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Scalebound was cancelled. There's no 'resuming' development after a cancellation.
>it's back
>but developed by a completely different team
So there's no reason to care if you were interested before.
This. It's Prey 2 all over again.
It will probably be some generic action RPG like Skyrim with Dragons
>caring about Kamiya
Kamiya has a pretty good track record, so yeah, I do care if Kamiya is involved or not.
Whos that fake blonde, jewish, transexual prostitute on the right?
>caring about a kamiya game not made by kamiya
>Prey 2 all over again.
So its going to be great then?
if he is so good why do his games always flop?
Nice, maybe Scalebound turns out as good as the new Prey then
Lack of marketing.
Low accessibility.
Dare I say - challenge?
They don't.
If they did all flop, how does he keep getting the funds to make more games?
Taro and Kamiya are gonna make Drakengard 4 just to mock Microsoft.
The e3 demo looked like shit. Platinum probably was giving priority to automata, even though it was supposedly done by 2 different teams
>A game originally designed by Japanese devs will now be made by western devs
Where have I heard that one before?
No its not. Those are misleading news.
They didn't resume development, they just renewed the IP for patents sake.
>Taro and Kamiya
They would have completely different visions for the game and neither are the compromising type.
>strapping two headstrong autists together to make one project
Except it would be the same regardless of who was originally developing it or what the game was. Thanks for being dumb enough to force your opinion where it isn't important though.
>Kamiyas dream game
>Developed By some inhouse codemonkeys from MS
They will cobble together what they have, slap a 60$ pricetag on it and call it a day
It would end up terrible, or amazing. No middle ground.
>Previously, some had taken Microsoft's cagey comments as to who owned the rights to the in-development game as an implication that Platinum could continue development with a different publisher.
Very unlikely, but what if MS renewed the trademark so that they hand it off to Platinum, and let them do as they wish? If I remember right, Scalebound was originally a Platinum idea, and despite screwing P* out of a game, I imagine it's the least they could do.
>completely drop the current game and remake it
>instead of just paying Kamiya to finish the current version
More likely it just wouldn't get made.
Why the fuck would they give it back after cancelling it?
>>instead of just paying Kamiya to finish the current version
Kamiya didn't enjoy working with Microsoft.
So they're just gonna salvage the assets and squeeze a game out of it.
Why would companies make games exclusive to singular platforms without monetary incentive from the platform holders?
The video game industry is where logic truly is for pussies.
Awesome. Maybe this time it'll shape up to be a good game instead of that disaster Platinum almost got away with
Of course they did. Wait until they have all the necessary resources, fire the high paid developers, then hand it to a group of college interns. If it flops, they can throw the blame at Japanese developers.
What company in their right mind would want to work with them?
No one buys Platinum shit though and MS knows it which is why they got rid of Kamiya.
Why did they get him in the first place then?
>Scalebound was literally Kamiya's dream game, put off until they had the ability to make it
>Cancelled, then passed off to another team
Fuck, that's gotta suck.
Guess you missed Nier and MG: R.
>finally get to develop your dream game
>not only does Microsoft cancel it on you, they get some shitty western studio to come in and fuck it up
Poor Kamiya. I can see exactly how this went down. Microsoft probably kept trying to meddle with the project until they just fed up with Kamiya not letting them touch his baby. So they axe the thing until they can get some interns on the project who will do everything they say.
Get ready for Scalebound: Just Fuck my Shit Up Edition
>Kamiya has a pretty good track record
Platinum had a long streak of mediocre licensed games for a while.
Avatarfagging is against the rules.
Nice job not answering my question.
Where do they get the money to make games if nobody buys their products?
Why has Platinum been around for 10+ years if all their games flopped?
Why don't you go back to Sup Forums?
Kamiya != Platinum.
Lol when does your internship at Bethesda end? Everyone already forgot about Prey 2017.
None of those were Kamiya games though.
Lmao fucking dropped. I only cared because of Kamiya.
And the non-licensed games user?
what are the chances we get to witness Lauren get BLACKED?
MGR sold 500k on Xbox 360
>Platinum had a long streak of mediocre licensed games for a while
None of which were Kamiya's games, and Scalebound was an original project.
Also Revengeance and Transformers Devastation are good. Not their best, and short, but good.
500k on one of 3 platforms sound pretty good xbot.
After the gameplay that they showed, I'd rather Platinum's name NOT be attached to the game. It didn't look like it played anything like Platinum's other games, and suffered for it. Just because Platinum's doing something, doesn't mean that it'll be amazing 100% of the time. Just look at Legend of Korra, and the TMNT game that got pulled from stores.
No Platinum, no buy.
Shoot your worst shitposts as much as you want, everyone gets excited about a game made by a developer they love. If the same game changes developer, you have all the right to ignore it.
