Can we talk about the real reason why Sup Forums hates IF and Xseed?

Can we talk about the real reason why Sup Forums hates IF and Xseed?

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Trip_2

There are dozens of more offensive shovelware -
still they get no hate - but Compile Heart games and alike get lot of attention due to Neogaf/Polygon aggressive anti-sexist campaign.

For XSeed, it's because they have access to top Japanese games, but they waste their money on guaranteed flops. Not to say that I don't buy everything they release, but the quality is always low, regardless of how much heart they put into the localization.

If Hitler had won things wouldn't be this bad.

Before everyone gets their titties and dicks in a twist, remember that the developers of the game had every right to make it and the writer of the article had every right to say those things. Allowing both to exist is the price of civility.

>why Sup Forums hates xseed
Xseed is the only company willing to bring budget jap titles with cute girls that are not 100% fap bait.
Also japs are not afraid to call traps traps and degenerates degenerates

Sup Forums hates XSEED because they're the worst kind of jews who know they have a tiny demographic that has to buy their games multiple times for them to profit, and when they don't, they start e-begging people to do so.

>T R A N S M I S O G Y N I S T I C

wtf is this supposed to be?

>As a society we allow opinions to be expressed, therefore criticizing them is wrong!

That isn't how that works.

Polygon and the LGBT lobby stopped some localizations and censored some games. Your "they have the right" card is completely destroyed by the fact they don't want to express their opinions they only goal is to shut down or censor.

Oh look, more made up words.

Why are there so many threads about this small game that nobody outside its 4 fans should care about?

God vitafags are fucking obnoxious

Did you intend to agree with Sup Forums shitting on the article, or the article itself? Because you just did both.

>They could have localized the latest Ys
>Localize Akiba's beat, an average game that no one asked for and no one will buy
Xseed is just filled with morons

one day it is mysogynism; the next it is feminism. But the definition never changes.

That is what Trans- means

Mysogynism, btw, is defined as: "Fucking retarded"

Nobody asked you, goddamn trap.

But they're not actually women tho
I can dress up like an astronaut but they're not going to let me up in the ISS are they?

what the fuck is this one even supposed to mean
do they think that adding unnecessary prefixes to existing words makes them sound intellectual

>All criticism is valid because criticism is allowed!

Please stop feigning retardation


When will it fucking stop? Aren't these people embarassed about their own retarded as fuck behaviour of enabling actually mentally handicapped people who need serious help?

>One side is trying to sell a video game
>The other side is trying to shut down and/or censor it
Canadians will call this a fair battle.

These threads give these articles more visibility than they woudl ever get otherwise
So congrats on fueling whay you claim to hate

Neogaf and the LGBT lobby harassed Xseed so much they had to release an extensive note
having to explain why they chose the word trap, etc.

Bigotry or hatered towards trans-woman: that is towards guys who changed themselves to be more like woman.

And everyone here has every right to get their titties and dicks in a twist and criticize it.

With the way things are going, they might.

They used the word "trap" again, didn't they?

>more visibility
>no links
>b-but you shouldn't be talking about this subject

It's just a more specialized term.
The terminology is already established and simply allows for modularity. It's also not entirely useless, actually, for fields like criminal psychology.

xseed are fucking idiots too
Just ignore the feminazis


Why the fuck do they keep making up retarded words?

I remember when one of the localizers came to /m/ asking for help with gundam references some random people in the crowds were making. Smiled like a retarded school kid when I saw them in the final game.

>xseed are fucking idiots too
I think the braindead xseed translators are more sane than Sup Forumseogaf users

>hates IF and Xseed
But I don't, shit man it's not like they're EA or something.

>Sup Forums hates IF and Xseed

This is news to me.

> It's the most despicable game of all time!

It's like they're promoting it and want it to sell

I think they wanted to say "Misotransgyny". "Transmisogyny" does not really mean anything gramatically-wise.



What's a betting that the only call for it being supposedly transmisogynistic is that the word 'trap' is used a handful of times?

I'm pretty sure it was used literally once.

Why is the left pushing trannies into their agenda?

I appreciate XSEED, but Akiba's Beat looks like the least interesting RPG I've seen in a long time, and it's out less than a month after Persona 5. I have no idea what they were thinking releasing that.

If I recall they did

That is a long story, but basically: enemies of my enemy logic. It's about rallying everyone who can find himself to be marginalized and vitimized, and pitting them against those who can't. TO them, any kind of normativity that tells people that it's "normal" sounds suspicious.

It's not "again." The article in the OP is about the original game, not anything new.

>The cat has my pipe

The useful idiots a.k.a the front line. Use the social rejects to fight for your cause.

>of All Time Ever
>I'll mention it isn't supposed to be serious or tasteful but be offended anyways

basically Operation Get Behind the Darkies

where are the neogaf users that asks for Xseed and IF shutdown every day? why didn't they show up in this thread already?

So, unreleated to the dumb OP pic, what ever happened to Akiba's Trip 2+A? Did that ever release? It was supposed to be the game, but with stuff from the anime. Did it get localized? Did they just release the new stuff as DLC instead?

Was holding off on playing the game until this new updated version was available.

>Akiba's Trip 2+A's_Trip_2

I like XSeed, even if I don't pick up all their games. Good company, but not everything they put out is to my tastes.

Don't recall right off hand who IF refers to.

