoing the combat system
I'm just reading about it now. If this is still TSW and it's absolutely F2P you'll get a good few hours out of this without having to grind or do other MMO wankery.
With some luck, maybe.
And they better bring the chipmunk costume from The Park.
But as what happened with WildStar, there may be some chances that the typical doomsayers will gnaw on everyone's sanity by going "THE GAME WILL DIE NEXT WEEK" and "WOW IS BEST MMO, DON'T EVEN BOTHER TO TRY ANYTHING ELSE"
>Wildstar was reviving with its f2p
>it was as fun as a I remember
>constant doomsaying started getting worse
>"see because the current population small, the game is dead"
>this despite the growing playerbase
>doom sayers won in the end and the game really slumped
What is it with people, especially WoW kiddies, what's wrong with just letting people play the game.
Is W* canned?
Either way, I don't think an MMO gets shut down because of forum noise, it's just numbers. Matrix Online was shut down when the base went down to 10k.
It's still up on Steam, so it's not canned atleast
>What is it with people, especially WoW kiddies, what's wrong with just letting people play the game.
They've wasted about half of their lives on that game, so obviously they'll resort to any autist tactic they can think about so people won't play anything else. Also, gotta remember that 'Blizzdrones' are some of the most fanatical fuckwits out there.
>'Blizzdrones' are some of the most fanatical fuckwits out there.
That's really fucking true
>played Gigantic recently
>really fucking like the game, better than OW and Paladins for me
>Ask some friends that like OW to try it out
>They like it
>they contact me on another day and say they have another friend to try it
>he ends up being a blizzard drone
>he won't shut up while we're playing
>everything is somehow identical to OW while being inferior
>Beckett dual wields SMGs
>"literally a worse looking Tracer"
Is Gigantic still win10 only?
yes, still in limited beta, so it's still only on win10.
Judging by the streams on Twitch it doesn't look that different. They are adding mechanics, but visually it looks very similar.
When is this coming out anyways?
The people who hated the missions where the once that googled the answere
for those that don't know what's up, they're keeping the game story wise the same, so it's all the same areas and monsters you fight, its just that now it's a third person diablolike gameplay wise
Fuck I hope so. Only mmo with a good story and atmosphere
You get free premiere status I think. So like monthly tokens and shit like the old system.