Your point?
>you have all the right to ignore it
You don't need right to ignore games
>On one console
>for a niche action game
>that likely didn't cost a whole lost since Platinum is good about cutting costs
You can argue the Metal Gear name propped it up, but that doesn't sound bad at all.
Imagine how mad Kamiya is. Like picture how this was his absolute dream game and he tried years to find a publisher. Fucking visualize his face after he spent 4 years of his lifetime working on the game and being told to fuck off and the game switching developers.
Kamiya's asshurt can single handedly energize the planet for a few years at this point. His ass will go completely nuclear reading the updates of scalebound every now and then. Eventually Scalebound will get released and Kamiya will commit harakiri in any case.
I won't even activate the heater this winter because I know that Kamiya's immense buttpain will physically and mentally warm me up.
Was it true lads: The jew fears the samurai?
This desu. It's a little shallow but I'm glad Kamiya's track record gets to stay clean.
No one ever feared the samurai. Even peasents killed them regularly with sticks. Samurai only enjoyed respect and buttlove among their fellow samurai.
The point is that it sold 3x as much on PS3.
Xbox players don't like jap weeb shit
>None of which were Kamiya's games
Kamiya is the face of the company, when anyone thinks Platinum they think of him. Even if he didn't work on the games their mediocrity reflects badly on him.
It sold 500k on PS3 in japan alone. Add 360 and Steam sales on top of that.
It sold more than well, microjew shill.
Shitposting aside, i think you might have a point.
I dont think Xbots would be really excited for it. Platinum is much closer to the "weeb" side of gaming than the "dudebro".
MS would have to spend a fortune hyping it, unlike games like MGRR, Bayo and automata that hype themselves.
I mean, look at Bayo and vanquish PC release. How much sega must have spent on it, 100 bucks on that flash minigame? And it was enough to result in dozens of threads on Sup Forums and nearly all gaming site reporting on it.
Reminder that it is not in development, and that this tweet is bullshit.
>Everyone already forgot about Prey 2017.
>microsoft fired kamiya and got a yes-man thatll deal with all the dumb shit the execs want
That's fucking stupid. He doesn't run the company. I don't think he's actually been on a majority of Platinum's projects. He didn't even work on Bayo 2.
>No one ever feared the samurai
Unless you're taking shills getting paid, there was literally nothing spent on advertising 7 year old games.
>Kamiya makes DMC1
>Capcom makes the sequel without him
>Kamiya works on Scalebound
>Due to creative differences and devleopment issues, Microsoft cancels it
>Now Microsoft wants to make Scalebound without him and Platinum
PS3 would obviously have more of the Metal Gear fanbase due to MGS4 and the rest of series usually being on Sony consoles.
His name is Lauren Southern, and yes you are now required by law to refer to him as he.
That's what he gets for not getting things done on time. Regardless, the game was shaping up to be shit, and he might have felt worse seeing his dream game flop. Now he can at least direct his anger at Microsoft.
The IP will get a second chance. We'll just have to see what Microsoft does with it
If the dev is Western, all interest lost.
>That's what he gets for working with microsoft
Yes, drop the gooks and get some real devs. Good job Microsoft
Kamiya is a shit dev and has never made anything worthwhile in his entire life.
Fucking manlet.
Like he had a choice. MS were the only ones that accepted his pitch
Name 1 (one) bad game he's made.
Japs invented kusoge you know, locale means nothing. The only thing that matters is the quality of the team.
You're a fucking retard. Kill yourself.
Name 1 (one) good game he's made.
It looked really mediocre.
Maybe it was cancelled for a reason.
>what is RE1&2, DmC, Viewtiful Joe 1&2, Okami, Bayo 1&2 and Wonderful101
Not bad
Not bad
Viewtiful Joe
Viewtiful Joe. You a bitch if you don't like Viewtiful Joe.
He's the most recognizable and popular person in the company, the most associated with the brand name, and worked on most of its major games.
>whole thread devolves to overated jap dev dicksucking.
The concept is whta most fans cared about, still, wasnt already this confirmed to be fake news by mircrosoft?
Viewtiful Joe
What the fuck is Scalebound?
That sounds like some Starcraft UMS map.
>and worked on most of its major games
Talk out of your ass some more why don't you?
Yeah Scalebound would have been an Xbox exclusive though you doublenigger
She also reversed her positions on ur pic related :^)
Viewtiful Joe
is she really jewish?
>The concept is whta most fans cared about
No it was this concept by Kamiya, no one would have taken notice of this game if it was by some no name.
Why are you so bitter towards a game director that has a track record so clean to the point I can safely say that he never directed a game that wasn't at the very last good. If anything you should be mad at MS for ruining his dream game with their constant badgering.
Why invite a video game legend to direct your game if you're not going to let him do as he pleases?