>of All Time Ever
There are dozens of games that allow me to rape and torture lolis and they think some mean words is the worst ever

shut up

I bought this game in part because retards felt the need to be angry about a very inoffensive use of the word "trap".

It's not a good game by any means but god damn if I didn't enjoy it for some stupid reason. It's just kind of fun to run around Akihabara and forcefully undress vampires while overly exciting battle music is blaring. Kind of disappointed that the next game seems to be such a huge departure from that.

What? It only came with an episode of the anime and some costumes? The way writers made it seem originally it was gonna be some big anime themed update. That's disappointing.

>Polygon and the LGBT lobby stopped some localizations and censored some games.
Such as?

>I can dress up like an astronaut but they're not going to let me up in the ISS are they?
Only if you are woman.

Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 (no western release)
Fatal Frame 5
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Bravely Second

>most despicable game of all time ever
It doesn't hold a candle to the true king of despicable games.
Btw, this game was kino as fuck. Fapped a thousand times when I was a teenager.

DOAX3 not being released has NOTHING to do with western media. That's just bullshit the devs decided to leak out.

>DOAX3 not being released has NOTHING to do with western media.


Of course... it's just a coincidence.

That game and titty monster were my introduction to real hentai (not Newgrounds shit).

What else could it possibly be?

Yet senran, a way more lewd game has no issue coming out. Play-Asia shilled DOAX3 on this website.

>Reddit fag can't downtext right

>Akiba's Trip
>Most Despicable Video Game Ever

Move aside Rapelay.

>Also japs are not afraid to call traps traps and degenerates degenerates


>freedom of speech is allowing others to silence you


What the fuck does this even mean besides a new term to shitpost with?

Are thy saying the game is against women, transexuals, or transexual women, or transexual men?

It was never about trans or traps to begin with. It was just a bad localization choice. The term used in the Japanese version refers to males who pretend to be female online, not transgender people or boys who look like girls.

Senran Kagura flew under the media's radar when it first came out (just like most niche games on Nintendo systems).

Can I get a link to this article? I need it for research.

>DOAX3 not being released has NOTHING to do with western media.


>Sup Forums hate XSEED

Since when?

Only things I see people complain about them are not localizing some obscure games like Tokyo Xaanadu and sometimes having inaccurate translations.

Sup Forums hates IF?

I thought Sup Forums hated Compile Heart for the large amount of rehashing they do with their games, not IF.

It had everything to do with that and bad press they believed they'd receive from releasing it.
An English translation already existed for the Asian English version.
KT did physical PS4 releases for Deception IV Nightmare Princess and for Nobunaga's Ambition, and those are 10x more niche than DoA.

Are you telling me that a digital only PS4/Vita release of a game that is already translated would be more expensive than translating those super niche games and giving them a digital and physical release?

you see the problem with this logic is that any criticism could be called censorship then

Did the Vita version have all of this? DoA fighting is garbage but would buy for the lewd


They honestly thought Acquire wouldn't just take forever to make a worse game for no benefit on their end. Everyone makes mistakes—XSEED will learn from the poor sales and research even the companies they're buddy-buddy with after this passes. Same thing's about to happen with Atlus and Caligula Effect. I lol at the anons who seriously think XSEED hasn't saved up just in case they have a guaranteed expensive bomb (won't doubt that XSEED should have spent more money on what NISA's offering for Ys VIII instead). They'll be fine even without years as good as 2015.

Inaccurate translation talk never seems to come with sources, either.

From what I've read and seen of it, Caligula Effect looked good, though. Only reason I haven't bought it is because DIGITAL ONLY.

That whole brouhaha was started by batshit insane iditio. There's no reason to pay it any mind, since IF and XSeed give actually proper reason to dislike themselves.
Also, they clearly don't give a shit about some of their licenses, like fucking Senran Kagura. At a point their promotion for that was just apathetic, like they didn't want to be localizing the game.


I've heard really mixed opinions about Caligula Effect, the most common being that, if Satomi Tadashi wrote anything for the script, then it must be tucked away out of sight. The game structure seems really formulaic, performance is bad, and it does little for fans of Persona-likes that you can't already get elsewhere. I think it'll get a bit more positive reception than Akiba's Beat, which did three points worse in Famitsu for crying out loud.

IF shits out mediocre games. Xseed have been making a lot of dumb decisions lately but I think it's more dissapointment than hate.

>Same thing's about to happen with Atlus and Caligula Effect.
No they're not. Atlus only offered a digital copy and it's jap audio only. They knew who the audience for the game was and took as little risk as they could.


Pretty sure it's because NIS acquired the right to Ys 8, not because Xseed didn't care.

The rest is correct tho

>trannies thinking traps refer to them

i just bought TiTS 3rd. xseed are cool dudes. But Akiba's Beat just doesn't look good; Japan agreed, it bombed abysmally there. Clearly, they should've coordinated with GONZO to make a game about Electric Mayonnaise instead of a budget bin persona/tales of ripoff.

Not only that, but NISA was able to acquire several other games that XSeed was in negotiations for. To be fair, NISA handles distribution for several other companies in Europe, and limited edition versions of games.

>persona/tales of ripoff
Now I feel a little bit better about the $49.99 I wasted.

To be fair NISA has a much bigger wallet than XSeed, and having them publish the game might bring a bigger audience and more money.

If only their games weren't riddled with glitches, bugs and retarded translations.

Excellent they did it again.

just play it on henaku since someone already done an english patch for it not skills though but you can work around that

Gotta say I enjoyed the anime much more than I expected